Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MINORITIES IN THE LAUSD (which is the majority) tend to CHOOSE THEIR LEADERS IN A TOUCHY-FEELY WAY ...& "IF IT MUST BE A WHITE GUY"..they actuallly want somebody with some "flaws" that they can "expose" or highlight if at some point he becomes too "s

MINORITIES IN THE LAUSD (which is the majority) tend to CHOOSE THEIR LEADERS IN A TOUCHY-FEELY WAY ...& "IF IT MUST BE A WHITE GUY"..they actuallly want somebody with some "flaws" that they can "expose" or highlight if at some point he becomes too "self^righteous" (in their humble opinion)....Brewster for example..had an affair while governor in coloroado...miinority liberals of the LAUSD type actually LIKE this..or like knowing a flaw about their leader..& actually probably wouldn't choose a leader if he had no flas or...or they would FIND or CREATE some flaws ...the important thinng to these legalistic-based enterprises ishighlighting hypocrisy above their own hypocrisy ...ALL of them are already living hypocritically ..so they must find something to "expose" to take the focus off them..in case of an "emergency"...police do this as well on a regular basis..its basically a form of "sacrifice for sins"...but they're not sacrificing themselves or their own loved ones, but others..its a very odd and perverted form of sacrifice..

Posted via email from NEWSbyVANDER