3/14/10 c-blog IS YOUR ONE WHY BIGGER THAN YOUR BUT ? Crystal Cathedral, music by Point of Grace, scripture by Harold Shaw, ...sheila mentions son nick accepted to yale school of arch...sheila offertory prayer: "we kneel at daddy's feet, face ..powerful, grace & mercy..you say come, ask & receive..daddy we need provision, you have provided, cups overflow,,sit at feet...say thankyou...continue to provide..love adore..we want to give back..amen" [offering, check ,memo "no mail please"]. Tough econ times,,less flowers,,just the cross covered w/ easter lilies...900 empty egg cartons..new member karl..womens easter brunch...gem state, music by mark schultz...road across usa on bike...JASON FRENN, GUEST PREACHER: "Is your one Why bigger than your but" ? Reason to do something larger than our excuse..if excuse is larger than reason, you will look for shortcut...I lost 60 pounds..how I lost weight..what no one can show you is "why"...numbers 16..man pessimistic walked up to Moses..said too many demands...ground opens, swallows korah plus...but next day israel still grumbled...have you ever stood between living & dead..felt death's breath? How many once lost, now found ? Aaron..did..he had a why bigger than excuse..God desires to take your hand...lead you..come to tell you God stands in the gap...to lead you..received email from friend in costa rica..sales...my daughters & do evangelism..south america..I want. To evangelize in most drug infested...gang threw concrete rocks.....so I saw schuller on larry king read his book....my book breaking barriers...4th night of crusade..gang members..kid w crowbar..I started preaching...I'm usually all over the place..said 'there is hell & heaven..only way..grab saviors hand.." gang member said "crazy gringo.." we'll see who's going to hell...they started looking at me...I stayed on the platform..everybody's praying "ddont let them kill Jason.." usher looks at 5 gang members...if you had any sense..begin rship w/ God...I want to pray for you...as only Hispanics can pray...bow hearts...these 5 guys made decision..miracle..they began to pray...asking Lord into their lives..4 days later...phonecall..this is John who was going to kill you...remember me ? Last of 5 was andre..all 5 left crime behind..got this email 15 years later..you are God's why...prayer...break thru,,everyone experience Your grace, hope..I speak His blessings, peace,..."[END JASON FRENN MESSAGE] sheila schuller gives benediction, end service, glenn demaster shaking hands at door]
INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me