...It was when I returned to Cal Sem for a year 96-97 that I was in Professor Gamble's class. At the end of the class I dropped my assignment on the table and headed out the door. When I say "dropped" I mean simply that: I dropped it from a foot above the table on to the table. It was NOT meant to be a gesture of any kind other than handing in my assignment . But I noticed Professor Gamble's eyes widen. As best as I can tell without speaking to him, he misperceived it as a gesture with "an attitude" . I'm sorry it was misperceived that way. I had nothing against Prof Gamble or anybody else @ Cal Sem at the time.
And it quickly went downhill from there. In a class with Sidney Greidanus, I raised my hand and made a comment about incense in worship service & he responded in a sarcastic voice, "There's nothing wrong with using incense in worship." He didn't explain why not. I later deduced it for myself. The problem was his tone of voice.
Also, in Professor DeMoor's class, I commented earlier in writing that I didn't agree with his advocacy of liberation theology. He responded back in class without names or direct conversation..but in a tone that wass meant to be derogatory .
Also, Professor Bolt from Canada made a few "power plays" on me. In a class he required that we all come and "consult" with him re a paper. You had to make an appointment. So I did, & when I arrived he tried to stonewall me. It was an act of defiance meant to deliver a message.
Finally, I was in a class with Bob DeVries and suddenly out of the blue for no reason he said "Sorry, Phil" and looked over at me. I wasn't sure what he was talking about or why he said sorry to me, but it was not sincere, it was posturing. He was setting me up for something. I knew then it was time to leave. And did.
At the end of the quarter I transferred to Fuller Sem, which wasn't much better, but was a breath of fresh air for a little while, befoe Howard Wilson from Canada & Nancey Murphy (raised Catholic, from Berekely) got involved.
You see, rather than just foing their jobs, some of these professors get tied up in "power plays" & they decided I was the one to "quash." They decided to "profile" me in such a way ...thus making it "neccessary" to make me feel uncomfortable, & to show who is the "boss."
Its sad when people such as these with ethical vows & obligations stoop down to such a level that they not only don't do their jobs, but stifle the advancement of the kingdom, all because their ego gets in the way, and they feel insecure or even threatened by any single student or person, so much that they feel they need to essentially eliminate that person. I can only imagine what they would do to Jesus Christ, Himself.