Friday, September 10, 2010


Black security guard @ AFV (america's funniest vids) asked me what I was reading during the taping of the show (I always bring my Tnotes w/ me to review...) so I said, "Theology notes" & he said, "You're a pastor?" I said " not really, more like evangelist..." & he said he was Christian, ..we chatted a little..mentionedd FULLER seminary..he knew somebody there named ralph dean...didn't know him...he thought we should celebrate Christmas in september or october thinking that was the real date of Jesus' birth..then he mentioned going to Pt. Loma college (which is a nazarene school, fairly strict & very conservative..I knew a girl who went there)..I mentioned calvin college being somehwat like that as well...but said "like most denominational has become more liberal..." I didn't mean to say it was liberal, but that over time it had become less conservative, but the minute I said "liberal" he started backing off & then walked away. Maybe he had duties, or maybe I scared him. If so, it just goes to show how choice of words can have such an impression. He may have jumped to the conclusion that I was saying I myself was liberal..ha ha...that's why I avoid conversations most of the time, but he sort of forced it.

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