12/31/11 PULASKI HSMB: "25 or 6 to 4", ROSE PARADE BANDFEST '12

INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me
Saturday, December 31, 2011
(awesome) 12/31/11 PULASKI HSMB, ROSE PARADE BANFEST '12
(awesome) 12/31/11 PULASKI HSMB, ROSE PARADE BANFEST '12
(great !) 12/31/11 BEN DAVIS HSMB, ROSE PARADE BANFEST '12
(awesome) 12/31/11 CANADA's CALGARY STAMPEDE BAND @ ROSE PARADE '12 Bandfest !
(awesome) 12/31/11 CANADA's CALGARY STAMPEDE BAND @ ROSE PARADE '12 Bandfest !
(素晴らしい)12/31/11 KYOTO TACHIBANA HS GREEN BAND from JAPAN @ ROSE PARADE '12 Bandfest !
Great job by CRESTVIEW HSMB @ ROSE PARADE 2012 BANDFEST, 12/31/11
Great job by CRESTVIEW HSMB @ ROSE PARADE 2012 BANDFEST, 12/31/11
(sweet!) 12/31/11 CRESTVIEW HSMB @ ROSE PARADE 2012 BANDFEST !
(sweet!) 12/31/11 CRESTVIEW HSMB @ ROSE PARADE 2012 BANDFEST !
(good work!) 12/31/11 CRESTVIEW HSMB's JAMES BOND 007 THEME @ ROSE PARADE 2012 BANDFEST ! ..
(very nice ! 非常にニース )12/31/11 JAPAN's AMAZING GREEN BAND IS YELLOW ! 2012 ROSE PARADE (ローズパレード)BANDFEST
(incredible ) 12/31/11 BROUGHTON HSM BAND, 2012 ROSE PARADE BANDFEST !
(incredible ) 12/31/11 BROUGHTON HSM BAND, 2012 ROSE PARADE BANDFEST !
12/31/11 FUN w/ the DRUMS @ 2012 ROSE PARADE BANDFEST
(good stuff) 12/31/11 PCC's HONOR BAND, ROSE PARADE BANDFEST '12
Friday, December 30, 2011
4/21/10 TO SUPERVISOR: RE PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS "LYING INWAIT" like STALKERS : I will begin with YOU, the L.A. Dept. of Transportationin regard to a parking citation issued this morning at 8:09 a.m. at 645Kingsley Dr.(s) by Officer Mendoza
I will begin with YOU, the L.A. Dept. of Transportation in regard to a parking citation issued this morning at 8:09 a.m. at 645 Kingsley Dr.(s) by Officer Mendoza (serial #2381, beat 461,agency 54) for a violation of MC 80.69BS (I like that BS on the end, because that's what this parking citation amounts to) right next to St. Basil Church on Wilshire.
I am not contesting a violation, I am contesting a "lying in wait" m.o. (modus operandi) by the parking citation officer a.e.b. (as evidenced by) the fact that the citation was issued at 8:09 am, almost immediately the moment the enforceable time begins (i.e. 8 am).
And given the church has a daily mass worship service at 8 a.m., undoubtedly the parking officer is WELL AWARE that a person or persons not completely aware of the street cleaning on Wednesday will park next to the church at exactly 8 a.m. & she "lies in wait" for them (us, me) to do so as an "easy target" inside the church worshiping Jesus.
It is unconscionable for a parking officer to "lie in wait" to issue a $60 violation, knowing the mass time, & knowing the Wednesday street cleaning. Sure, I should have noticed the small sign, but also they should be driving around, in general, doing their job, not "lying in wait" like a stalker (at a church of all places) knowing there's an 8 a.m. daily service.
John P. Vander Kok
MALACHI 4: "The day is coming....burning like an oven..all who do wickedly will be stubble...will leave them neither root nor branch"(1)...but to you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings"(2)...you shall trample the wicked"(3)...Remember the law of Moses"(4)...I will send you Elijah the prophet"(5)...he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children & the children to the fathers"(6)
MALACHI 3: "Behold, I send My messenger...the Messenger of the covenant...He is coming"(1)...who can endure the day of His coming"(2)...He is like a refiners fire"...He will purify the sons of Levi"(3)...then the offering of Judah & Jerusalem will be pleasant to the Lord"(4)..I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, perjurers, adulterers...those who exploit"(5)...will a man rob God ? Yet you have robbed me...in tithes & offerings"(8)...bring the tithes into the storehouse...try Me"(10)...yet you said 'It is useless to serve God"(14)...'for those who do wickedness are raised up. They even tempt God & go free'(15) "those who fear the Lord...they shall be Mine, says the Lord...I will make them My jewels"(17)...you shall again discern between the righteous & the wicked"(18)
MALACHI 2: "priests, this commandment is for you...if you will not hear...I will send a curse(1-2)...& spread refuse on your faces"(3)...that my covenant with Levi may continue...one of life & peace"(4)...he feared me & was reverent"(5)...law of truth was in his mouth"(6)...lips of a priest should keep knowledge"(7)...but you have departed. You have caused many to stumble"(8)...Have we not all one Father?"(10)...You have wearied the Lord...you say everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord"(17)
MALACHI 1: "word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi...'I have loved you' Says the Lord...yet you say, 'In what way?'"(1-2)...Jacob I have loved...Esau I have hated(2-3)...says the Lord, 'They may rebuild but I will throw down'(4) they shall be called the Territory of Wickedness"(4b)...against whom the Lord will have indignation forever"(4)...when you offer...the blind...lame...sick..as a sacrifice...is it not evil?"(8)...nor will I accept an offering from your hands"(10)...you bring the stolen, lame, & sick...should I accept this?"(13)...My name is to be feared among the nations"
ZECHARIAH 14: "Behold the day of the Lord is coming...the Lord ..will fight against those nations [who attack Jerusalem] "(1-3)...the Lord my God will come & all the saints with you...in that day there will be no light...one day...known to the Lord...at evening time it shall happen..that it shall be light...(6-7)....living waters shall flow from Jerusalem...& the Lord shall be king over all the earth...it shall be..the Lord is one, His name is one"(8-9)...Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited"(11)...the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem"(12)...their flesh...eyes...tongue...shall dissolve...(12b)...nations which came against Jerusalem...shall go up from year to year & worship the King"(16)..whichever do not ...on them there will be no rain"(17)...'Holiness to the Lord' shall be engraved on the bells of the horses"(20)...every pot in Jerusalem & Judah shall be holiness to the Lord"(21)
ZECHARIAH 13: ...a fountain shall be opened for the house of David...for sin & uncleanness"(1)...I shall cut off the names of the idols...& they shall no longer be remembered"(2)...if anyone prophecies...then his mother & father will say, 'You shall not live because you have spoken lies in the name of the Lord"(3)...Strike the shepherd...sheep will be scattered"...one-third shall be left"(8)...will refine them...test them...they will call on My name"(9)...I will say, 'This is My people...& each one will say, 'The Lord is my God'"(9b)
ZECHARIAH 12: "word of the Lord...against Israel...says the Lord who forms the spirit of man within him...I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkeness...(1-2)...I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone"(3)...I will strike every horse with confusion"....I will make the governors of Judah like a firepan in the woodpile"(6)...they shall devour all the surrounding peoples"(7)...glory of ...Jerusalem shall not become greater than... Judah"(7b)...house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the Lord"(8)...& I will pour on the House of David..the Spirit of grace...& they will look on Me whom they pierced...they will mourn for him...& grieve for him..."(10)
ZECHARIAH 11: "The sound of wailing shepherds...for their glory is in ruins...sound of roaring lions...for th pride of the Jordan is in ruin"(3)..."says the Lord feed the flock for slaughter"(4)...so I fed the flock for slaughter, in particular the poor of the flock..."(7)..I took 2 staffs, one I called beauty...the other, Bonds...& I fed the flock..."(7b)...I dismissed the three shepherds...my soul loathed them"(8)...I said 'I will not feed you. Let what is dying, die'(9)..."I took my staff beauty & cut it in two, that I might break the covenant.."(11)...so it was broken..the poor knew...it was the word of the Lord"(11b)...then I cut my other staff, Bonds...to break the brotherhood between Judah & Israel"(14)...Lord said 'Take the implements of a foolish shepherd...'who will not care...nor seek...nor heal...nor feed'(15-16)...woe to the worthless shepherd...his arm shall wither...eye ...blinded"(17)
ZECHARIAH 10: "Ask the Lord for rain...He will give them showers"(1)...idols speak delusions...they are in trouble because there is no shepherd"(2)...my anger is kindled against the shepherds"(3)...I will strengthen the house of Judah...& I will save the house of Joseph...I will bring them back...I will hear them"(6)...I will also bring them back from the land of Egypt"(10)...they shall walk up & down in His name..."(12)
ZECHARIAH 9: "Tyre built herself a tower..heaped up silver...& gold (3)...the Lord will cast her out"(4)...he who remains..even he shall be for our God"(7)...rejoice..your King is coming to you...lowly & riding on a donkey"(9)...He shall speak peace to the nations. His dominion shall be from sea to sea"(10)...I will set your prisoners free(11)..you prisoners of hope"(12)..I will restore double to you"(12)...Lord will be seen...will blow the trumpet"(14)...will defend"(15)...will save"(16). ..they shall be like jewels of a crown"(16b)
ZECHARIAH 8: "Says the Lord 'I am zealous for Zion'...I will return to Zion & dwell in the midst"(1-3)...Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth(3b)...old men & women shall again sit in the City of Jerusalem...full of boys & girls playing in the streets"(4-5)...say the Lord 'I will save My people"(7)...they shall be My people & I will be their God"(8)...before these days ...I set all men against his neighbor"(10/..but now...I will not treat..as in the former days"(11)...seed ..prosperous..vine..fruit...(12)...just as you were a curse ...you shall be a blessing"(13)..just as I [was] determined to punish...I am determined to do good, to Jerusalem"(14-15)...things you shall do
...speak each man the truth...judgment for..truth justice & peace"(16)...Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor"(17)...love truth & peace"(19)...many peoples & strong nations..shall pray before the Lord"(22)...ten men ...every language...shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, 'Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you"(23)
ZECHARIAH 7: "word of the Lord...came to Zechariah...ask the priests...when you fasted & mourned...during those 70 years, did you really fast for Me?"(5)...do you not eat & drink for yourselves"(6)...execute true justice. Show mercy & compassion, everyone to his brother"(9)"Do not oppress"(10)...[but] they made their hearts like flint...thus great wrath came from the Lord"(12)...just as they would not hear...[then] I would not listen"(13)
ZECHARIAH 6: "Behold..4 chariots..bronze mountains...1st chariot..red horses..2nd chariot..black horses...3rd chariot...white horses...4th chariot ..dappled horses...what are these ?(1-4)...the four spirits of heaven"(5)...make an elaborate crown...& set it on the head of Joshua"(11)...speak to him, behold...'The man whose name is the Branch...from His place He shall branch out"(12..Yes He shall build the temple of the Lord...He shall be a priest on His throne(13)...the elaborate crown shall be for a memorial"(14)...if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord"(15)
ZECHARIAH 5: "I turned... & saw a flying scroll..."(1)...this is the curse..over the whole earth...every thief shall be expelled...every perjurer shall be expelled" (3)...I will send out the curse"(4)...angel said lift your eyes...what see? A basket...woman inside...
