Friday, August 13, 2010

1/10/10 c-blog TIME FOR EVERYTHING, Holy Fam (orange, noon) M: "...before Billy died...sacrament of last day before he died...graceful moment..whn I arrived at his bed..first reading ecclesiastes...three periods..first. time tobe born..moth

1/10/10 c-blog TIME FOR EVERYTHING,  Holy Fam (orange, noon) M: "...before Billy died...sacrament of last day before he died...graceful moment..whn I arrived at his bed..first reading ecclesiastes...three periods..first. time tobe born..mother gave birth...wonderful 67 years..children & grandchildren..b/c of your love you are here ...2nd..baptism by the catholic church..our love for him, his love for us..he lived his faith...human mother gave birth to human..2nd time catholic church devout christian..3rd period..fought suffering..cancer..devil, all that suffering..became redemptive suffering. Like Jesus on the cross...say that during his last period he gives himself back to the church as a saint, a future saint..earned eternal life as well..speaking of saint,,a joke...oc newspaper..Mr. A departed from heaven..heaven A. Has not arrived yet..but we know for sure he is on the way to heaven...time to be born, to die, to be a saint..he lived & died for the Lord...pause give thanks...pray for him..."   ..

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