GUY JUST BACKED INTO ME (red pickup, LICENSE PLATE NO 7B92057), red pickup truck, at the light..didn't make sense...then he gets out of the car & starts YELLING, "why'd you hit me?" ...PEOPLE of the LIE..DON'T KNOW WHAT he's doiing..they are SICK, DISTURBED..liars..& it wouldn't do me any good to ask for witnesses if there's other Latinos next to me..
They would LIE FOR HIM or wouldn't be willing to tell the trith..what a TOTAL really makes U distrust the people around u...I was sitting perfectly still waiting behind him at the red light..when suddenly he starts backing up into me..I figure he must have made a mental mistake,, but like a coward he gets out & starts POSTURING..its SO SICK SICK SICK...
They will LIE STRAIGHT to you & try to "HARDHEAD" YOU..if a cop had to come I would be the one on the defense..who would be backing up at the light ? He would rant & rave at me..."you stupid white boy..." blah blahh ..its SCARY what PEOPLE of the LIE WILL DO..just happened at 12p.(glendale,ca).didn't have time to get my camera out..he drove away...fortunately no damage...