This is Wickedness(8)...he thrust her down.." (8b)...then there were two women ...with wind in their wings...they lifted up the basket...(9)..where ?...to build a house for it in the land of Shinar"(11)
ZECHARIAH 4: "Now the angel who talked to me came back & wakened me & said..Lwhat do you see?"(1)..a lampstand of solid gold...bowl...seven lamps...seven pipe...2 olive trees(4)..What are these ?" The Lord to Zerubbabel...'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit"(6)...o great mountain... you shall become a plain"(6)...Zerubbabel shall bring forth the capstone...grace, grace to it"(6)...these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel...they are the eyes of the Lord"(10)...What are these 2 olive trees?...olive branches...gold pipes"(11-12)..."These are the two anointed ones who stand. Beside the Lord"(14)
Zechariah 3: "Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord & Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him"(1) The Lord said,'The Lord rebuke you satan"(2)...Joshua was clothed with filthy garments"(3) [God said] 'Take away the filthy garments from him"(4) [God said] I have removed your iniquity. I will clothe you with rich robes"(4)...If you walk in my ways... I will give you places to walk..."(7)..I am bringing forth My Servant the Branch"(8)...behold the stone I have laid before Joshua...upon the stone are seven eyes"(9)...I will remove the iniquity"(9b)...in that day everyone will invite his neighbor under his vine & under his fig tree"(10)
ZECHARIAH 2: "Behold, a man with a measuring line...to measure Jerusalem...says the Lord, "I will be a wall of fire all around her [Jerusalem], I will be the glory in her midst"(1-5)...he who touches you touches the apple of His eye"(8)..many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day & they shall become My people"(11)..be silent all flesh, before the Lord, for He is aroused from his holy habitation"(13)
ZECHARIAH 1: "Word of the Lord came to Zechariah...'The Lord has been very angry with your fathers"...says the Lord 'Return to Me'...& I will return to you'"(1-2)...do not be like your fathers..turn now from your evil ways"(4)...I saw a man riding on a red horse...& behind him..horses, red, sorrel, & white"(9)...the Lord has sent to walk & fro...all the earth is resting quietly(10-11)...I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease"(15)...then I saw 4 horns..& said, 'What are these?'..these are the horns that scattered Judah, Jerusalem, & Israel"(18)..the Lord showed me four craftsmen..I said, what are these...Lord said, "To cast out the horns of the nations"(21)
HAGGAI 2: 'Word of the Lord came by Haggai..."(1) "Who is left among you who saw the temple in its former glory?"(3)...My Spirit remains among you, do not fear"(5)...I will shake heaven & earth...will shake all nations,,will fill this temple with glory"(7)...in this place I will give peace"(9)...Is the seed in the barn ? As yet, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate & the olive tree have not yielded fruit, but from this day I will bless you(19)...I will take you Zerubbabel...& make you like a signet ring"(23)
HAGGAI 1: "Word of the Lord came by Haggai...(1)...time the Lord's house should be built"(2)...go to the mountains, bring wood, & build the temple"(8)..& they came & worked on the house of the Lord"(14)
ZEPHANIAH 3: "woe to her who is rebellious & polluted"(1)...she has not obeyed His voice"(2)
...her prophets are insolent treacherous people"(4) the Lord is righteous in her midst...He brings His justice to light. He never fails"(5)...Wait for Me' says the Lord...all the earth shall be devoured"(8)...I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one accord(9)..my worshipers"(10)...I will leave in your midst a meek & humble people...they shall trust in the name of the Lord"(12) ...Shout O israel...the Lord has taken away your judgments"(14-15)...the Mighty One, will save...He will quiet you with His love"(17)...I will deal with all who afflict you"(19)..gather those who were driven out...appoint them for praise & fame"(20)
ZEPHANIAH 2: "Gather yourselves together...yes gather(1)..before the Lord's fierce anger comes"(2)...seek the Lord all you meek of the earth..seek righteousness, seek humility"(3)...Moab shall be like Sodom...Ammon like Gomorrah"(9)the Lord...will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth"(11)...make Nineveh a desolation"(13)...the city that said in her heart, 'I am it, & there is none besides me...everyone who passes by her shall hiss & shake her fist"(15)
ZEPHANIAH 1: "the word of the Lord which came to Zephaniah...I will utterly consume everything"(2)...I will cut off man from the face of the land"(3)...I will cut off every trace of Baal"(4)...Be silent..., for the day of the Lord is at hand...the Lord has prepared a sacrifice. He has invited His guests"(7)..on that day a mournful cry from the fish gate"(10)..all those who handle money are cut off"(11)...I will punish the men who are settled in complacency...who say in their heart, 'The Lord will not do good nor will He do evil"(12)...they shall build houses but not inhabit them"(13)...the day of the Lord is near...a day of wrath...trouble..distress..devestation...desolation...darkness..gloominess"(14-15)...distress upon men...they shall walk like blind men...their blood shall be poured out like dust"(17)...neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them"(18)
HABBAKUK 3: "A Prayer of Habbakuk...Lord I heard Your speech & was afraid.".(2)..."His glory covered the heavens...His brightness was like the light. He had rays flashing from His hand"(4)...oh Lord were You displeased with the rivers"...anger against the rivers...wrath against the seas(8)...you divided the earth with rivers"(9)...you trampled the nations in anger"(12)...you went forth for the salvation of your people"(13)...You walked through the sea with Your horses"...though the fig tree might not blossom(17)...Yet I will rejoice in the Lord"(18)...the Lord God is my strength. He will make my feet like deer's feet"(19)
HABBAKUK 2: "I will stand my watch"(1)..the Lord answered, "Write the vision & make it plain on tablets"(2)...the vision..at the end will speak, & will not lie"(3)...Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him. BUT THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY HIS FAITH"(4) [woe to the wicked]..."he enlarges his desire as hell. He is like death & cannot be satisfied" ...woe to him who increases"(6)...you have plundered many nations"(7)...woe to him who covets evil gain for his house"(9)...cutting off many peoples"(10) "woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed"(12)...the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God"(14) "woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor...to make him drunk..to look on his nakedness"(15)..."the cup of the Lord's right hand will be turned against you"(16) "Woe to him who says to wood, awake'..to silent stone 'arise' "(19)
HABBAKUK 1: "The burden which the prophet Habbakuk saw..."(1) Oh Lord how long shall I cry, & You shall not hear?"(2) "even cry out to You violence & You shall not save"...the law is powerless..."(4) the wicked surround the righteous, perverse judgment proceeds"(4) [The Lord replies] "Look, be astounded ! I will work a work in your days" (5)...I am raising up the Chaldeans...they are terrible...their horses are swifter than leopards"(5-8)...they all come for violence"(9)...[prophets 2nd Q] "Are You not from everlasting Oh Lord my God?"(12)...You cannot look on wickedness"(13)...why do You hold Your tongue when the wicked devours a person more righteous than he?"(13)...
NAHUM 3: "Woe to the bloody city...full of lies & robbery. Its victim never departs"(1)...horsemen charge with bright sword...multitude of slain...countless corpses"(3)...multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot"(4) "I will lift your skits over your face. I will show the nations your nakedness"(5)...all who look upon you will flee from you & say 'Nineveh is laid waste' ...you also will be drunk, you will be hidden"(11)...the gates of your land are wide open for your enemies" (13)"draw your water for the siege"(14) "the fire will devour you"(5)
...your commanders are like swarming locusts" (17)...your injury has no healing"(19)...all who hear news of you will clap their hands over you, for upon whom has not your wickedness passed"(19b)
NAHUM 2: "He who scatters has come...man the fort , watch the road"(1)...the Lord will restore the excellence of Jacob"(2)..the shields of his mighty men ar made red...the valiant men are in scarlet"(3) "He remembers his nobles"(5)...the gates of the rivers are opened"(6)...though Nineveh of old was like a pool of water, now they flee away. 'Halt, halt' they cry, but no one turns back"(8) "Where is the dwelling of the lions?"(11) "...I am against you says the Lord...the sword shall devour the young lions"(13)
NAHUM 1: "The burden against Nineveh...God is jealous & the Lord avenges...the Lord will take vengeance"(1-2)...the Lord has His way"(3)..He rebukes the sea & makes it dry"(4)...the mountains quake before Him"(5)...His fury is poured out like fire"(6)...the Lord is good,a stronghold"(7)...He knows those who trust in Him"(7b)...[but] darkness will pursue His enemies"(8)...I will dig your grave..for you are vile"(14)...for the wicked one... is utterly cut off"(16)
MICAH 7: "Woe is me!...there is no cluster to eat of the first ripe fruits which my soul desires"(1)...the faithful man has perished from the earth"(2) they all lie in wait for blood. Every man hunts his brother with a net"(2b)...the prince asks for gifts,t he judge seeks a bribe"(3) the best of them is like a brier"(4)..Do not trust in a friend...guard the doors of your mouth"(5)...son dishonors father...a man's enemies..of his own household"(6)...therfore I will look to the Lord...my God will hear me" Do not rejoice over me my enemy...when I fall I will arise. When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light in me"(8)...He will bring me forth to the light"(9)...the nations shall see & be ashamed of all their might"(16) they shall lick the dust like a serpent...& shall fear because of You"(17) "Who is a God like You?...He delights in mercy"(18) You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea"(19)
MICAH 6: "Hear now what the Lord says....hear o you mountains the Lord's complaint"(2)...o my people what have I done to you"...testify against Me(3)...I brought you up from...Egypt..I redeemed you...I sent..you Moses, Aaron, & Miriam"(4)..that you may know the righteousness of the Lord"(5)...will the Lord be pleased with 1000's of rams?....shall I give my firstborn?"(7)...He has shown you OH MAN WHAT IS GOOD & what does the Lord require of you, But to DO JUSTLY, LOVE MERCY & To walk humbly with your God"(8)...shall I count pure those with the wicked scales?" (11)You shall eat but not be satisfied"(14)...you shall bear the reproach of my people"(16)
MICAH 5: "Now gather yourself in troops...but you Bethlehem Ephrathah , though you are little among the thousands of Judah.Yet out of you shall come forth from Me the One to be Ruler of Israel"(2)...& this One shall be peace"(5)...when the Assyrian comes, we shall raise against him..7 shepherds & 8 princely men"(5)...the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst...like dew from the Lord"(7)...the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles...like a lion"(8)...your carved images I will also cut off...you shall no more worship the works of your hands"(13)...I will pluck your wooden images from your midst"(14)
MICAH 4: "..the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established...& peoples shall flow to it"(1)...out of Zion the law shall go forth"...He shall judge...& rebuke strong nations...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, & their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war "(4) Everyone shall sit under his vine & under his figtree & no one shall make them afraid.(4) "All people walk each in the name of his own god. But we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever & ever"(5)...I will gather the outcast...I will make the lame a remnant"(6-7)...the Lord will reign over them in Mount Zion ...even forever"(7b)...like a woman in birth pangs from now you shall go forth"(10)...& to Babylon you shall go, there you shall be delivered"(11)...[many nations will be gathered] like sheaves to the threshing floor"(12)...You[zion] shall beat in pieces many peoples"(13)
MICAH 3: "Hear now, o heads of Jacob...is it not for you to know justice ?(1)...you who hate good & love evil"(2)...who also eat the flesh of my people"(3)...says the Lord concerning the prophets who make my people stray...who chant peace ..but prepare war"(5)...you shall have night without vision"(6)...her priests teach for pay"(11)...because of you Zion shall be plowed like a field"
MICAH 2: "woe to those who devise iniquity & work out evil on their beds...they covet fields ...& oppress a man"(2)...says the Lord, 'Against this family I am devising a disaster...for this is an evil time"(3)...do not prattle you say to those who prophecy"(6)....they shall not return insult for insult"(6b)..."Is the Spirit of the Lord restricted"(7)...do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly"?(7b)...if a man should walk in a false spirit...& speak a lie, saying, 'I will prophesy to you of wine & drink' even he would be the prattler of his people"(11)
MICAH 1: "word of the Lord came to Micah...hear...listen"(1-2)...The Lord is coming out of His place"..for the transgression of Jacob..for the sins of Israel"(5)...I will make Samaria a heap of ruins"(6)...all her pay as a harlot shall be burned with fire"(7)...I will wail & howl , I will go stripped & naked"(8)
JONAH 4: "But it displeased Jonah exceedingly & he became angry"...Lord it is better for me to die than to live"(3)...the Lord said, "Is it right for you to be angry?"...Jonah went & sat outside the city...[& God grew a plant over his head for shade] "Jonah was very grateful for the plant"(6)...[ but then God sent a worm & made the plant wither] & "the sun beat on Jonah's head & he grew faint" "& he wished death"...Is it right for you to be angry?" [Jonah said] "It is right for me to be angry even unto death"...[God said]"You had pity on the plant...should I not have pity on Nineveh?"(10-11)
JONAH 3: "second time...arise go to Nineveh...& preach to it"(2)...a three day journey"(3)...40 days & Nineveh shall be overthrown"(4)...the people of Nineveh believed God" [ the king decreed] "Let man & beast be covered with sackcloth & cry mightily to God"(8)...then God saw that they turned from their evil ways ...& God relented"(10)
JONAH 2: "Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the fish's belly"(1)...out of the belly of Sheol I cried"...I said 'I have been cast out of your sight"(4)..the waters surrounded me, even to my soul"(5)...weeds were wrapped around me"(5b)...when my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord"(7)...I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving"...salvation is of the Lord"(9)...so the Lord spoke to the fish & it vomited Jonah unto dry land"(10)
JONAH 1: "Word of the Lord came to Jonah...go to Nineveh, that great city...for their wickedness has come up before Me"(1)...but Jonah found a ship going to Tarshish"(3)...but the Lord sent out a Great wind to the sea"(4)...the ship was about to be broken up"(4b)...every man cried out to his god"(5)...but Jonah was fast asleep"(5b)...the captain said'what do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God' "(6) [then they cast lots to see who was the cause of the proble, & the lot fell on Jonah & said, who are you?] & Jonah said, "I am a Hebrew, & I fear the Lord"(9)...then the men were exceedingly afraid...they knew he fled from the presence of the Lord..."(10)...what shall we do to calm the sea?"...pick me up & throw me into the sea"(12)...they cried out, 'We pray Oh Lord do not let us perish for this man's life'(14)...& they picked up Jonah & threw. Him into the sea & the sea ceased from its raging"(15)...then the men feared the Lord exceedingly"(16) & the Lord prepared a greatt fish to swallow Jonah & Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days & three nights"(
OBADIAH 1: "The vision of Obadiah....says the Lord concerning Edom...you shall be greatly despised"(2)...the pride of your heart has deceived you"(3)...though you set your nest among the stars...I will bring you down"(4)...the men at peace with you shall deceive you"(7)...for violence against your brotherJacob, shame shall cover you"(10)...you should not have gazed on the day of your brother"(12)...you should not have stood at the crossroad(14)...as you have done it shall be done to you"(15)
AMOS 9:"I saw the Lord standing by the altar...'I will slay the last of them' ...he who flees...shall not get away..though they dig into hell, from there my hand shall take them...though they climb up to heaven from there I will bring them down"(1-2)...though they hide on carmel...at bottom of sea...[or] go into captivity"(2-4) ...the eyes of the Lord are on the sinful kingdom"(8)...all the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, who say the calamity shall not overtake us"(10)...the days are coming says the Lord when the plowman shall overtake the reaper & the treader of grapes him who sows seed. The mountains shall drip with sweet wine"(13)...I will plant them in their land & no longer shall they be pulled up"(15)
AMOS 8: "What do you see Amos ? A basket of summer fruit"...the end has come upon my peple israel"...many dead bodies everywhere...shallbe thrown out in silence"...I will make the sun go down at noon"(9)...I will send a famine"(11)....
AMOS 7: "The Lord God showed me...behold he formed locust swarms(1)...I said 'O Lord forgive I pray"(2)...so the Lord relented"(3)...then the Lord showed me...conflict by fire(4)...I said 'Lord God cease I pray"(5)...so the Lord relented"(6)...the Lord stood on a wall made with a plumb line"(7)...I am setting a plumb line in the midst"....Amaziah said to Amos 'Go you seer...never again prophesy at Bethel"(12-13)...Amos answered 'I was no prophet & no son of a prophet...but a sheepbreeder"(14)...[you say don't prophesy against Israel?]...therefore your wife shall be a harlot"(17)
T5: X OB, y bb, 51 1blf(rbi, 1-2),58 sac bunt, 8 squib past p (rbi 1-3),26
AMOS 6: "Woe to you... at ease in Zion..."(1)...woe to you who put far off the day of doom"(3)...who lie on beds of ivory"(4)...who sing idly"(5) ...but are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph"(6)...if ten men remain in one house they shall die"(
9)...He will break the great house into bits"
AMOS 5:"Hear this...the virgin of Israel has fallen"(1)...says the Lord, seek Me & live"(4)...seek the Lord & live"(6)...you who turn justice to wormwood"(7)...they hate the one who rebukes in the gate & they abhor the one who speaks uprightly"(7)..seek good & not evil that you may live"(14)...hate evil, love good, establish justice in the gate"(15)...there shall be wailing"(16)...what good is the day of the Lord to you"(18)...it will be as though a man fled from a lion & a bear met him"(19)...Take away from Me the noise of your songs"(23)
AMOS 4: "Hear this word, you cows of Bashan"(1)...[God] will take you away with fish hooks"(3)...I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities...yet you have not returned"(6)...I withheld rain(7)....I blasted you with blight & mildew"(9)...I sent among you a plague"(10)...I overthrew some of you"(11)...YET you have not returned to Me"(11b)...prepare to meet your God o Israel"(12)
AMOS 3: "Hear this word...o children of Israel...you only have I known Israel...therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities"(2)0...a lion has roared, who will not fear. The Lord God has spoken"(8)...for they do not know how to do right"(10) ...as a shepherd [takes a sheep out of the mouth of a lion] so shall the children of Israel will be taken out, who dwell in Samaria"(12)
AMOS 2: "- will not turn away [Moab's] punishment"...I will send a fire upon Moab"(1)...I will not turn away [Judah's] punishment"(4)...their lies led them astray "(4b) "I will not turn away [Israel's] punishment"(6)...they sell the righteous for silver"(6b)...& pervert the way of the humble...a man & his father go into the same girl..."(7)...the strong shall not strengthen its power nor shall the mighty deliver himself"(14)...the swift of foot shall not escape"(15)...the most courageous men shall flee naked"(16)
AMOS 1: "The words of Amos...'The Lord roars from Zion...the top of Carmel withers"(3)...I will send a fire upon the wall of Gaza"(7)...the remnant of the Philistines shall perish"(8)...Edom...pursued his brother with the sword...& cast off all pity"(11)...
