Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Is the UTLA going to abandon me because I am Christian ? Or am I going to get perfunctory representation because I am profiled as a "evangelical Christian from a denominational college" (I've heard that as well as "Christian geek" from Daryl Bohanon, an elementary sub who said it to my face. I know that employee organizations traditionally have not been big on religion or Christianity (or, alternatively, in some cases, Christians have not been big on unions) and I remember inquiring about alternatives to union membership when I started substitute teaching for the LAUSD in 1998 but I believe I went ahead with membership nonetheless & believe I was have been paying monthly dues. I know I filled out a card in '98 and again as recently as December 2010 but when I first spoke with Harvey Sternheim on Monday, January 24 2011 he said I was not listed as a member and he asked me to fill out yet another blue card (which I did when I was at UTLA yesterday).

Anyways, I'm suddenlt in communication with the UTLA because of a sudden, out-of-the-blue call from a John Braashfield (?) in  employee relations at LAUSD on January 20 (my birthday of all days, just a coincidence? I don't think so), saying after reviewing my file they decided to separate me from employment. I was stunned & actually thought it was a prank at first. I've been successfully substitute teaching for the LAUSD for thirteen years now, & had regular teaching experience prior to that. I left regular teaching in Coachella Valley to go to seminary (Calvin and then Fuller Seminary in Pasadena) and while at Fuller I began substitute teaching.

For many years I was actively subbing and getting health benefits and exploring the various calling areas and many schools in the LAUSD, enjoying the challenge of helping our youth. After five years I had almost finished my M.Div (which is a degree that most Christian pastors obtain before going into formal ministry for a church, while others go on for a Ph.D or other higher degrees and end up teaching in higher education) and was still substitute teaching while working on various other endeavors & projects, mostly related to promoting the Christian faith. I started a ministry (Mustard Seed Ministries), completed an audio Bible in English (see (& subsequently in Spanish, Tagalog, & now am working on a Dutch version). I also have a news blog ( & a church blog ( and a bit of a hollywood blog among other things.

I have continued to substitute teach up until recently when I received this call on January 20. Subsequently, I spoke with Ira Berman, the director at employee relations at LAUSD (14th floor) & he informed me that they have a committee that reviews subsitute files periodically and that because of three ISR's they decided to separate me. This came as a complete  surprise to me because I had NO KNOWLEDGE of any ISR's whatsoever.

When Ira Berman mentioned the names of the three schools,  I knew what incidents he was speaking about but NEVER knew I was given an ISR for them, nor did I see anything in writing and in only one of the three cases did I speak to a principal & he did not say this was a "disciplinary" conference, otherwise I would have asked to have the representative present (it had to do with a junior high student wetting his pants and them blaming me for not allowing him to go to the restroom, which is completely UNTRUE.)  The other two were non-student related and more about what seemed to be discrimination against me (more about that later) & I noticed when I saw them for the first time on January 24 that neither were signed by a principal.

I sent a letter to the principal at each school with a request for an informal meeting to try to resolve these without grievances and was surprised when Harvey cautioned me that I shouldn't do that. Actually, I looked at the contract and "informal" resolution is actually one of the steps of the process. To me its a matter of resolution, not "war". I don't think a "push & shove" approach is the way to go with this, & I need to first find out if the principals at two of the three schools were even aware of the ISR.

Second, these are fairly old ISR's, the last of the three being issued in January of 2010, one year ago. So I'm suspicious as to WHY, suddenly, the LAUSD decided to allegedly do a "committee review." I say allegedly because Ira Berman could not or would not tell me any names of any of the alleged five person committee that reviewed my file. The TIMING of this leads me to believe that this is RETALIATION for the PERB complaint I filed in December of 2010 against the LAUSD.

I filed with PERB because during the fall semester of 2010-11 I was getting infrequent calls & rarely an opportunity to decline an assignment & get a second or third choice. I was also getting offered assignments to schools that I had communicated to the sub unit were somewhat antagonistic to me (i.e. I felt some racial discrimination at times (e.g. "white boy") & also religious discrimination (e.g asking sarcastically "Are you Jewish?" even though I'm not, among other things including "sweetie" which is very insulting to say to a grown man in a professional setting where mutual respect is necessary at all levels ).

I felt I was not getting the # of calls I should be getting according to my seniority level (thirteen years). Also, after the 2007-08 year when the district initially told me I was not getting health benefits because I did not have 600 hours, I filed a Petition for Writ of Mandamus with the Superior Court.

