[rhs: "who is this jesus christ..people contin. To ask this question..answer..john 11.25. The "I ams" of jesus.want to know who a person is, ask him..his answer john 11.25 "I am ress & life..u who blv in me will live even tho u die" ...fly in my glasses..height of stupidity to deny what Jesus claims....he came once to earth.but he does it often thru u & me..god is living in all of us..at his best..eternal life giver..tells truth re god & heaven...einstein...theory re "soundwaves never die"..by lincoln, by jesus..these waves today are eternal .."I am the ress & life"..we die..but we live..teachings of jesus for u & me today..enjoy moment called now..jesus always intent re the moment..sometimes we live in yesterday or tomorrow..which may not come..today..this very moment..we ..hearing sounds..this moment i s real..live in the now...singing of bird, blooming rose..life is happening, present moment..what is happening is u..u r here..u r being changed..better...european authoe..."raised in mts..hermit..parents took children to visit..give him gift..impart sage wisdom..arrived fams in line..walked up timidly..old man long beard..wrinkled hands..arm around me..waved others back..handed gift..he took it, smiled, son what u want to do in life..told me wondrous papers ..boy I want to give u something.something opwonderful...u can use when sad..when happy, here it is, never forget it ..this moment..each moment in life is part of eternity..present moment..jesus does for me..every time I look see hear people..something inside m reches out to them ..of all people instrumental in leading to christ..I recall sb special ..she was active..says her daughter's at berkely, given up faith, not a blvvr anymore..but if she comes will u talk to her..so vicky came, my door was open.parents pushed this young pretty blond..sat down, had exaggerated pout,not there b/c wante to be, ..didn't say anything, ..I said "u didn't want to come, ur into drugs..why vicky ..I like it. Its a trip..a high.." I was shocked at her blunt honesty..vicky I tell u..not one of your highs could match the high I had the other day ..eve have experience so happy tears rolled down cheeks..that's a high..her eyes grew large..vicky thts the high I had the other day..wonderful feeling..heart personality..my eyes got misty..turned to ters..ever have that ? I was talking to Jesus.may I pray 4 u..she didn't say yes or no, but closed her eyes..never forget..thru her pinched eyelids I saw tears....she opened her eyes..beliving..born again..years later..married..2 boys..lost one..son killed..asked how r u..dr schuller I'm wonderful ..I believe bible jesus ressur....ystrday stood I our cem...buried a fighter pilot..& then 3 fighter pilots flew over..poetry "quiet of morn..sounds bells..ear..clear..jesus lives living...world of sin evil christ's love..christ risen fr grave...joyous sound..hope flowerd.."

INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me
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