JOEL 3: "When I bring back the captives of Judah & Jerusalem...I will also gather all nations...they have cast lots for my people"() ...have given a boy as payment for a harlot...& sold a girl for wine"(3) [o Tyre & Sidon] you have taken my silver & gold"(5)...the people of Judah & Jerusalem you have sold to the Greeks"...prepare for war"(9)...beat your plowshares into swords...let the weak say 'I am strong' "(10)...the vats overflow...their wickedness is great"(13)...the Lord also will roar from Zion...the heavens & earth will shake"(16)...in that day the mountains shall drip with new wine"(18)....Judah shall abide forever, & Jerusalem from generation to generation"(20)
JOEL 2: "Blow the trumpet in Zion & sound an alarm in My holy mountain"...the day of the Lord is coming...is at hand"(1)...a fire devours...the land is like the Garden of Eden before them...behind them a desolate wilderness"(3)...before them the people writhe in pain"(6)...everyone marches"(7,8)...the Lord gives voice before His army"(11)...Turn to Me with all your heart...rend your heart & not your garments"(12)...Let [the priests] say spare Your people Lord' "(17)...fear not"(21)...do not be afraid"(22)...the fig & the vine yield their strength"(22b)...I will restore to you the years [taken from you by the] swarming...crawling..consuming...chewing locust"(25)...you shall eat in plenty & be satisfied"(26)...My people shall never be put to shame"(27)...afterward I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh"(28)....& I will show wonders in the heavens & on earth"(30)...whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved"(32)
JOEL 1: "The Word of the Lord...hear this...give ear...tell your children"(2-3)...chewing locust..swarmiing locust...crawling locust...consuming locust...wail...because of the new wine...a nation has come up against My land"(6)...he has laid waste My vine & ruined My fig tree(7)
...vine has dried up...fig tree withered...all the trees have withered...joy has withered"(12)...the day of the Lord is at hand"(15)...o Lord to You I cry out"(19)...the beasts of the field also cry out to You"(20)
HOSEA 14: "O Israel return to the Lord your God"(1)...say to [God] 'Take away our iniquity'(2)...we will offer the sacrifices of our lips" [no more will we call the work of our hands] "our gods"(3)...I will love them freely"(4)...His branches shall spread"(6)...the ways of the Lord are right"(9)
HOSEA 13: "When Ephraim... offended thru Baal worship he died"...now they sin more & more"(2)...they shall be like the morning cloud...like early dew...like chaff...like smoke from a chimney"(3)..yet I am the Lord...there is no savior besides me"(4)...they forgot Me, so I will be like to them a lion...like a leopard...like a bear"(7-8)...Israel, you are destroyed"(9)...but your help is from Me"...I will be your king(10)...iniquity of Ephraim(12)...an unwise son, should not stay long where children are born(13)...Samaria is held guilty, she has rebelled...their infants shall be dashed in pieces, & their women with child ripped open"(16)
HOSEA 12: "Ephraim...daily increases lies...they make a covenant with the Assyrians...the Lord also brings a charge against Judah...& will punish Jacob...he took his brother by the heel...he struggled with God"...Ephraim provoked [God] to anger"
HOSEA 11: "When Israel was a child I loved him, & out of Egypt I called my son"(1)....I taught Ephraim to walk"(3)...I drew them by gentle cords, with bands of love"(4) [but] they refused to repent"(5)...my people are bent on backsliding"(7)...my heart churns, my sympathy is stirred...I will not again destroy Ephraim, for I am God & not man,the Holy One in your midst , & I will not come with terror"(9)...they shall walk after the Lord, He will roar like a lion..." Ephraim lies...Israel...with deceit...Judah still walks with God"(12)
HOSEA 10: "Israel empties his vine"(1)...their heart is divided"(2) [God] will ruin thir sacred pillars"...o Israel you have sinned"(9)...sow for yourselves righteousness, reap in mercy,..it is time to seek the Lord, 'til He comes & rains righteousness on you"(12)...you have eaten the fruit of lies"(13)...o Bethel because of your great wickedness, at dawn the king of Israel shall be cut off utterly"(15)
HOSEA 9: "Do not rejoice o Israel...for you have played the harlot"(1)...the days of punishment have come"(7)...all their wickedness is in Gilgal"(15)...Ephraim is stricken...were they to bear children, I would kill the darlings of their womb"(16)
HOSEA 8: "Set the trumpet to your mouth"(1)...Israel will cry to me, 'My God we know you"(2)...your calf is rejected, O Samaria"(5)...the stalk has no bud, if it should produce, aliens would swallow it up"(7)...Israel is swallowed up"(8)...Israel has forgotten his maker"(14)
HOSEA 7: "When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim [&Samaria] was uncovered"(1)...I remember all their wickedness"(2)...they are all adulterers"(4)...they prepare their hearts like an oven"(6)...none among them calls upon Me"(7)...Ephraim is a cake unturned"(8)...Aliens have devoured his strength, but he does not know it"(9)...Ephraim is also like a silly dove, without sense"(11)...I will bring them down like birds of the air"(12)...they did not cry out to me with their heart, when they wailed upon their beds"(14)...though I strengthened their arms...yet they devise evil against Me"(15)...they return but not to the Most High"(16)
HOSEA 6: "Come & let us return to the Lord...He will heal us...He will bind us up"(1)...He will revive us...He will raise us up...that we may live in His sight"(2)...O Ephraim..., O Judah...what shall I do...I desire mercy & not sacrifice, the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings"(4-6)...harlotry of Ephraim, ...Israel is defiled"(10)
HOSEA 5: "Hear this...take heed...give ear (1)...Ephraim you commit harlotry...Israel is defiled"(3...)
...Israel & Ephraim stumble in their inquity, Judah also"(5)...[God] has withdrawn Himself from them"(6)...they have begotten pagan children"(7)...I will pour out my wrath"(10)...I will be to Ephraim like a moth...I will be like a lion to Ephraim"(14)...in their affliction they will earnestly seek me"(15)
HOSEA 4: "Hear the Word Of the Lord, you children of Israel...there is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land"...they break all restraint with bloodshed upon bloodshed"...my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"(6)...the more they increased the more they sinned against me"(7)
HOSEA 3: "the Lord said to me, 'Go love a woman who is loved by a lover & is committing adultery...just like the children of Israel....love the raisin cakes of the pagans"(1)...the children of Israel shall abide many days without king or prince...afterward [they] shall return & seek the Lord their God"(5)
HOSEA 2: "say to your brethren, 'My people' & to your sisters, 'mercy is shown'(1)...I will not have mercy on her children, for they are the children of harlotry"(4)...she went after her lovers, but ME she forgot"(13) [but] behold I will allure her(14)...will make a covenant for them...to make them lie down safely(18)..I will betroth you to me forever"(19)...betroth you to me in faithfulness"(20)...then I will say tho those who were not my people, 'You are my people' & they shall say, 'You are my God' "
HOSEA 1: "The Lord said to Hosea...go take yourself a wife of harlotry...for the land has committed great harlotry by departing from the Lord"(2)...so Hosea went & took Gomer...& she bore him a son"(3)...Lord said 'Call his name Jezreel'...then she bore a daughter...call her name Lo-Ruhamah...no mercy...on Israel...yet I will have mercy..On...Judah"(7)....will save them by the Lord...not by sword"(7)...she bore another son
...call his name Lo-Ammi...for you are not my people"(8)...& it shall come to pass...it shall be said to them...you are the sons of the living god"(10)...then ...Judah &... Israel...shall be gathered together....& appoint for themselves one head"...great will be the day of Jezreel"(11)
DANIEL 12: "At that time Michael shall stand up, a great prince...& there shall be a time of trouble...such as never was...your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book"(1)...& many of those who sleep in the dust of
The earth shall awake, some to everlasting life...some to everlasting contempt...those who turn many to righteousness...like the stars forever"(3)...but you Daniel... seal the book until the time of the end"...then I Daniel looked...onthis riverbank/..one said to man in linen...'how long...?...man in linen swore by Him who lives forever...when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered all these things shall be finished"(7)...although I heard I did not understand...I said 'My Lord, what shall be the end...?,'...he said 'Go your way Daniel, for the words are closed....'til the time of the end....'(9)...many shall be purified,made white...none of the wicked shall understand(10)...go your way til the end, for you shall rest"(13)
DANIEL 11: "First year of Darius the Mede I stood up to confirm & strengthen him"(1)..."three more kings will arise in Persia & the 4th shall be far richer"...he shall stir up all...against Greece...then a mighty king shall arise...his kingdom shall be broken up"(4)...& divided toward the four winds of heaven....his kingdom shall be uprooted...king of shouth shall become strong...great dominion...[whose] daughter shall go to the king of the North to make an agreement"(6)...she shall be given up...but from a branch of her roots one shall arise in his place...king of the south ....shall fight with the king of the north"(11)...king of the north will return & muster a multitude..."....King of north shall build a siege mound"(15)...after this he shall turn his face to the coastlands & take many"....his heart shall be moved against the holy covenant"(28)...he shall return & show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant"(30)...those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery"(31)...but the people who know their God shall be strong"(32)....the king shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods"(36)...he shall exalt himself above all(37)...at the time of the end the king of the south shall attack him [& the king of the north] & "he shall overwhelm them"(40)...he shall also enter the Glorious Land...he shall stretch out his hand...he shall have power (42^43)...but news from the east & north shall trouble him...he shall go with great fury..to destroy...yet he shall come to an end, & no one will help him"(45)
DANIEL 10: "Third year of Cyrus, king of Persia...a message was revealed to Daniel...it was true...he understood..."(1)...I Daniel was mourning three full weeks...I ate no pleasant food"(2-3)...24th day of the first month...by ..the Tigris..I lifted my eyes...a man face like lightning...the men who were with me did not see...heard voice...deep sleep...face in ground...hand touched me...Daniel...stand upright...I have come becau
se of your words"(12)...one having the likeness of the sons of men touched my lips"...I said 'No strength
remains in me'"(17)...he said'O man greatly beloved, fear not'...I was strenghtened"(19)...the prince of Greece will come"(20)...but I will tell you what is noted in the scripture of truth. No one upholds me against these except Michael your prince"(210
DANIEL 9: "First year of Darius...I Daniel understood by the books...Jeremiah...that He would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem"(2)...I prayed...o Lord who keeps His covenant...we have sinned..we have done wickedly"(5)...to us belongs shame of face"(8)...He has confirmed His words by bringing upon us a great disaster"(12)..."yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord"(13)..."O my God incline Your ear & hear"..."not because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies"(18)...OH LORD HEAR, OH LORD FORGIVE, OH LORD LISTEN & ACT"(19)...while I was speaking in prayer...the man Gabriel...reached me about the time of the evening offering"(21)...He said 'Daniel I have come ...to give you skill to understand"(22)...70 weeks...for your holy city...to fiinish the transgression...to make reconciliation...to seal up vision & prophecy...&to anoint the most Holy"(24)...there shall be seven weeks & 62 weeks"(25)..."after the 62 weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for himself"...people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city..."(26)..."he [the evil prince?] shall confirm a covenant with many for one week"(27)...but in the middle of the week shall bring an end to sacrifice & offering"(27b)...
