Looking back on the OJ SIMPSON TRIAL & Reading thru Mark Fuhrman's dialogue
with Oprah Winfrey I realize now that the defense used Fuhrman's lie about
calling OJ a "nigger" to make everything he said and uncovered about the
murder case to be uncredible. And after the Vegas conviction and given the
attempt of OJ to write a book essentially mocking justice, as well as the
clear & obvious fact that there is NOBODY ELSE out there who had any motive
to murder Nichole, nor are there any other suspects, it is clear that the
defense team helped OJ literally get away with murder. And why? For money.
Shapiro made big bucks. Ironically, Cochran also did well, and even had an
LAUSD school named after him (a middle school that he attended and donated
money to; where, ironically, I substitute taught a few times). So,
essentially, while Furhrman may have sinned by calling OJ a "nigger" and
then committed a crime by lying about it, it is a much much much much much
lesser of a sin than actual murder, and perjury being a much lesser sin than
murder. Yet there are those who will insist on villifying Fuhrman as the
"hater" to this day and continue to make OJ out as the good guy. Its a
facade and those who are pulling the race-card, or did then, are still in
little pockets of power inside Los Angeles, including inside the LAUSD,
among other places. They are very EVIL people and will continue to DESTROY
the heart & soul of Los Angeles until they are either exposed or die of old
age or illness, etc. Ironically, Johnny Cochran died of a brain tumor at age
67. He was willing to use the race card to help OJ Simpson get away with
murder. And given all we know NOW is it really scrupulous of the LAUSD to
name a school after Johnny Cochran, regardless of how much money he donated
to it ? Its essentially damning the school, to be honest, You can't simply
deny truth, saying, OJ was found "not guilty" plain & simple. There are
those who will say murder was justified because of the historical wrongs
against blacks and perhaps insinuate that Nichole must have been emotionally
abusive towards poor OJ, but NO alleged emotional abuse, not even a spouse
cheats on their partner, nor anything they say, no matter if its
race-related or a below-the-belt cheapshot justifies stopping the heart beat
of another person. We've all been wronged by others, emotionally or
otherwise, some more than others, and we ALL have to find ways to work
around it without violence. Yet, there are people TO THIS DAY in the heart
of L.A. who are exceedingly GLAD that OJ Simpson got away with murder. Their
anger is towards ALL WHITES, PERIOD. I've encountered a few as a substitute
teacher in the LAUSD for thirteen years. As a white person, or a certain
"type" of white person (perhaps conservative) you stand NO CHANCE with
them.They're still there. I could tell them that my ancestors fought & died
(true story) for the north in the Civil War to help set slaves free but it
would NOT make a difference. They are jeering at "us." And they infect the
good people who come from "outside" including blacks from Africa (who grew
up in Africa or from Haiti, etc). The heart & soul of L.A. is infected with
white hate.
Looking back on the OJ SIMPSON TRIAL & Reading thru Mark Fuhrman's dialogue
with Oprah Winfrey I realize now that the defense used Fuhrman's lie about
calling OJ a "nigger" to make everything he said and uncovered about the
murder case to be uncredible. And after the Vegas conviction and given the
attempt of OJ to write a book essentially mocking justice, as well as the
clear & obvious fact that there is NOBODY ELSE out there who had any motive
to murder Nichole, nor are there any other suspects, it is clear that the
defense team helped OJ literally get away with murder. And why? For money.
Shapiro made big bucks. Ironically, Cochran also did well, and even had an
LAUSD school named after him (a middle school that he attended and donated
money to; where, ironically, I substitute taught a few times). So,
essentially, while Furhrman may have sinned by calling OJ a "nigger" and
then committed a crime by lying about it, it is a much much much much much
lesser of a sin than actual murder, and perjury being a much lesser sin than
murder. Yet there are those who will insist on villifying Fuhrman as the
"hater" to this day and continue to make OJ out as the good guy. Its a
facade and those who are pulling the race-card, or did then, are still in
little pockets of power inside Los Angeles, including inside the LAUSD,
among other places. They are very EVIL people and will continue to DESTROY
the heart & soul of Los Angeles until they are either exposed or die of old
age or illness, etc. Ironically, Johnny Cochran died of a brain tumor at age
67. He was willing to use the race card to help OJ Simpson get away with
murder. And given all we know NOW is it really scrupulous of the LAUSD to
name a school after Johnny Cochran, regardless of how much money he donated
to it ? Its essentially damning the school, to be honest, You can't simply
deny truth, saying, OJ was found "not guilty" plain & simple. There are
those who will say murder was justified because of the historical wrongs
against blacks and perhaps insinuate that Nichole must have been emotionally
abusive towards poor OJ, but NO alleged emotional abuse, not even a spouse
cheats on their partner, nor anything they say, no matter if its
race-related or a below-the-belt cheapshot justifies stopping the heart beat
of another person. We've all been wronged by others, emotionally or
otherwise, some more than others, and we ALL have to find ways to work
around it without violence. Yet, there are people TO THIS DAY in the heart
of L.A. who are exceedingly GLAD that OJ Simpson got away with murder. Their
anger is towards ALL WHITES, PERIOD. I've encountered a few as a substitute
teacher in the LAUSD for thirteen years. As a white person, or a certain
"type" of white person (perhaps conservative) you stand NO CHANCE with
them.They're still there. I could tell them that my ancestors fought & died
(true story) for the north in the Civil War to help set slaves free but it
would NOT make a difference. They are jeering at "us." And they infect the
good people who come from "outside" including blacks from Africa (who grew
up in Africa or from Haiti, etc). The heart & soul of L.A. is infected with
white hate.