It struck me as ironic that there's a form of "what comes around goes around" at play here with the birth certificate uproar. Who remembers the OJ Simpson murder trial ? Well, to refresh your memory, Detective Mark Furman's testimony was placed entirely in doubt because he lied about using the "n word." Sure, Furman lied a $5 dollar lie, but OJ was lying a $billion dollar lie, & yet the black community thought that Furman's $5 dollar lie was enough to make ALL of his testimony untrue. Today, does anybody doubt that OJ murdered Nichole ? And it was the black community (not all, but many) who played up a "technicality" (a white man called a black man a "n-gg-r" and therefore nothing he says is true; when, in fact, the black community regularly uses the "n word" amongst themselves, sometimes playfully, other times angrily). And now the "whites" are having fun playing the same game against Obama, not that he necessarily deserves it, but he gets the treatment according to his race & skin color just like some in the black community did to Furman, & even justified OJ killing Nichole because she was white. What comes around goes around.
INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me