DANIEL 8: "third year of ...king Belshazzar...a vision appeared to me Daniel..I was in Shushan the citadel...I was by the river Ulai..a ram...2 horns...1 horn higher than the other...no animal could withstand him(1-4)...suddenly a male goat... from the west(5)...without touching the ground...notable horn...& ran [at the other ram] with furious power"...with rage...he broke the two horns(7)...the male goat grew very great(8)...the large horn was broken...[replaced with] four notable ones...[& a little one came out of one of the four] "which grew exceedingly great"..."It grew up to the host of heaven"(10)...it cast down some of the stars...& trampled them"...he even exalted himself as high as the prince of the host"(11)...he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this & prospered"(12)...then I heard a holy one say to another holy one...how long?...he said to me for 2300 days, then the sanctuary shall be cleansed"(14)...I Daniel was seeking the meaning...suddenly one having the appearance of a man"(15)...man's voice said 'Gabriel, make this man understand the vision"(16)...I was afraid & fell on my face...& he said, 'Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the end of time'(17)...as he was speaking I was in a deep sleep...he stood me upright...the ram with 2 horns...the kings of Media & Persia"(20)...male goat is king of greece"(21)...large horn... is the first king"(21b)...4 kingdoms shall arise out of that nation but not with its power"...when transgressors...reached fulness..king shall arise...fierce features...sinister schemes...he shall destroy ...the holy..& prosper(24)..."shall cause deceit to prosper...shall exalt himself"(25)...shall even rise against the prince of princes...but he shall be broken"(25b)..."I Daniel fainted & was sick for days"(27)
DANIEL 7: "In the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had a dream"(1)...four winds of heaven...four great beasts...a lion had eagle's wings...its wings were plucked...it was made to stand...it was given a man's heart...& a bear had 3 ribs in its mouth...& they said to it, 'Arise, devour much flesh"(5)...& there was a leopard...with four wings...& four heads...& dominion was given it"(6)...& a fourth beast...had huge iron teeth...had 10 ho
MALACHI 4: "The day is coming....burning like an oven..all who do wickedly will be stubble...will leave them neither root nor branch"(1)...but to you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings"(2)...you shall trample the wicked"(3)...Remember the law of Moses"(4)...I will send you Elijah the prophet"(5)...he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children & the children to the fathers"(6)
MALACHI 3: "Behold, I send My messenger...the Messenger of the covenant...He is coming"(1)...who can endure the day of His coming"(2)...He is like a refiners fire"...He will purify the sons of Levi"(3)...then the offering of Judah & Jerusalem will be pleasant to the Lord"(4)..I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, perjurers, adulterers...those who exploit"(5)...will a man rob God ? Yet you have robbed me...in tithes & offerings"(8)...bring the tithes into the storehouse...try Me"(10)...yet you said 'It is useless to serve God"(14)...'for those who do wickedness are raised up. They even tempt God & go free'(15) "those who fear the Lord...they shall be Mine, says the Lord...I will make them My jewels"(17)...you shall again discern between the righteous & the wicked"(18)
MALACHI 2: "priests, this commandment is for you...if you will not hear...I will send a curse(1-2)...& spread refuse on your faces"(3)...that my covenant with Levi may continue...one of life & peace"(4)...he feared me & was reverent"(5)...law of truth was in his mouth"(6)...lips of a priest should keep knowledge"(7)...but you have departed. You have caused many to stumble"(8)...Have we not all one Father?"(10)...You have wearied the Lord...you say everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord"(17)
MALACHI 1: "word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi...'I have loved you' Says the Lord...yet you say, 'In what way?'"(1-2)...Jacob I have loved...Esau I have hated(2-3)...says the Lord, 'They may rebuild but I will throw down'(4) they shall be called the Territory of Wickedness"(4b)...against whom the Lord will have indignation forever"(4)...when you offer...the blind...lame...sick..as a sacrifice...is it not evil?"(8)...nor will I accept an offering from your hands"(10)...you bring the stolen, lame, & sick...should I accept this?"(13)...My name is to be feared among the nations"
ZECHARIAH 14: "Behold the day of the Lord is coming...the Lord ..will fight against those nations [who attack Jerusalem] "(1-3)...the Lord my God will come & all the saints with you...in that day there will be no light...one day...known to the Lord...at evening time it shall happen..that it shall be light...(6-7)....living waters shall flow from Jerusalem...& the Lord shall be king over all the earth...it shall be..the Lord is one, His name is one"(8-9)...Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited"(11)...the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem"(12)...their flesh...eyes...tongue...shall dissolve...(12b)...nations which came against Jerusalem...shall go up from year to year & worship the King"(16)..whichever do not ...on them there will be no rain"(17)...'Holiness to the Lord' shall be engraved on the bells of the horses"(20)...every pot in Jerusalem & Judah shall be holiness to the Lord"(21)
ZECHARIAH 13: ...a fountain shall be opened for the house of David...for sin & uncleanness"(1)...I shall cut off the names of the idols...& they shall no longer be remembered"(2)...if anyone prophecies...then his mother & father will say, 'You shall not live because you have spoken lies in the name of the Lord"(3)...Strike the shepherd...sheep will be scattered"...one-third shall be left"(8)...will refine them...test them...they will call on My name"(9)...I will say, 'This is My people...& each one will say, 'The Lord is my God'"(9b)
ZECHARIAH 12: "word of the Lord...against Israel...says the Lord who forms the spirit of man within him...I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkeness...(1-2)...I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone"(3)...I will strike every horse with confusion"....I will make the governors of Judah like a firepan in the woodpile"(6)...they shall devour all the surrounding peoples"(7)...glory of ...Jerusalem shall not become greater than... Judah"(7b)...house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the Lord"(8)...& I will pour on the House of David..the Spirit of grace...& they will look on Me whom they pierced...they will mourn for him...& grieve for him..."(10)
ZECHARIAH 11: "The sound of wailing shepherds...for their glory is in ruins...sound of roaring lions...for th pride of the Jordan is in ruin"(3)..."says the Lord feed the flock for slaughter"(4)...so I fed the flock for slaughter, in particular the poor of the flock..."(7)..I took 2 staffs, one I called beauty...the other, Bonds...& I fed the flock..."(7b)...I dismissed the three shepherds...my soul loathed them"(8)...I said 'I will not feed you. Let what is dying, die'(9)..."I took my staff beauty & cut it in two, that I might break the covenant.."(11)...so it was broken..the poor knew...it was the word of the Lord"(11b)...then I cut my other staff, Bonds...to break the brotherhood between Judah & Israel"(14)...Lord said 'Take the implements of a foolish shepherd...'who will not care...nor seek...nor heal...nor feed'(15-16)...woe to the worthless shepherd...his arm shall wither...eye ...blinded"(17)
ZECHARIAH 10: "Ask the Lord for rain...He will give them showers"(1)...idols speak delusions...they are in trouble because there is no shepherd"(2)...my anger is kindled against the shepherds"(3)...I will strengthen the house of Judah...& I will save the house of Joseph...I will bring them back...I will hear them"(6)...I will also bring them back from the land of Egypt"(10)...they shall walk up & down in His name..."(12)
ZECHARIAH 9: "Tyre built herself a tower..heaped up silver...& gold (3)...the Lord will cast her out"(4)...he who remains..even he shall be for our God"(7)...rejoice..your King is coming to you...lowly & riding on a donkey"(9)...He shall speak peace to the nations. His dominion shall be from sea to sea"(10)...I will set your prisoners free(11)..you prisoners of hope"(12)..I will restore double to you"(12)...Lord will be seen...will blow the trumpet"(14)...will defend"(15)...will save"(16). ..they shall be like jewels of a crown"(16b)
ZECHARIAH 8: "Says the Lord 'I am zealous for Zion'...I will return to Zion & dwell in the midst"(1-3)...Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth(3b)...old men & women shall again sit in the City of Jerusalem...full of boys & girls playing in the streets"(4-5)...say the Lord 'I will save My people"(7)...they shall be My people & I will be their God"(8)...before these days ...I set all men against his neighbor"(10/..but now...I will not treat..as in the former days"(11)...seed ..prosperous..vine..fruit...(12)...just as you were a curse ...you shall be a blessing"(13)..just as I [was] determined to punish...I am determined to do good, to Jerusalem"(14-15)...things you shall do
...speak each man the truth...judgment for..truth justice & peace"(16)...Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor"(17)...love truth & peace"(19)...many peoples & strong nations..shall pray before the Lord"(22)...ten men ...every language...shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, 'Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you"(23)
ZECHARIAH 7: "word of the Lord...came to Zechariah...ask the priests...when you fasted & mourned...during those 70 years, did you really fast for Me?"(5)...do you not eat & drink for yourselves"(6)...execute true justice. Show mercy & compassion, everyone to his brother"(9)"Do not oppress"(10)...[but] they made their hearts like flint...thus great wrath came from the Lord"(12)...just as they would not hear...[then] I would not listen"(13)
ZECHARIAH 6: "Behold..4 chariots..bronze mountains...1st chariot..red horses..2nd chariot..black horses...3rd chariot...white horses...4th chariot ..dappled horses...what are these ?(1-4)...the four spirits of heaven"(5)...make an elaborate crown...& set it on the head of Joshua"(11)...speak to him, behold...'The man whose name is the Branch...from His place He shall branch out"(12..Yes He shall build the temple of the Lord...He shall be a priest on His throne(13)...the elaborate crown shall be for a memorial"(14)...if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord"(15)
ZECHARIAH 5: "I turned... & saw a flying scroll..."(1)...this is the curse..over the whole earth...every thief shall be expelled...every perjurer shall be expelled" (3)...I will send out the curse"(4)...angel said lift your eyes...what see? A basket...woman inside...
This is Wickedness(8)...he thrust her down.." (8b)...then there were two women ...with wind in their wings...they lifted up the basket...(9)..where ?...to build a house for it in the land of Shinar"(11)
ZECHARIAH 4: "Now the angel who talked to me came back & wakened me & said..Lwhat do you see?"(1)..a lampstand of solid gold...bowl...seven lamps...seven pipe...2 olive trees(4)..What are these ?" The Lord to Zerubbabel...'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit"(6)...o great mountain... you shall become a plain"(6)...Zerubbabel shall bring forth the capstone...grace, grace to it"(6)...these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel...they are the eyes of the Lord"(10)...What are these 2 olive trees?...olive branches...gold pipes"(11-12)..."These are the two anointed ones who stand. Beside the Lord"(14)
Zechariah 3: "Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord & Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him"(1) The Lord said,'The Lord rebuke you satan"(2)...Joshua was clothed with filthy garments"(3) [God said] 'Take away the filthy garments from him"(4) [God said] I have removed your iniquity. I will clothe you with rich robes"(4)...If you walk in my ways... I will give you places to walk..."(7)..I am bringing forth My Servant the Branch"(8)...behold the stone I have laid before Joshua...upon the stone are seven eyes"(9)...I will remove the iniquity"(9b)...in that day everyone will invite his neighbor under his vine & under his fig tree"(10)
ZECHARIAH 2: "Behold, a man with a measuring line...to measure Jerusalem...says the Lord, "I will be a wall of fire all around her [Jerusalem], I will be the glory in her midst"(1-5)...he who touches you touches the apple of His eye"(8)..many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day & they shall become My people"(11)..be silent all flesh, before the Lord, for He is aroused from his holy habitation"(13)
ZECHARIAH 1: "Word of the Lord came to Zechariah...'The Lord has been very angry with your fathers"...says the Lord 'Return to Me'...& I will return to you'"(1-2)...do not be like your fathers..turn now from your evil ways"(4)...I saw a man riding on a red horse...& behind him..horses, red, sorrel, & white"(9)...the Lord has sent to walk & fro...all the earth is resting quietly(10-11)...I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease"(15)...then I saw 4 horns..& said, 'What are these?'..these are the horns that scattered Judah, Jerusalem, & Israel"(18)..the Lord showed me four craftsmen..I said, what are these...Lord said, "To cast out the horns of the nations"(21)
HAGGAI 2: 'Word of the Lord came by Haggai..."(1) "Who is left among you who saw the temple in its former glory?"(3)...My Spirit remains among you, do not fear"(5)...I will shake heaven & earth...will shake all nations,,will fill this temple with glory"(7)...in this place I will give peace"(9)...Is the seed in the barn ? As yet, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate & the olive tree have not yielded fruit, but from this day I will bless you(19)...I will take you Zerubbabel...& make you like a signet ring"(23)
HAGGAI 1: "Word of the Lord came by Haggai...(1)...time the Lord's house should be built"(2)...go to the mountains, bring wood, & build the temple"(8)..& they came & worked on the house of the Lord"(14)
ZEPHANIAH 3: "woe to her who is rebellious & polluted"(1)...she has not obeyed His voice"(2)
...her prophets are insolent treacherous people"(4) the Lord is righteous in her midst...He brings His justice to light. He never fails"(5)...Wait for Me' says the Lord...all the earth shall be devoured"(8)...I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one accord(9)..my worshipers"(10)...I will leave in your midst a meek & humble people...they shall trust in the name of the Lord"(12) ...Shout O israel...the Lord has taken away your judgments"(14-15)...the Mighty One, will save...He will quiet you with His love"(17)...I will deal with all who afflict you"(19)..gather those who were driven out...appoint them for praise & fame"(20)
ZEPHANIAH 2: "Gather yourselves together...yes gather(1)..before the Lord's fierce anger comes"(2)...seek the Lord all you meek of the earth..seek righteousness, seek humility"(3)...Moab shall be like Sodom...Ammon like Gomorrah"(9)the Lord...will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth"(11)...make Nineveh a desolation"(13)...the city that said in her heart, 'I am it, & there is none besides me...everyone who passes by her shall hiss & shake her fist"(15)
ZEPHANIAH 1: "the word of the Lord which came to Zephaniah...I will utterly consume everything"(2)...I will cut off man from the face of the land"(3)...I will cut off every trace of Baal"(4)...Be silent..., for the day of the Lord is at hand...the Lord has prepared a sacrifice. He has invited His guests"(7)..on that day a mournful cry from the fish gate"(10)..all those who handle money are cut off"(11)...I will punish the men who are settled in complacency...who say in their heart, 'The Lord will not do good nor will He do evil"(12)...they shall build houses but not inhabit them"(13)...the day of the Lord is near...a day of wrath...trouble..distress..devestation...desolation...darkness..gloominess"(14-15)...distress upon men...they shall walk like blind men...their blood shall be poured out like dust"(17)...neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them"(18)
HABBAKUK 3: "A Prayer of Habbakuk...Lord I heard Your speech & was afraid.".(2)..."His glory covered the heavens...His brightness was like the light. He had rays flashing from His hand"(4)...oh Lord were You displeased with the rivers"...anger against the rivers...wrath against the seas(8)...you divided the earth with rivers"(9)...you trampled the nations in anger"(12)...you went forth for the salvation of your people"(13)...You walked through the sea with Your horses"...though the fig tree might not blossom(17)...Yet I will rejoice in the Lord"(18)...the Lord God is my strength. He will make my feet like deer's feet"(19)
HABBAKUK 2: "I will stand my watch"(1)..the Lord answered, "Write the vision & make it plain on tablets"(2)...the vision..at the end will speak, & will not lie"(3)...Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him. BUT THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY HIS FAITH"(4) [woe to the wicked]..."he enlarges his desire as hell. He is like death & cannot be satisfied" ...woe to him who increases"(6)...you have plundered many nations"(7)...woe to him who covets evil gain for his house"(9)...cutting off many peoples"(10) "woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed"(12)...the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God"(14) "woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor...to make him drunk..to look on his nakedness"(15)..."the cup of the Lord's right hand will be turned against you"(16) "Woe to him who says to wood, awake'..to silent stone 'arise' "(19)
HABBAKUK 1: "The burden which the prophet Habbakuk saw..."(1) Oh Lord how long shall I cry, & You shall not hear?"(2) "even cry out to You violence & You shall not save"...the law is powerless..."(4) the wicked surround the righteous, perverse judgment proceeds"(4) [The Lord replies] "Look, be astounded ! I will work a work in your days" (5)...I am raising up the Chaldeans...they are terrible...their horses are swifter than leopards"(5-8)...they all come for violence"(9)...[prophets 2nd Q] "Are You not from everlasting Oh Lord my God?"(12)...You cannot look on wickedness"(13)...why do You hold Your tongue when the wicked devours a person more righteous than he?"(13)...