It took a while but a re-count of my hours after also discovering missing assignments (ie. Assignments not properly recorded by the secretaries at Dorsey High, Belvedere Middle School, & Hollenbeck Middle School)
numbered over 600 hours and after a few months without benefits they were restored, albeit it meant I was without needed care at a time when I was actively seeking diagnosis for chronic pain (cervical radiculopathy) and pain management (incl. physical therapy).

Nonetheless, the next year there was a NOTICEABLE "blank" period when I was not getting calls and I believe it was done intentionally to prevent me from getting 600 hours and health benefits. In fact, that was the pattern the next two years without a miscount, & I believe it was retaliation for my superior court action and maybe combined with some apparent antagonism against me as a "religious" person .

This leads me to NOW (January, 2011) and the fact that
suddenly I am informed of separation one year after the latest ISR, which makes a total of three ISR's (all in one year) over a thirteen year period (& I hope to get these three removed because two of the three are minor conflicts with school employees & were never discussed with the principal (nor signed by a principal), while the third was a misunderstanding & I think in a calmer setting, with everybody being level-headed, my position can be adequately explained & clarified as to what actually happened.

I've spoken several times with Harvey Sternheim, and once with Mike Gipson (who is filling in for Jose Govea this week) & once with Ed Kaz. Initially, I felt positive about the conversation with Harvey but the last call ended with what seemed like less rapport & maybe even some cynicism or sarcasm from Harvey. He said he would file a grievance but that it would "take time." However, timeliness is crucial right now because this is the first I've become aware of the ISR's. A grievance needs to be filed immediately, albeit I will also attempt to resolve this informally.

I will also appeal the LAUSD decision directly and some persons have already written letters of reference on my behalf. Ira Berman informed me that an independent committee of five different persons (not the same original five) will re-review my file & ISR's along with any explanation and references on my behalf.

What upsets me is that despite all my Christian efforts to unite people & promote peace (amongst all, not just Christians) there are those at LAUSD who are wrongly & falsely trying to "profile" me as "dangerous" or "angry" or "angry white man" or "angry conservative Christian" etc. I've never spoken angrily nor threatened anybody verbally or with body language and never will.

When I first spoke with Regina Echols at the sub unit in December 2010 about the lack of calls it was later in the morning after I had spoken with Diane at the sub unit. She was very rude & abrupt to me that morning, & I hung up on her. Later, when I visited the sub unit as I was sitting down with Regina I heard Diane call & say that she had requested security to stand outside the door. This was not only not necessary but unwarranted, which makes it unfair and a form of harrassment. They know I've been in the classroom for thirteen years without any incidents of violence so why would they suspect something at the sub unit ? They also know me as the one who leaves a Christmas gift at the sub unit every year. It doesn't make sense that they would now consider me potentially dangerous (its a non-sequitur).

Nonetheless, I started having a conversation with Regina, while  this Latino security guard stood outside the door and when I mentioned my experiences of racism Regina called in this security guard and asked him to speak for the whole district to confirm there is no racism towards whites at the district. I pointed outward and observed there was not a single Anglo nor male working at the sub unit. Yet she thought this Latino security guard settled the matter. Furthermore, I thought we were having a private conversation, yet she brought this guard in who presumably has never been a teacher or in the classroom apart from possibly growing up in Los Angeles.

I asked to speak to Marjorie Josaphat and hoped to have a separate, private, conversation, but Regina called her in to her own office so it became a three-way conversation with the Latino security guard listening in. This was NOT what I had anticipated. Nonetheless, I mentioned the seniority issue and it was discovered that my seniority was not properly recorded. I was listed as beginning in 2005 when in fact I began in 1998. Subsequently, Marjorie authorized the change of seniority to reflect my original employment date and at the beginning of this year suddenly I was getting calls like "the old days" (frequent, with alternative choices).

Then, as I've mentioned, on January 20 (my birthday) I got this ominous call from John Braashfield at employee relations telling me I was being separated. Its only gotten worse. I spoke with Ira the same day and he was fairly courteous but he made he sure he mentioned my "at will" status. I asked to see the alleged ISR's and I thought they said they would send them to me,  but I went and picked up copies on Monday.

And that's when it seemed like Ira Berman was trying to be evasive when I asked to talk to him on the 14th floor. A fellow named "Woody"(?) said he was looking for him but as I waited a lady said she just saw Woody & Ira going down the stairs (as if they were trying to avoid me). How can I respond to issues as a gentleman and professional if I don't get treated by people acting like gentlemen & professionals, especially at a time when I really need their cooperation & concern ?

