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From: "JP VANDERKOK" <vanderkok@gmail.com>
Date: Oct 15, 2010 10:07 AM
To: <vanderkok@gmail.com>Bought rotor cap & wires...brian was the manager watching over the clerk, a young latino,,who did the "sir" "man" rroutine like almost EVERY LATINO clerk in southern cal regularly does..they begin w/ "sir"...& end w/ "man" or "dude"..or something condescending..ALL of them obviously are college dropouts (or never went at all) & so they're in the business of "social engineering" by the way they treat you or call you..therefore every customer interaction involves "name-calling" & they have no reason to treat an Anglo w/ no authority over them w/ respect...so its a constant ritual of degradation for the average white male who gave 100% & went to college shopping at most auto parts stores but the white managers love these latino dropouts bc they "put on the shine" for the manager (who is most likely also a college dropout, or never went at all & is committed to giving it 50% in life, or less)
INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me