NAHUM 3: "Woe to the bloody city...full of lies & robbery. Its victim never departs"(1)...horsemen charge with bright sword...multitude of slain...countless corpses"(3)...multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot"(4) "I will lift your skits over your face. I will show the nations your nakedness"(5)...all who look upon you will flee from you & say 'Nineveh is laid waste' ...you also will be drunk, you will be hidden"(11)...the gates of your land are wide open for your enemies" (13)"draw your water for the siege"(14) "the fire will devour you"(5)
...your commanders are like swarming locusts" (17)...your injury has no healing"(19)...all who hear news of you will clap their hands over you, for upon whom has not your wickedness passed"(19b)
NAHUM 2: "He who scatters has come...man the fort , watch the road"(1)...the Lord will restore the excellence of Jacob"(2)..the shields of his mighty men ar made red...the valiant men are in scarlet"(3) "He remembers his nobles"(5)...the gates of the rivers are opened"(6)...though Nineveh of old was like a pool of water, now they flee away. 'Halt, halt' they cry, but no one turns back"(8) "Where is the dwelling of the lions?"(11) "...I am against you says the Lord...the sword shall devour the young lions"(13)
NAHUM 1: "The burden against Nineveh...God is jealous & the Lord avenges...the Lord will take vengeance"(1-2)...the Lord has His way"(3)..He rebukes the sea & makes it dry"(4)...the mountains quake before Him"(5)...His fury is poured out like fire"(6)...the Lord is good,a stronghold"(7)...He knows those who trust in Him"(7b)...[but] darkness will pursue His enemies"(8)...I will dig your grave..for you are vile"(14)...for the wicked one... is utterly cut off"(16)
MICAH 7: "Woe is me!...there is no cluster to eat of the first ripe fruits which my soul desires"(1)...the faithful man has perished from the earth"(2) they all lie in wait for blood. Every man hunts his brother with a net"(2b)...the prince asks for gifts,t he judge seeks a bribe"(3) the best of them is like a brier"(4)..Do not trust in a friend...guard the doors of your mouth"(5)...son dishonors father...a man's enemies..of his own household"(6)...therfore I will look to the Lord...my God will hear me" Do not rejoice over me my enemy...when I fall I will arise. When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light in me"(8)...He will bring me forth to the light"(9)...the nations shall see & be ashamed of all their might"(16) they shall lick the dust like a serpent...& shall fear because of You"(17) "Who is a God like You?...He delights in mercy"(18) You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea"(19)
MICAH 6: "Hear now what the Lord says....hear o you mountains the Lord's complaint"(2)...o my people what have I done to you"...testify against Me(3)...I brought you up from...Egypt..I redeemed you...I sent..you Moses, Aaron, & Miriam"(4)..that you may know the righteousness of the Lord"(5)...will the Lord be pleased with 1000's of rams?....shall I give my firstborn?"(7)...He has shown you OH MAN WHAT IS GOOD & what does the Lord require of you, But to DO JUSTLY, LOVE MERCY & To walk humbly with your God"(8)...shall I count pure those with the wicked scales?" (11)You shall eat but not be satisfied"(14)...you shall bear the reproach of my people"(16)
MICAH 5: "Now gather yourself in troops...but you Bethlehem Ephrathah , though you are little among the thousands of Judah.Yet out of you shall come forth from Me the One to be Ruler of Israel"(2)...& this One shall be peace"(5)...when the Assyrian comes, we shall raise against him..7 shepherds & 8 princely men"(5)...the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst...like dew from the Lord"(7)...the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles...like a lion"(8)...your carved images I will also cut off...you shall no more worship the works of your hands"(13)...I will pluck your wooden images from your midst"(14)
MICAH 4: "..the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established...& peoples shall flow to it"(1)...out of Zion the law shall go forth"...He shall judge...& rebuke strong nations...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, & their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war "(4) Everyone shall sit under his vine & under his figtree & no one shall make them afraid.(4) "All people walk each in the name of his own god. But we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever & ever"(5)...I will gather the outcast...I will make the lame a remnant"(6-7)...the Lord will reign over them in Mount Zion ...even forever"(7b)...like a woman in birth pangs from now you shall go forth"(10)...& to Babylon you shall go, there you shall be delivered"(11)...[many nations will be gathered] like sheaves to the threshing floor"(12)...You[zion] shall beat in pieces many peoples"(13)
MICAH 3: "Hear now, o heads of Jacob...is it not for you to know justice ?(1)...you who hate good & love evil"(2)...who also eat the flesh of my people"(3)...says the Lord concerning the prophets who make my people stray...who chant peace ..but prepare war"(5)...you shall have night without vision"(6)...her priests teach for pay"(11)...because of you Zion shall be plowed like a field"
MICAH 2: "woe to those who devise iniquity & work out evil on their beds...they covet fields ...& oppress a man"(2)...says the Lord, 'Against this family I am devising a disaster...for this is an evil time"(3)...do not prattle you say to those who prophecy"(6)....they shall not return insult for insult"(6b)..."Is the Spirit of the Lord restricted"(7)...do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly"?(7b)...if a man should walk in a false spirit...& speak a lie, saying, 'I will prophesy to you of wine & drink' even he would be the prattler of his people"(11)
MICAH 1: "word of the Lord came to Micah...hear...listen"(1-2)...The Lord is coming out of His place"..for the transgression of Jacob..for the sins of Israel"(5)...I will make Samaria a heap of ruins"(6)...all her pay as a harlot shall be burned with fire"(7)...I will wail & howl , I will go stripped & naked"(8)
JONAH 4: "But it displeased Jonah exceedingly & he became angry"...Lord it is better for me to die than to live"(3)...the Lord said, "Is it right for you to be angry?"...Jonah went & sat outside the city...[& God grew a plant over his head for shade] "Jonah was very grateful for the plant"(6)...[ but then God sent a worm & made the plant wither] & "the sun beat on Jonah's head & he grew faint" "& he wished death"...Is it right for you to be angry?" [Jonah said] "It is right for me to be angry even unto death"...[God said]"You had pity on the plant...should I not have pity on Nineveh?"(10-11)
JONAH 3: "second time...arise go to Nineveh...& preach to it"(2)...a three day journey"(3)...40 days & Nineveh shall be overthrown"(4)...the people of Nineveh believed God" [ the king decreed] "Let man & beast be covered with sackcloth & cry mightily to God"(8)...then God saw that they turned from their evil ways ...& God relented"(10)
JONAH 2: "Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the fish's belly"(1)...out of the belly of Sheol I cried"...I said 'I have been cast out of your sight"(4)..the waters surrounded me, even to my soul"(5)...weeds were wrapped around me"(5b)...when my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord"(7)...I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving"...salvation is of the Lord"(9)...so the Lord spoke to the fish & it vomited Jonah unto dry land"(10)
JONAH 1: "Word of the Lord came to Jonah...go to Nineveh, that great city...for their wickedness has come up before Me"(1)...but Jonah found a ship going to Tarshish"(3)...but the Lord sent out a Great wind to the sea"(4)...the ship was about to be broken up"(4b)...every man cried out to his god"(5)...but Jonah was fast asleep"(5b)...the captain said'what do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God' "(6) [then they cast lots to see who was the cause of the proble, & the lot fell on Jonah & said, who are you?] & Jonah said, "I am a Hebrew, & I fear the Lord"(9)...then the men were exceedingly afraid...they knew he fled from the presence of the Lord..."(10)...what shall we do to calm the sea?"...pick me up & throw me into the sea"(12)...they cried out, 'We pray Oh Lord do not let us perish for this man's life'(14)...& they picked up Jonah & threw. Him into the sea & the sea ceased from its raging"(15)...then the men feared the Lord exceedingly"(16) & the Lord prepared a greatt fish to swallow Jonah & Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days & three nights"(
OBADIAH 1: "The vision of Obadiah....says the Lord concerning Edom...you shall be greatly despised"(2)...the pride of your heart has deceived you"(3)...though you set your nest among the stars...I will bring you down"(4)...the men at peace with you shall deceive you"(7)...for violence against your brotherJacob, shame shall cover you"(10)...you should not have gazed on the day of your brother"(12)...you should not have stood at the crossroad(14)...as you have done it shall be done to you"(15)
AMOS 9:"I saw the Lord standing by the altar...'I will slay the last of them' ...he who flees...shall not get away..though they dig into hell, from there my hand shall take them...though they climb up to heaven from there I will bring them down"(1-2)...though they hide on carmel...at bottom of sea...[or] go into captivity"(2-4) ...the eyes of the Lord are on the sinful kingdom"(8)...all the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, who say the calamity shall not overtake us"(10)...the days are coming says the Lord when the plowman shall overtake the reaper & the treader of grapes him who sows seed. The mountains shall drip with sweet wine"(13)...I will plant them in their land & no longer shall they be pulled up"(15)
AMOS 8: "What do you see Amos ? A basket of summer fruit"...the end has come upon my peple israel"...many dead bodies everywhere...shallbe thrown out in silence"...I will make the sun go down at noon"(9)...I will send a famine"(11)....
AMOS 7: "The Lord God showed me...behold he formed locust swarms(1)...I said 'O Lord forgive I pray"(2)...so the Lord relented"(3)...then the Lord showed me...conflict by fire(4)...I said 'Lord God cease I pray"(5)...so the Lord relented"(6)...the Lord stood on a wall made with a plumb line"(7)...I am setting a plumb line in the midst"....Amaziah said to Amos 'Go you seer...never again prophesy at Bethel"(12-13)...Amos answered 'I was no prophet & no son of a prophet...but a sheepbreeder"(14)...[you say don't prophesy against Israel?]...therefore your wife shall be a harlot"(17)
T5: X OB, y bb, 51 1blf(rbi, 1-2),58 sac bunt, 8 squib past p (rbi 1-3),26
AMOS 6: "Woe to you... at ease in Zion..."(1)...woe to you who put far off the day of doom"(3)...who lie on beds of ivory"(4)...who sing idly"(5) ...but are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph"(6)...if ten men remain in one house they shall die"(
9)...He will break the great house into bits"
AMOS 5:"Hear this...the virgin of Israel has fallen"(1)...says the Lord, seek Me & live"(4)...seek the Lord & live"(6)...you who turn justice to wormwood"(7)...they hate the one who rebukes in the gate & they abhor the one who speaks uprightly"(7)..seek good & not evil that you may live"(14)...hate evil, love good, establish justice in the gate"(15)...there shall be wailing"(16)...what good is the day of the Lord to you"(18)...it will be as though a man fled from a lion & a bear met him"(19)...Take away from Me the noise of your songs"(23)
AMOS 4: "Hear this word, you cows of Bashan"(1)...[God] will take you away with fish hooks"(3)...I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities...yet you have not returned"(6)...I withheld rain(7)....I blasted you with blight & mildew"(9)...I sent among you a plague"(10)...I overthrew some of you"(11)...YET you have not returned to Me"(11b)...prepare to meet your God o Israel"(12)
AMOS 3: "Hear this word...o children of Israel...you only have I known Israel...therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities"(2)0...a lion has roared, who will not fear. The Lord God has spoken"(8)...for they do not know how to do right"(10) ...as a shepherd [takes a sheep out of the mouth of a lion] so shall the children of Israel will be taken out, who dwell in Samaria"(12)
AMOS 2: "- will not turn away [Moab's] punishment"...I will send a fire upon Moab"(1)...I will not turn away [Judah's] punishment"(4)...their lies led them astray "(4b) "I will not turn away [Israel's] punishment"(6)...they sell the righteous for silver"(6b)...& pervert the way of the humble...a man & his father go into the same girl..."(7)...the strong shall not strengthen its power nor shall the mighty deliver himself"(14)...the swift of foot shall not escape"(15)...the most courageous men shall flee naked"(16)
AMOS 1: "The words of Amos...'The Lord roars from Zion...the top of Carmel withers"(3)...I will send a fire upon the wall of Gaza"(7)...the remnant of the Philistines shall perish"(8)...Edom...pursued his brother with the sword...& cast off all pity"(11)...