Then, when I briefly sat down to speak with John B (who was in his office while I was waiting for Mr. Berman) suddenly a LAUSD security guard appeared outside the door and for the rest of my visit remained by my side. Ironically, on the way down the elevator I was speaking to the group in the elevator and reflecting aloud on "my thirteen years"..and "how time flies"..and said "I would die for this school district" meaning I would and do put my life potentially on line for these kids, never knowing what might happen as evidenced by the recent shooting at Gardena High.

The security guard (John Gray, African-American) opened his eyes wide and said "You better be careful about your choice of words." I responded, "All I meant is that I would put myself in the line of fire to protect the kids or others, as you would I presume." But as you can see, people with a "profile" in mind (perhaps with some prejudice due to skin color) will see or perceive (or misperceive) things according to their prejudice.

A day later after my visit to the district office skyrise on Beaudry, I joked with Harvey on the phone that it's "nice to have a bodyguard" and that's when I first sensed a different tone from him. He responded,in a little less friendly manner than our initial conversations, "If that's the way you want to put it?" . And then he added the part about this is going to "take a while" (but the grievances should be immediate & timely based on when I first became aware). And finally he ended by saying "Good luck" as if I was taking a "stab in the dark" for a positive resolution & almost as if there wouldn't be much, if any, further conversation about this.

"Good luck" is one phrase I do NOT appreciate. I do NOT live by luck, but by faith and I've explained that there is nothing significant or serious against me in my file so this is NOT about hoping against hope for a positive resolution, nor hoping that somebody will ignore a significant error or lack of good judgment I've made. I've never injured nor abused anybody physically and I am fairly careful about my choice of words around kids, & others, to encourage  them, emotionally. In fact I would say I've been on the receiving end of insulting language more often than I've ever used any such language, if ever, myself. For example, as I think I mentioned, being called "sweetie" by a cafeteria worker in a condescending manner is very insulting & demeaning in a setting that is supposed to promote mutual respect & professional interaction.

My dad, by the way, was a hospital chaplain for many years (& is still active as a pastor) as I was growing up and also employed in a therapeutic community that promoted kindness and positive thinking . He also has led a Kindness Conference annually at his church here in southern California. His ministry influenced me & I also have a BA degree in psychology as well as a second BA in English/education and a M.Div degree on top of that .

I've also worked successfully as a chaplain intern at UCLA Medical Center & as a social work intern at St. Mary's emergency room in Long Beach. I've done mission work in the Philippines ('92), disaster relief in Costa Rica ('91) and remained there as a tutor/teacher for several months,  but I kept/keep coming back to teaching and ministry & finally settled on substitute teaching as a way to stay involved with helping our youth while also having the flexibility to not be in the classroom five days per week.

I've been a GOOD, RELIABLE substitute for many years. I always try to follow the lesson plan, if any. I appreciate seating charts, but don't always find one. I always leave a "sub report" at the end of the day, or fax a typed one. I have become  fairly good at spontaneously teaching a lesson that I was not thinking about the night before & sometimes not even my subject area (English). I've even found myself teaching math more than a few times (my least favorite subject as a child) (even though the subfinder called it an "English" assignment)  and managed to figure out some algebra that I hadn't looked at or thought about in years.

I take Spanish assignments periodically and draw on my "Semester in Spain" experience back in 1988, as well as my two years of high school Spanish & half-a-year in Costa Rica and even some Latino kids whose parents speak Spanish are surprised when "white man"  corrects their Spanish during a Spanish lesson.

I've endured insults and also enjoyed a few compliments. I've been requested a few times by teachers or school secretaries but don't know all their names. Thus, in thirteen years and over 1000 hours in probably more than a 1000 different classrooms by now I would say it is pretty remarkeable how well I've done, and all I ask for, as they say, is just
a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T (just a little bit).

Please, UTLA, don't abandon the subs, either actually or emotionally. I am aware of this matter of the substitutes versus UTLA led by Kennon Raines & Bill Evans, but my PERB action is actually separate. I support the subs in their complaints but didn't join that case because I didn't see a noticeable difference in hours or pay in comparing the two years in question. & I also am aware that some of you are on the substitutes side in this matter. I sat in on a few of the hearings in Glendale in December.


*(John) Philip A. (Vander) KOK (pronounced "coke")
*Known as Mr. Vander in the classroom

*Baseball season is almost here again ! Go Angels !
*I enjoyed attending the Rose Bowl Game & Parade !
*I enjoyed seeing the first two games of the World
   Series in San Francisco ! Go Giants !
* I enjoyed a few Charger games even though they
    ultimately fell apart as usual
* I continue to hand out Audio Bible CD's

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