Sunday, February 27, 2011

*2/27/11 CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP ROGER MAHONEY before HIS FINAL MASS @ C.O.L.A., tag: mahoney, archbishop, cardinal, catholic,

2/27/11 CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP ROGER MAHONEY before HIS FINAL MASS @ C.O.L.A., tag: mahoney, archbishop, cardinal, catholic, ...2/27/11 ROGER MAHONEY MAN OF GREAT FAITH, STANDS OUTSIDE CATHEDRAL, LAST DAY AS ARCHBISHOP OF L.A....didn't expect to see him outside before his final service at C.O.L.A. ..BUT That's a great symbolic gesture..he's outside with the people before his final mass as archbishop of los angeles. ..while some people have been very critical of him, I am a supporter & have regularly prayed for him & will continue to pray for he will continue in another capacity supporting the Body of Christ..God be with him

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