JOEL 3: "When I bring back the captives of Judah & Jerusalem...I will also gather all nations...they have cast lots for my people"() ...have given a boy as payment for a harlot...& sold a girl for wine"(3) [o Tyre & Sidon] you have taken my silver & gold"(5)...the people of Judah & Jerusalem you have sold to the Greeks"...prepare for war"(9)...beat your plowshares into swords...let the weak say 'I am strong' "(10)...the vats overflow...their wickedness is great"(13)...the Lord also will roar from Zion...the heavens & earth will shake"(16)...in that day the mountains shall drip with new wine"(18)....Judah shall abide forever, & Jerusalem from generation to generation"(20)
JOEL 2: "Blow the trumpet in Zion & sound an alarm in My holy mountain"...the day of the Lord is coming...is at hand"(1)...a fire devours...the land is like the Garden of Eden before them...behind them a desolate wilderness"(3)...before them the people writhe in pain"(6)...everyone marches"(7,8)...the Lord gives voice before His army"(11)...Turn to Me with all your heart...rend your heart & not your garments"(12)...Let [the priests] say spare Your people Lord' "(17)...fear not"(21)...do not be afraid"(22)...the fig & the vine yield their strength"(22b)...I will restore to you the years [taken from you by the] swarming...crawling..consuming...chewing locust"(25)...you shall eat in plenty & be satisfied"(26)...My people shall never be put to shame"(27)...afterward I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh"(28)....& I will show wonders in the heavens & on earth"(30)...whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved"(32)
JOEL 1: "The Word of the Lord...hear this...give ear...tell your children"(2-3)...chewing locust..swarmiing locust...crawling locust...consuming locust...wail...because of the new wine...a nation has come up against My land"(6)...he has laid waste My vine & ruined My fig tree(7)
...vine has dried up...fig tree withered...all the trees have withered...joy has withered"(12)...the day of the Lord is at hand"(15)...o Lord to You I cry out"(19)...the beasts of the field also cry out to You"(20)
HOSEA 14: "O Israel return to the Lord your God"(1)...say to [God] 'Take away our iniquity'(2)...we will offer the sacrifices of our lips" [no more will we call the work of our hands] "our gods"(3)...I will love them freely"(4)...His branches shall spread"(6)...the ways of the Lord are right"(9)
HOSEA 13: "When Ephraim... offended thru Baal worship he died"...now they sin more & more"(2)...they shall be like the morning cloud...like early dew...like chaff...like smoke from a chimney"(3)..yet I am the Lord...there is no savior besides me"(4)...they forgot Me, so I will be like to them a lion...like a leopard...like a bear"(7-8)...Israel, you are destroyed"(9)...but your help is from Me"...I will be your king(10)...iniquity of Ephraim(12)...an unwise son, should not stay long where children are born(13)...Samaria is held guilty, she has rebelled...their infants shall be dashed in pieces, & their women with child ripped open"(16)
HOSEA 12: "Ephraim...daily increases lies...they make a covenant with the Assyrians...the Lord also brings a charge against Judah...& will punish Jacob...he took his brother by the heel...he struggled with God"...Ephraim provoked [God] to anger"
HOSEA 11: "When Israel was a child I loved him, & out of Egypt I called my son"(1)....I taught Ephraim to walk"(3)...I drew them by gentle cords, with bands of love"(4) [but] they refused to repent"(5)...my people are bent on backsliding"(7)...my heart churns, my sympathy is stirred...I will not again destroy Ephraim, for I am God & not man,the Holy One in your midst , & I will not come with terror"(9)...they shall walk after the Lord, He will roar like a lion..." Ephraim lies...Israel...with deceit...Judah still walks with God"(12)
HOSEA 10: "Israel empties his vine"(1)...their heart is divided"(2) [God] will ruin thir sacred pillars"...o Israel you have sinned"(9)...sow for yourselves righteousness, reap in mercy,..it is time to seek the Lord, 'til He comes & rains righteousness on you"(12)...you have eaten the fruit of lies"(13)...o Bethel because of your great wickedness, at dawn the king of Israel shall be cut off utterly"(15)
HOSEA 9: "Do not rejoice o Israel...for you have played the harlot"(1)...the days of punishment have come"(7)...all their wickedness is in Gilgal"(15)...Ephraim is stricken...were they to bear children, I would kill the darlings of their womb"(16)
HOSEA 8: "Set the trumpet to your mouth"(1)...Israel will cry to me, 'My God we know you"(2)...your calf is rejected, O Samaria"(5)...the stalk has no bud, if it should produce, aliens would swallow it up"(7)...Israel is swallowed up"(8)...Israel has forgotten his maker"(14)
HOSEA 7: "When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim [&Samaria] was uncovered"(1)...I remember all their wickedness"(2)...they are all adulterers"(4)...they prepare their hearts like an oven"(6)...none among them calls upon Me"(7)...Ephraim is a cake unturned"(8)...Aliens have devoured his strength, but he does not know it"(9)...Ephraim is also like a silly dove, without sense"(11)...I will bring them down like birds of the air"(12)...they did not cry out to me with their heart, when they wailed upon their beds"(14)...though I strengthened their arms...yet they devise evil against Me"(15)...they return but not to the Most High"(16)
HOSEA 6: "Come & let us return to the Lord...He will heal us...He will bind us up"(1)...He will revive us...He will raise us up...that we may live in His sight"(2)...O Ephraim..., O Judah...what shall I do...I desire mercy & not sacrifice, the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings"(4-6)...harlotry of Ephraim, ...Israel is defiled"(10)
HOSEA 5: "Hear this...take heed...give ear (1)...Ephraim you commit harlotry...Israel is defiled"(3...)
...Israel & Ephraim stumble in their inquity, Judah also"(5)...[God] has withdrawn Himself from them"(6)...they have begotten pagan children"(7)...I will pour out my wrath"(10)...I will be to Ephraim like a moth...I will be like a lion to Ephraim"(14)...in their affliction they will earnestly seek me"(15)
HOSEA 4: "Hear the Word Of the Lord, you children of Israel...there is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land"...they break all restraint with bloodshed upon bloodshed"...my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"(6)...the more they increased the more they sinned against me"(7)
HOSEA 3: "the Lord said to me, 'Go love a woman who is loved by a lover & is committing adultery...just like the children of Israel....love the raisin cakes of the pagans"(1)...the children of Israel shall abide many days without king or prince...afterward [they] shall return & seek the Lord their God"(5)
HOSEA 2: "say to your brethren, 'My people' & to your sisters, 'mercy is shown'(1)...I will not have mercy on her children, for they are the children of harlotry"(4)...she went after her lovers, but ME she forgot"(13) [but] behold I will allure her(14)...will make a covenant for them...to make them lie down safely(18)..I will betroth you to me forever"(19)...betroth you to me in faithfulness"(20)...then I will say tho those who were not my people, 'You are my people' & they shall say, 'You are my God' "
HOSEA 1: "The Lord said to Hosea...go take yourself a wife of harlotry...for the land has committed great harlotry by departing from the Lord"(2)...so Hosea went & took Gomer...& she bore him a son"(3)...Lord said 'Call his name Jezreel'...then she bore a daughter...call her name Lo-Ruhamah...no mercy...on Israel...yet I will have mercy..On...Judah"(7)....will save them by the Lord...not by sword"(7)...she bore another son
...call his name Lo-Ammi...for you are not my people"(8)...& it shall come to pass...it shall be said to them...you are the sons of the living god"(10)...then ...Judah &... Israel...shall be gathered together....& appoint for themselves one head"...great will be the day of Jezreel"(11)
DANIEL 12: "At that time Michael shall stand up, a great prince...& there shall be a time of trouble...such as never was...your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book"(1)...& many of those who sleep in the dust of
The earth shall awake, some to everlasting life...some to everlasting contempt...those who turn many to righteousness...like the stars forever"(3)...but you Daniel... seal the book until the time of the end"...then I Daniel looked...onthis riverbank/..one said to man in linen...'how long...?...man in linen swore by Him who lives forever...when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered all these things shall be finished"(7)...although I heard I did not understand...I said 'My Lord, what shall be the end...?,'...he said 'Go your way Daniel, for the words are closed....'til the time of the end....'(9)...many shall be purified,made white...none of the wicked shall understand(10)...go your way til the end, for you shall rest"(13)
DANIEL 11: "First year of Darius the Mede I stood up to confirm & strengthen him"(1)..."three more kings will arise in Persia & the 4th shall be far richer"...he shall stir up all...against Greece...then a mighty king shall arise...his kingdom shall be broken up"(4)...& divided toward the four winds of heaven....his kingdom shall be uprooted...king of shouth shall become strong...great dominion...[whose] daughter shall go to the king of the North to make an agreement"(6)...she shall be given up...but from a branch of her roots one shall arise in his place...king of the south ....shall fight with the king of the north"(11)...king of the north will return & muster a multitude..."....King of north shall build a siege mound"(15)...after this he shall turn his face to the coastlands & take many"....his heart shall be moved against the holy covenant"(28)...he shall return & show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant"(30)...those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery"(31)...but the people who know their God shall be strong"(32)....the king shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods"(36)...he shall exalt himself above all(37)...at the time of the end the king of the south shall attack him [& the king of the north] & "he shall overwhelm them"(40)...he shall also enter the Glorious Land...he shall stretch out his hand...he shall have power (42^43)...but news from the east & north shall trouble him...he shall go with great fury..to destroy...yet he shall come to an end, & no one will help him"(45)
DANIEL 10: "Third year of Cyrus, king of Persia...a message was revealed to Daniel...it was true...he understood..."(1)...I Daniel was mourning three full weeks...I ate no pleasant food"(2-3)...24th day of the first month...by ..the Tigris..I lifted my eyes...a man face like lightning...the men who were with me did not see...heard voice...deep sleep...face in ground...hand touched me...Daniel...stand upright...I have come becau
se of your words"(12)...one having the likeness of the sons of men touched my lips"...I said 'No strength
remains in me'"(17)...he said'O man greatly beloved, fear not'...I was strenghtened"(19)...the prince of Greece will come"(20)...but I will tell you what is noted in the scripture of truth. No one upholds me against these except Michael your prince"(210
DANIEL 9: "First year of Darius...I Daniel understood by the books...Jeremiah...that He would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem"(2)...I prayed...o Lord who keeps His covenant...we have sinned..we have done wickedly"(5)...to us belongs shame of face"(8)...He has confirmed His words by bringing upon us a great disaster"(12)..."yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord"(13)..."O my God incline Your ear & hear"..."not because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies"(18)...OH LORD HEAR, OH LORD FORGIVE, OH LORD LISTEN & ACT"(19)...while I was speaking in prayer...the man Gabriel...reached me about the time of the evening offering"(21)...He said 'Daniel I have come ...to give you skill to understand"(22)...70 weeks...for your holy city...to fiinish the transgression...to make reconciliation...to seal up vision & prophecy...&to anoint the most Holy"(24)...there shall be seven weeks & 62 weeks"(25)..."after the 62 weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for himself"...people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city..."(26)..."he [the evil prince?] shall confirm a covenant with many for one week"(27)...but in the middle of the week shall bring an end to sacrifice & offering"(27b)...
DANIEL 8: "third year of ...king Belshazzar...a vision appeared to me Daniel..I was in Shushan the citadel...I was by the river Ulai..a ram...2 horns...1 horn higher than the other...no animal could withstand him(1-4)...suddenly a male goat... from the west(5)...without touching the ground...notable horn...& ran [at the other ram] with furious power"...with rage...he broke the two horns(7)...the male goat grew very great(8)...the large horn was broken...[replaced with] four notable ones...[& a little one came out of one of the four] "which grew exceedingly great"..."It grew up to the host of heaven"(10)...it cast down some of the stars...& trampled them"...he even exalted himself as high as the prince of the host"(11)...he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this & prospered"(12)...then I heard a holy one say to another holy one...how long?...he said to me for 2300 days, then the sanctuary shall be cleansed"(14)...I Daniel was seeking the meaning...suddenly one having the appearance of a man"(15)...man's voice said 'Gabriel, make this man understand the vision"(16)...I was afraid & fell on my face...& he said, 'Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the end of time'(17)...as he was speaking I was in a deep sleep...he stood me upright...the ram with 2 horns...the kings of Media & Persia"(20)...male goat is king of greece"(21)...large horn... is the first king"(21b)...4 kingdoms shall arise out of that nation but not with its power"...when transgressors...reached fulness..king shall arise...fierce features...sinister schemes...he shall destroy ...the holy..& prosper(24)..."shall cause deceit to prosper...shall exalt himself"(25)...shall even rise against the prince of princes...but he shall be broken"(25b)..."I Daniel fainted & was sick for days"(27)
DANIEL 7: "In the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had a dream"(1)...four winds of heaven...four great beasts...a lion had eagle's wings...its wings were plucked...it was made to stand...it was given a man's heart...& a bear had 3 ribs in its mouth...& they said to it, 'Arise, devour much flesh"(5)...& there was a leopard...with four wings...& four heads...& dominion was given it"(6)...& a fourth beast...had huge iron teeth...had 10 horns...& another little horn...with eyes like a man...& a mouth speaking pompous words"(8)...
Thrones...ancient of days...garment white as snow...hair...like pure wool...throne..fiery flame..wheels...burning fire...the beast was slain...the rest of the beasts ...their dominion taken away"(12)...& behold one like the Son of Man"(13)....to Him was given dominion & glory...an everlasting dominion"(14)...those great beasts are four kings...but the saints of the most high shall receive the kingdom,,,forever..."(18)...fourth beast ...different...small horn..making war against the saints...& prevailing until the Ancient of Days came...& the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom"(22)...the 4th beast is a 4th kingdom ...different from the other kingdoms...it shall devour the earth...ten horns...ten kings...& another one after them....different...shall subdue three kings...shall speak pompous words against the most high...& shall persecute the saints of the Most High"(25)...[but ultimately] "the kingdom...shall be given to the people...the saints of the Most High"(27)
DANIEL 6: "Daniel distinguished himself above the governors & satraps because an excellent spirit was in him"(3)...so they sought to find some charge against Daniel"...[& they made a new rule] ...."any man who petitions a god or ruler other than you [the king] ...shall be thrown in a den of lions"...King Darius signed the decree"(9)...Daniel went home...with his windows open to Jerusalem he knelt down & prayed & gave thanks before his God"(10)...& the men found Daniel praying"(11)..& they brought Daniel & cast him into a den of lions"(16)...& a stone was laid on the mouth of the den"(17)...the king rose early in the morning & went in haste to the denof lions...& said, 'Daniel...has your God...been able to deliver you...from the lions...[Daniel said]my God sent His angel & shut the lions mouth...they have not hurt me"(22)...o king I have done no wrong"....the king was exceedingly glad"...[no injury was found on Daniel] because he believed in his God"(23)...& the king cast Daniel's accusers into the lion's den...& the lions broke all their bones(24)...[&Darius made a decree that] "men must tremble & fear before the God of Daniel"(26)...for He is the living God & steadfast forever"(26)...He delivers & rescues & works signs & wonders"(27)
DANIEL 5: "Belshazzar the king made a great feast & drank wine in the presence of a 1000
...they brought gold vessels ..from the house of God & drank from them...in the same hour the fingers of a man's hand appeared ...& the kings couuntenance changed & his thoughts troubled him"(6)...al the wise men could not read the writing"(8)...let Daniel be called"(12)...I have heard that the Spirit of God is in you &that light & understanding & excellent wisdom is found in you"(14)....you Belshazzar have not humbled your heart"(22)...you have praised the gods of silver & gold ...who do not know or see or hear...& the God who holds your breath ....you have not glorified"(23)...]& His hand wrote] "mene, mene, tekel upharsin"...Mene...God has numbered your kingdom...tekel...you have been weighed & found wanting...peres...your kingdom has been divided...then Daniel was proclaimed third ruler in the kingdom"(29)...that very night Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans, was slain"(30)
DANIEL 4: "Nebchadnezzar...to all peoples...I thought it good to declare to you the signs & wonders that the Most High God has worked for me(1-2)...His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom"(3)...I saw a dream which made me afraid"(5) [nobody could interpret it] but at last Daniel came before me...& [he interpreted it saying]" the tree that grew...its fruit abundant...is you king(22)...[& you are the tree who will be chopped down by the watcher]"they shall drive you from men, your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field...& seven times shall pass over you, til you know that the most high rules"(25) [but they will leave the stump & its roots] "your kingdom shall be assured to you after you come to know that heaven rules"(26)...therefore break off your sins by being righteous"(27)...at the end of 12 months (29)...a voice fell from heaven...the kingdom has departed from you"(31)...that very hour the word was fulfilled...he was driven from men & ate grass like oxen"(33) [then Nebuchadnezzar understood & said ]"My understanding returned to me & I blessed the Most High"(34)...my reason returned to me & I was restored to my kingdom"(36) ...now I...praise & extol & honor the king of heaven"(37)
DANIEL 3: "Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold...all the officials gathered together for the dedication(1-4)...[a crier declared] "it is commanded...that when you hear the horn...you shall fall down & worship the gold image...whoever does not...shall be cast...into the fiery furnace"(6)...[everybody bowed down but the Chaldeans accused Daniel of not bowing down](12)...[so the king ordered Daniel to come to him] & asked "Is it true...?"(14)...Daniel answered...."Our God...is able to deliver us...from the furnace...let it be known ...o king that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image"(18)....[so the king commanded] that they heat the furnace seven times more than usual"(19)...[the fire killed the men who threw Daniel into the fire]...the king was "astonished...& said 'Look, I see four men...walking in the midst of the fire & they are not hurt...& the form of the 4th Is like the Son of God"(25) (dodger stadium, 914pm, double morales 5/22/09)...[Daniel & the men came out] & they saw the men on whose bodies the fire had no power"(27)..."& Nebuchadnezzar daid 'Blessed be the God of Shedrach (Daniel) Meshach, & Abed Nego who sent His angel & delivered His servants...therefore any peoples...who speak anything amiss about [their God]...shall be cut in pieces"(29)
DANIEL 2: "...in the 2nd year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, [he had dreams, which caused him to be troubled & lose sleep"...the chaldeans said 'Tell us the dream & we will interpret it for you'...[but the king wanted them to tell him the dream & the interpretation otherwise they would be cut in pieces. ..the chaldeans said] "There is not a man on earth who can tell the king this matter"(1-10)...except the gods"(11)...[the king became angry] "& the decree went out & they began killing the wise men"(13)...& they sought Daniel [ to kill him also] ....then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision"(19)...& Daniel said 'I thank you & praise You o God...for you have made kown to us the demand of the king"(23)...[daniel said to the king] "I have more wisdom than anybody living"...you oh king are king of kings"...but after you shall arise a kingdom inferior..."and another..(40)..& in the days of these kings the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed"(44)...the dream is certain & its interpretation is sure"(45)
...the king answered "Truly your God is the God of gods"(47)..then the king promoted Daniel"(48)...
