Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6/14/11 RITE AID's BIG BARGAIN of the MONTH: $1.29 GALLON of WATER

video-2011-06-14-18-34-08.3gp Watch on Posterous

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From: vanderkok [via Pixelpipe] <>
Date: Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:11 AM
Subject: 6/14/11 RITE AID's BIG BARGAIN of the MONTH: $1.29 GALLON of WATER

wow ! is that their major bargain of the month ? I could go to any major or minor supermarket & get a gallon of water for .79 to .99 cents at regular price ...what's up with this ?! & why does rite-aid keep raising their ice-cream prices ?

Posted via email from NEWSbyVANDER