thanks to http://www.collidemagazine.com for the above pic
(by the way, last year they specifically said in one of ther pubs "please take lots of pics"..now he just said for first time, "please no cams" (inside theatre) (later, he said take pics during their award ceremony and said pics during the movies don't come out anyways...well, in fact, they do turn out just fine... but i'm not taking any chances of uptight film people sending me angry messages, despite professing to be Christians (like last year when I tried to promote a few 168 films by showing clips of their vids; fortunately, most of the Christian film people did not object and seem to be sincere Christians.. but the guy who produced "In the Hands of Sinners" really came on very angry and overbearing re my posting of a clip of his film...which, ironically, in retrospect, I realize now was actually a criticism of Christianity, not pro-Christianity...thus he was an imposter in the 168 film fest...; ironically, there may be too many film makers who are overly eager to criticize the church & Christianity itself in their own re-make of what they think Christianity should be..to such film makers if you say you are Christian, then .just promote the Gospel, don't spend all your time being armchair quarterbacks re the church) ...(surprise appearance by actor erik estrada in "Inspector Sanchez"... to the founder and employees of 168 keep up the good work ..to nellie from the netherlands..nice chatting with you... remember me ? you recognized my name as Dutch.
4/2/11 NOTES FROM FINAL SESSION 2, 168 FILM FEST, ALEX THEATRE, GLENDALE, CA 120-3pm; .good 2nd session of films...here's some of the verbatim.. [this is unedited, incuding typos..last year I posted little clips of each vid, trying to promote the faith, & advance the kingdom..but I'm noticing more "copyright" claims at the end of these films...(I never understand "Christians" who claim copyrights on "Christian" material)...so I might not be posting vid clips..even tho I want to promote the faith..some of these "industry" people can be seriously uptight about this stuff (I remember a few messages from last year)...(which is a shame b/c the true Christians who want their stuff promoted for Kingdom purposes, may get left out..its too much of a danger for me..on YouTube..getting one more strike could lead to my entire 15,000 plus video website being shutdown) (the entire verbatim won't fit here so for all of it go to http://hwblog.posterous.com/4211-notes-from-2nd-session-final-day-168-chr. ;Here's my notes & some verbatim from the 2nd session: "Rapper..quick reminder..doesn't matter..u and your career..nobody buy a gospel ..contract..ur not coming back..stupid..id kill for your life..wrong house..dj trizz..xompilation..handed kets..blamin god..scr..y hgo yhis route..didn't want just what I wanted..now how I feel..let me spin a verse..this ain't just entertainment..this is ministry..gotta know god..take some time..looks like eminem..credit card declined..sleeping on couce.demise of o child..nack at nightclub..women..ochild..slot in beat feast ..be huge..o-child new rap..won't go back..like nothin I've ever done..freedom.. ------------------ Digging w. Shovel..eery...pushups..lady..mommy..fish..cutting..sending messages..potato..eating raw..can't go back..fixing electronics....its not ok..news clips..pop control, apocalypse..pond..canteen..water from creek..snipers ..visual..dna confirmation..take her alive..chase...shot..inject self..kills self..been discovered..10 mins to repair machine ..may be last transmission..bible by transmittor....dr...know uve been receiving ..read your last article...final message his voice "if my people.." ..so scared..mot here to hurt u... ---------------- Paul ulring ...Eric waters..mill run sanctuary..sirvey of chr thought..average life cycle of ch is 50 years..brodie taphorn ..invited to youthgroup..ulring..godly grandmother ..atheist lawyer who chhallaenghed me..rob paul keith aaron....bufff delcamp..resident advisor...r.a. ..clipboard..nominal churchgoer..to be a better disciple..bill ..cool guy.woke..john stoltzenbach..was elem hi school teacher...brother at this church..came to shut him up..fund mssing piece..jesus..four years..fr heathen to seminary..explain the main thng..go make discples..mmain thing be & maje discple..wake them up..reach people..bring them to jc...no empty chairs..disciples disciples..rabbi..go do it ..sends 72 ..I'm a wounded healer..could have brken me....not so much learn in classroom..they atch master..info..skills..testimony story..brief answer ..who discpled u..all ought to say god loves u wondrfl plan..but fallen world...plenty heroes..executed..only one risen..lunch pin is ressurection.. ------------------ Inspector sanchez,..take him out back..throw him it ..bike..2nd gen health inspctr..try hand at acting..pretending to cry..sppsd to be big day..like estrada..wanted to see me ..u tried..they're gangstas..sopranos..lucianos today..have to leave early today..don't let me down..I love u maria..must not wait..mouzs..scream ...jalapeno juice....stuck in car..skrry thought I coykd be an inspector..spec appearance by erik estrada..shut lucianos down..sergio marcos, alejando edda plays julio ------------------------ Mike shields, Robert adan , elly kaye, She's in warehouse..red eyes..batman figure..its me joni....fatal flaw..bubble..fool for love...stop u cold..roll..on a roll ..blue blue blue..took my arm...enouh sleigh of hand..fiery freeak..love grown cold..now a mere mortal..blaze pad ...woeking fine ..blue blazes ..it s finished..does he seem finished to u..blue blazes trouble..tblue blazes..is he ok..let the suit fit..I got into a scrap..not me..why say my full name...beautiful like I..out of anytime minutes..people defenseless..iu can do this meet your new boss..dontgo blue.. -------------- Guide me home,,,singing...where is the pain..wha happened to feeling..rain ..ceiling.. ..sunging..to forget ..will u guide me home....clouds..sun..beach..dir clay banks, ..susan silvestri, kendal brenneman.. ------------------ Mark blitch..basex on verse re grace..so many directions..being abt 2 thieves..adam kitchen..character gets caught..convey sb who no way desrves grace..intrstng things..adam flew in from l.a. ..called me a few be