DANIEL 1: "In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem & besieged it"(1) & the Lord gave Jehoiakim into the hand off Nebuchadnezzar...& the king [gave instructions] to bring young men, in whom there was no blemish...gifted in all wisdom...[to teach]...the language & literature of the Chaldeans...[among whom] were four sons of Judah [who were re-named:] Daniel =Beltashazzar, Hananiah = Shadrach, Mishael = Meshhach, Azariah = Abed-nego (1-7)....[Daniel would not eat the king's delicasies] ...God had brought Daniel into the good will of the chief of the eunuchs...[but the chief was concerned that if Daniel did not eat the delicasies his physical appearance would be bad & displease the king]....[but daniel said]..."Test your servants for ten days...give us water & vegetables...then let our appearance be examined before you..."(12-13)...at the end of ten days their features appeared better"(15)...God gave them knowledge & skill in all literature & wisdom"(17)
...& the king found them ten times better than all the magicians & astrologers..."(20)
EZEKIEL 48:"And the name of that city from that day shall be:"The Lord is there' "(35)
EZEKIEL 47: "then He brought me back to the door of the temple, & there was water flowing(1)...the water came up to my ankles(3)...[then]the water came up to my knees"(4)
...[then] the water came up to my waist"(4b)...[then] it was a river that I could not cross"(5)...He said to me, 'Son of man have you seen this?"(6)...this water ...when it reaches the sea its waters are healed"(8)...along the bank of the river ...will grow all kinds of trees...their fruit will not fail...they will bear fruit every month because the water flows from the sanctuary"(12)
EZEKIEL 46: "The gate way of the inner court that faces toward the east shall be shut the six working days, but on the sabbath it shall be opened"
EZEKIEL 45: "You shall set apart a district for the Lord"(1)......"enough o princes of Israel...
Remove violence & plundering, execute justice & righteousness"(9)...
EZEKIEL 44:"He brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary that faces towards the east but it was shut. And the Lord said to me,'This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, & no man shall enter by it, because the Lord God of Israel has entered by it"(1-2)...Son of man, mark well what I say to you(5)...Say to the rebellious, 'You have not kept charge of my holy things'(6-8)...because [the Levites "who went far away from me" who ] caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity, therefore I have raised my hand in an oath against them"
(12)they shall NOT come near me to minister to me(13)......nevertheless I will make them keep charge of my temple"(14...but the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok who kept charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me) they shall not clothe themselves with anything that causes sweat(18)...they shall neither shave their head nor let their hair grow long"(20)...they shall not take as wife a widow or divorced person but take virgins of the descendants of the house of Israel, or widows of priests"(22)...& they shall teach my people the difference between the holy & the unholy"(23)...
EZEKIEL 43: "Afterward he brought me to the gate...that faces toward the east, & behild the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters, & the earth shone with His glory...the Spirit lifted me up & brought me into the inner court"(1-5)...Then I heard Him speaking to me...while a man stood beside me(6)...'Son of man this is the place of my throne...(7)
No more shall the house of Israel defile My Holy name(7b)...Son of man describe the temple to the house of Israel that they may be ashamed of their inquities... ...& if they are ashamed...make known to them the design of the temple...This is the law of the temple...the whole area surrounding the mountaintop is most holy'"(12)
EZEKIEL 42: "Then he said to me, 'The north chambers & the south chambers...are the holy chambers
EZEKIEL 41: "then he brought me into the sanctuary & measured the doorposts"(1)...& he said this is the most holy place"(4)...as one went up from story to story the side chambers became wider all around(7)...galleries ...paneled with wood..made with cherubim & palm trees(18)...
EZEKIEL 40: "In the 25th year of our captivity....the Lord...took me there...in the visions of God He took me into the land of Israel...there was a man whose appearance was like bronze..he had a line of flax & a measuring rod in his hand"(1-3)...he said 'Son of man fix your mind on everything I show you..."he measured..the wall...& measured..the gateway...& measured the vestibule...he measured the width of the entrance"(1-11)...he measured the gateposts"(14)...then he. Brought me into the outer court"(17)...then he measured the width(19)...he brought me toward the south (24)...he measured the southern gateway (28)...then he brought me to the north gateway (35)...there was a chamber (38)...instruments with which they slaughtered the burnt offering...
EZEKIEL 39: "son of man prophesy against Gog...I will knock the bow out of your right hand & cause the arrows to fall out of your left hand..."(1-3)...they shall know that I am the Lord"(6)...the cities of Israel [will make fires with your weapons for seven years](9)...son of man speak to every bird & beast...gather together...for a great sacrificial meal...that you may eat flesh & drink blood...drink blood until you are drunk"(19)...the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day forward(22)...for I shall have poured out my Spirit on the house of Israel"(29)
EZEKIEL 38: "Son of man set your face against Gog" ...I will put hooks in your jaws"(4)...you will say 'I will go to a land of unwalled villages"(11)...to take plunder"(12)...when Gog comes against the land of Israel my fury will show in my face"(18)...I will call for a sword against Gog"(21)...they shall know that I am Lord"(23)
EZEKIEL 37: "The hand of the Lord came upon me...& set me down in a valley...of bones(1)...they were very dry"(2)...& He said 'Son of man can these bones live?"(3)...O Lord God you know(3b)...
Prophesy & say "I will cause breath to enter into you"(4-5)...as I prophesied...there was a noise..., a rattling...& the bones came together...but there was no breath(7-8)...& [God] said to me 'Prophesy to the breath"...& breath came into them & they lived"(10)...says the Lord [to Israel]I will open your graves'(12)....I will put my Spirit in you(14)...son of man take a stick...& take another stick..join them together, they will become one stick in your hand"(17)....david my servant shall be king over them"(24)...I will make a covenant of peace with them"(26)
EZEKIEL 36: "Son of man prophesy to the mountains of Israel...because the enemy of you has said 'aha' (2)...because you have borne the shame of the nations(6)...the nations around you shall bear their own shame"(7)...you mts. Of Israel shall shoot forth your branches & yield your fruit"(8)...nor will I let you hear the taunts...anymore"(15)...say to Israel I do this for my holy name's sake"(22)...I will sanctify My great name"(23...I will sprinkle clean water on you"(25)...I will give you a new heart & put a new spirit within you"(26)...you will remember your evil ways..."(31)...
EZEKIEL 35: "Son of man set your face against mt seir & prophesy against it"...I shall lay your cities waste"(4)...because you have shed the blood of the children of Israel"(5)...I will prepare you for blood"(6)...I will make you perpetually desolate"(9)
...the whole earth will rejoice when I make you desolate"(14)
EZEKIEL 34: "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel"...& say 'Woe to the shepherds who feed themselves"(3)... the weak you have not strengthened"(4)...with force & cruelty you have ruled them"(4b)...my sheep wandered...my flock was scattered"(6)...therefore I am against the shepherds"(10)...indeed I myself will search for my sheep"(11)...& will bring them to their own land"(13)...I will feed my own flock"(15)...I will save my flock"(22)...I will establish one shepherd...my servant David"(23)...I will make a covenant of peace with them"(25)...you are my flock,...you are men, & I am your God"(31)
EZEKIEL 33: "Son of man speak to the children of your people..."....'whoever hears the sound of the trumpet & does not take warning...if the sword comes...his blood shall be on his own head...but he who takes warning shall save his life'...but if the watchman does not blow the trumpet...[the] blood I will require at the watchman's hand"(1-6)...you son of Man I have made a watchman...for Israel"...if you warn the wicked... you have delivered your soul..."(9)...say to them,'Turn, turn from your evil ways"(11)...the righteousness of the righteous man will not deliver him in the day of his transgression"...if he trusts in his own righteousness & commits iniquity, none of his righteous works will be remembered"(12-13)...& if the wicked turns...& does what is lawful & right...he shall surely live...none of his sins shall be remembered"(15-16)...and I was no longer mute"(22)...son of man say to Judah "those who are in the ruins shall die by the sword"(27)...her arrogant strength shall cease"(28)...they shall know that I am the Lord"(29)...son of man the children of your people are talking about you...they hear your words but do not do them...with their mouth they show much love but their hearts pursue their own gain"(31)...they hear your words but do not do them"(32)
EZEKIEL 32; "Son of man take up a lamentation for pharaoh king of Egypt & say...'you are like a young lion...like a monster...I will therefore spread my net over you...I will cause your multitude to fall...they shall plunder the pomp of Egypt"(12)....then they shall know that I am the Lord"(15)...he [pharaoh] shall be placed...with those slain by the sword"(32)
EZEKIEL 31: "Son of man, 'say to pharaoh, king of Egypt' Whom are you like in your greatness?' Indeed Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon(1-3)...its height was exalted above all the trees.(5)..all the trees of Eden envied it that were in the garden of God"(9)...I have driven it out for its wickedness"(10)...no trees by the water may ever again exalt themselves"(14)...in the day it went down to hell I caused mourning"(15)...I made the nations shake at the sound of its fall"(16)...this is pharaoh & all his multitude"(18)
EZEKIEL 30: "Son of man prophesy...the sword shall come upon Egypt"(4)...those who uphold Egypt shall fall(6)...
I will also destroy the idols"(13)...her arrogant strength shall cease"(18)...
EZEKIEL 29: "Son of man set your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt..."....o great monster"....I will put hooks in your jaws"(4)
...I have given you as food to the beasts of the field"(5)...the land of Egypt shall become desolate & waste"(9)...it shall be uninhabited 40 years"...desolate 40 years(11-12)...it shall never again exalt itself"(15)...I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar"(19)...because they worked for Me"(20)...
EZEKIEL 28: "Son of man, Say to the prince of Tyre...
, "Because your heart is lifted up & You say 'I am a god'...(1-3)...I will bring strangers against you...they shall draw their swords"(7)...your heart was lifted up because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor"(17)...you have become a horror & shall be no more forever"(19)...[Israel] will dwell safely...when I execute judgments on all those around them who despise them"(26)
EZEKIEL 27: "Son of man take up a lamentation for Tyre"...What city is like Tyre destroyed in the midst of the sea"(32)...you will become a horror & be no more forever"(36)
EZEKIEL 26: "Son of man, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, "Aha..."....thus says the Lord, 'I am against you Tyre"...with the hooves of his horses he [Neb] will trample all your streets"(11)...I will put an end to the sound of your songs...you shall never be rebuilt"(13-14).
EZEKIEL 25: "son of man set your face against the Ammonites"(1) [& say] '...because you said 'Aha'...I will deliver you as a possession...they shall eat your fruit & drink your milk"(1-4)...because you rejoiced in your heart in disdain for the land of Israel"...I will cause you to perish"(6-7)...
EZEKIEL 24: "Says the Lord, 'Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is in it"...(6)...woe to the bloody city...heap on the wood, kindle the fire"(10)...that its scum may be consumed"(11)...Son of man I take away the desire of your eyes witth one stroke yet you shall neither mourn nor weep"(16)...I spoke to the people in the morning & at evening my wife died"(18)....says the Lord your sons & daughters whom you left behind shall fall by the sword, & you shall do as I have done...you shall neither mourn nor weep"(19-23)...
EZEKIEL 23: "Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother...they committed harlotry...their breasts were embraced, their bosoms pressed...names Oholah & Oholibah...Oholah ...lusted for her lovers"(5)"...therefore I have delivered her into the hands of her lovers"(9)....Oholibah became more corrupt in her lust than she [Oholah]"...(11)...she revealed her harlotry & uncovered her nakedness"(18)...I will make you cease your lewdness & harlotry"(27)...you will be filled with drunkeness & sorrow"(33)...I will cause lewdness to cease from the land"(48)...
EZEKIEL 22: "Son of man...say, 'Thus says the Lord...you have become guilty by the blood you shed..."(4)...you have despised my holy things & profaned my sabbath"(8)...in you men uncover their fathers nakedness...one commits abominations with his neighbor's wife"(10-11)...son of maan the house of Israel has become dross to me...they are all bronze, tin, iron, & lead, in the midst of the furnace..."I will leave you there & melt you"(17-20)...I sought for a man among them who would make a wall...but I found no one"(30)
EZEKIEL 21: "Son of man set your face towards Jerusalem, preach against the holy places
....says the Lord, 'Behold I am against you(1-3)...a sword is sharpened... to make a dreadful slaughter(10)...the third time let the sword do double damage (14)...exalt the humble & humble the exalted"(26)...you shall be fuel for the fire"(32)
EZEKIEL 20: "Son of man speak to the elders...'says the Lord God, 'Have you come to inquire of me?...I will not be inquired of by you..."they greatly defiled my Sabbath(13)...profaned my sabbath(16)...nevertheless my eye spared them from destructio...
EZEKIEL 19: "They put him in a cage with lions & brought him to the king of Babylon...your mother was like a vine in your bloodline....she had strong branches...but she was plucked up in fury...now she is planted in the wilderness...fire...has devoured her fruit...she has no strong branch...this is a lamentation"(1-14)
EZEKIEL 18: "'The fathers have eaten sour grapes & their children's teeth are set on edge' "...you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel"...the soul who sins shall die...but if a man is just he shall surely live"(1-9)...I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies"(32)
EZEKIEL 17: "son of man pose a riddle...'a great eagle with large wings...came to Lebanon, took the topmost twig...& set it in a city...then he took some seed...& it grew...it became a vine..another great eagle & the vine bent its roots toward him...that he might water it..to bring forth branches & bear fruit..& become a majestic vine..." it is planted will it thrive (1-10)...all the pharaoh's fugitives with his troops shall fall by the sword"(v21)...I will also take a high branch & plant it...all the trees shall know that I have brought down the high tree & exalted the low tree"(24)
EZEKIEL 16: "Son of man cause Jerusalem to know her abominations"(v1)...on the day you were born no eye pitied you...you were thrown out into the open field...I passed by you & saw you struggling in your own blood...& I said to you "Live!" (1-6)...I made you thrive....I spread my wing over you...I entered into a covenant with you...I washed you in water (7-9)...you were exceedingly beautiful..."(13)....but you trusted in your own beauty, played the harlot..." you did not remember the days of your youth"(22)...you built for yourself a shrine"(24)...you multiplied your acts of harlotry"(29)...I will judge you as women who break wedlock"(38)...everyone who quotes proverbs will say 'like mother, like daughter"(44)....Samaria did not commit half of your sins"...nevertheless I will remember my covenant "(v60)...
EZEKIEL 15; "how is the wood of the vine better than any other wood. ,,,is wood taken from it to make any object...?...instead it is thrown in the fire for fuel"...so I will give up the inhabitants of Jerusalem..."(vv1-6)
EZEKIEL 14: "they are all estranged from me by their idols"(v5)...even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, & Job were in it they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness"(v14)...yet behold there shall be left in it a remnant"(v22)...you shall know I have done nothing without cause"(v23)...
EZEKIEL 13: "Says the Lord, 'Woe to the foolish prophets'...your prophets are like foxes in the desert"...they have envisioned futility...(vv3-6)..."you say, 'The Lord says', but I have not spoken"... because you have spoken nonsense & envisioned lies, Therefore I am indeed against you"(v8)..."they have seduced my people saying 'peace' when there is no peace"(10)...I will say the wall is no more nor those who plastered it"(15)...[they say] "peace peace when there is no peace"...(16)...with lies you have made the hearts of the righteous sad"(22)
EZEKIEL 12:[said God to zeke] "Son of man you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house"(v1)..."dig thru the wall in their sight'(v5)...as though going into captivity"(v7)...say 'I am a sign to them, as I have done so it shall be done to them'(v11)..."son of man eat your bread with quaking & drink your water with trembling & anxiety"(v18)...& say to the people [likewise]...says the Lord 'None of my words will be postponed"(v28)
EZEKIEL 11: "Then the Spirit lifted me up..'Son of man these are the men who devise iniquity"(v2)...prophesy against them o son of man"(v3)...this city shall not be the caldron nor you the meat in the midst...I will judge you at the border"(v11)...I will give them one heart & put a new spirit in them...& take the stony heart out of their flesh"(v19)...I spoke to those in captivity all the things the Lord had shown me"(v25)
EZEKIEL 10: "Fill your hands with coals from the fire...& scatter them over the city"(v2)...& the court was full of the brightness of the Lord's glory"(v4)...the cherubim appeared to have the form of a man's hands under the wings"(v8)...the wheels were called in my hearing "wheel"(v13)...the spirit of the living creature was in them'(v17)...
EZEKIEL 9: "Put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh & cry over the abominations"(v4)...utterly slay old & young but do not come near anyone on whom is with the mark..."(v5)...I have done as you commanded"(v11)
EZEKIEL 8: "I looked & there
was a likeness of the appearance of fire...from his waist downward, & from his waist upward brightness...the color of amber...took me by a lock of my hair...& the Spirit lifted me up between earth & heaven(vv2-3)...'Son of man lift your eyes to the north...do you see the abominations...that the house of Israel commits..."(v6)...then He said 'Son of man dig into the wall...& I went in & saw...creepy things..abominable...& idols...& 70 elders of the house of Israel...each with an [incense] censer(v11)...'turn Again' & to my dismay women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz"(v14)...then he brought me to the inner court of the Lord's house ...& there were about 25 men... worshipping the sun..."(v16)...indeed they put the branch to their nose"(v17)...my eye will not spare, nor will I have pity..
EZEKIEL 7: says the Lord, "The end has come upon the four corners of the land"(v2)....the end has come it has dawned for you"(v6)...behold it has come"(v10)...the time has come(v12)...their silver & gold will not be able to deliver them"(v19)...
EZEKIEL 6: says the Lord "In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste"(v6)...the slain shall fall in your midst"(v7)...yet I will leave a remnant"(v8)
EZEKIEL 5: "son of man take a sharp sword...pass it over your head..." [divide & weigh your hair...]..burn some hair in the fire]..."This is Jerusalem..."(vv1-5) fathers shall eat their sons & sons shall eat their fathers"(v10)...1/3 shall die by pestilence, 1/3 shall die by sword, 1/3 shall be scattered]...
EZEKIEL 4: "Son of man take a clay tablet"(v1)...portray the city of Jerusalem...with battering rams all around it...take an iron plate set your face against it & it shall be besieged"(v1-3)...lie on your left side...the number of days you do so you shall bear their iniquity [of Israel]...(v4) [one day for each year]...390 days...then lie on your right side for 40 days for the iniquity of Judah...(vv5-6)[& bake bread using human waste for fuel in their sight](v12)...[finally Ezekiel objected to the use of human waste & God relented] "I am giving you cow dung instead of human waste"(v15) ....
EZEKIEL 3: "Son of man...eat this scroll"(v1)...& it was in my mouth like honey"(v3)...I have made your face strong against their faces"(v8)...then the Spirit lifted me up & I heard a great thunderous voice: 'Blessed is the Glory of the Lord"(v12)...if you warn the wicked...& he does not turn, he shall die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your soul"(v19)...[but if] you did not give him warning, his blood I shall require at your hand"(v20)...the Spirit said 'Go shut yourself inside your house'(v23)...they shall put ropes on you...I will make your mouth...like a mute'(v24-25)...but when I speak with you I shall open your mouth"(v27)
EZEKIEL 2: "and I fell on my face...& He said, 'Son of man stand on your feet...& I will speak to you...then the Spirit entered me..."& He said 'Son of Man I am sending you to [rebellious Israe]l'(v3)...do not be afraid of them (v6)...you shall speak my words"(v7)...open your mouth & eat what I give you...."(v8)...
EZEKIEL 1: "in the 5th year of king Jehoiakin's captivity...the word of the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel"(v2-3)then I looked ...& behold a whirlwind, ...a great cloud...with raging fire engulfing itself..."(v4)...from within likeness of four living creatures...likeness of a man...each one had four faces...four wings...legs straight...sparkled...liike burnished bronze....the creatures did not turn...each went straight forward..."(vv4-9)
"Face of man...face of ox...face of lion...face of eagle...they went wherver the spirit wanted to go"...their appearance was like burning coals of fire..."a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature"(vv12-15)...their rims were full of eyes "(v18)...wherever the spirit wanted to go they went"(v20)...I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty"(v23)...like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day...this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of God"(v28)
LAMENTATIONS 5: "Our fathers sinned are are no more but we bear their iniquity"(v7)...Turn us back to you o Lord"(v21)
LAMENTATIONS 4: "How the gold has become dim"(v1)..."Those who are slain by the sword are better off than those who die by hunger..."(v9)...the Lord has fulfilled his fury..."(v11)
LAMENTATIONS 3: "Even when I cry & shout he shuts out my prayer"(v8)...He has set me up as a target for arrow"(v120....I have hope thru His mercies that we are not consumed...because His compassions fail not..."(v22)...the Lord is good to those who wait for Him"(v25)...it is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth"(v27)...the Lored will not cast off forever"(31)...let us lift our hearts & hands to the God in Heaven"(v41)....I called on your name oh Lord from the lowest pit"(v55)...
LAMENTATION 2: "The Lord has swallowed up & not pitied all the dwelling places of Jacob"(v2)...He has poured out His fury like fire"(v4)...your prophets have seen for you false & deceptive visions"(v14)...is this the city that is called 'perfection of beauty'?"...you have slain them in the day of your anger"(v21)...
LAMENTATION 1: "How lonely sits the city that was full of people"(v1)...she weeps bitterly"(v2)...Jerusalem has sinned gravely, therefore shehas become vile"(v8)...she did not consider her destiny"(v9)...the comforter who should restore my life is far from me"(v16)...my sighs are many & my heart is faint..."(v22)...
JEREMIAH 52:"Zedekiah was 21 years old when he became king...& he did evil...(vv1-2)...[&Nebuchadnezzar camped around Jerusalem]...the king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah &...put out the eyes of Zedekiah"(v10-11)...all the persons [whom Nebuchadnezzar carried away captive] were 4600"(v30)...
JEREMIAH 51: "says the Lord,'I will raise up against Babylon..."(v1)...utterly destroy all her army"(v3)...flee from the midst of Babylon"(v6)...His plan is against Babylon to destroy it"(v11)...[the]molded image is falsehood, there is no breath"(v17)...Israel is the tribe of His inheritance...My battle-ax (v19)...WITH YOU I WILL BREAK IN PIECES...the horse...chariot...man & woman...old...young...shepherd...flock...farmer...oxen...governors...rulers...(vv20-23)...mighty men of Babylon...became like women"(v30)...says the Lord [to Jerusalem] I will plead your case...Babylon shall become a heap(vv36-37)...like lambs to the slaughter"(v40)...Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that would come upon Babylon"(v60)...Jeremiah said to Seraiah...'When you have finished reading this book...tie a stone to it & throw it into the Euphrates...& say 'Thus Babylon shall sink & not rise'(vv61-64)
JEREMIAH 50: against Babylon
"The word that the Lord spoke against Babylon & against... the Chaldeans..."(v1)...Babylon is taken...out of the north a nation comes up against her"(vv2-3)...in those days [Israel & Judah] with continual weeping shall come & seek the Lord"(v4)...everyone who goes by Babylon shall be horrified"(v13)...for she [Babylon] has sinned against the Lord"(v14)...I will punish the king of Babylon (v18)...I will bring back Israel"(v19)...I will pardon those whom I preserve"(v20)...call together the archers against Babylon"(v29)...they will become like women"(v37)...as God overthrew Sodom & Gomorrah...no one shall reside there..."(v40)...
JEREMIAH 49:[Against Ammonites] "Says the Lord...'I will bring back the captives...of Ammon...'(v6)...against Edom (v7)...against Damascus(v23)...against Kedar & Hazor (v28)...
JEREMIAH 48: "Says the Lord, 'Moab is destroyed...'(v4)...no one shall escape'(v8)...the calamity of Moab is near at hand'(v16)...Moab shall wallow in his vomit'(v26)...
JEREMIAH 47: "Says the Lord, 'All the inhabitants of the land shall wail...'(v2)...the fathers will not look back for their children for lack of courage"(v3)...the Lord shall plunder the Philistines"(v4)...
JEREMIAH 46: "This is the day that God may avenge Himself on His adversaries"(v10)...stand fast... the sword devours all around you"(v14)...Egypt is a very pretty heifer, but destruction comes"...but do not fear, O Jacob,... I will not make a complete end of you"(v28)...
JEREMIAH 45: "Says the Lord" [To Jeremiah, to Baruch] "What I have built I will break down..."(v4)...I will bring adversity on all flesh"(v5)...but I will give your life [Baruch?] as a prize"(v5b)
JEREMIAH 44: "Says the Lord,'You have seen all the calamity I have vrought on Jerusalem..'(v1)...because of their wickedness"(v3)...I sent my servants the prophets...but they [the people] did not listen..."(vv4-5)...so my fury & anger was poured out..."(v6) )...have you forgotten the wickedness" (v9)...thus says the Lord...I will take the remnant of Judah...& they shall all be consumed..."(vv11-12)...the people answered Jeremiah saying...'We will not listen to you...'(vv15-16)...since we stopped burning incense...we lacked everything..."(v18)...Jeremiah answered 'The Lord could no longer bear... the evil of your doings.."(v19)...this shall be a sign, says the Lord, 'I will punish you in this place'(v29)...I will give Pharaoh Hophrah, king of Egypt into the hands of his enemies'(v30)...
JEREMIAH 43: [but Johanan did not believe Jeremiah & said] "You speak falsely, the Lord our God has not sent you to say 'Do not go to Egypt to dwell there'(v2) [&Johanan took all the remnant, including Jeremiah & Baruch] "& went to the land of Egypt"(v7)...[& God said to Jeremiah take large stones] & tell them that God says "Behold I will take Nebuchadnezzar...& he will set his throne above these hidden stones...& he shall strike the land Of Egypt & deliver death to those appointed for death" (v11)
JEREMIAH 42: [& Johanan asked Jeremiah to pray for the small remnant] "that the Lord your God should show us the way in which we should walk"(v3)...& Jeremiah said "whatever the Lord answers I will declare it to you"(v4) & they said "We will obey the voice of the Lord"(v6)...[& said the Lord] "If you will remain in this land then I will build you & not pull you down'(v10)...[but if you go to Egypt] "My fury will be poured out upon you when you enter Egypt"(v18)
JEREMIAH 41: [& Ishmael came to Gedaliah & struck him with the sword & killed him](v2)..."& Ishmael carried away captive all the rest of the people"(v11) [but Johanan pursued Ishmael & recovered the captives, although Ishmael escaped]
JEREMIAH 40: "when the Jews heard that the King of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah..."[under the care of Gedaliah] ...they...came to the land of Judah & gathered wine & summer fruit"(vv11-12). [& Gedaliah was warned that Ishmael was sent to murder him, bue he did not believe it]
JEREMIAH 39: "In the 11th year of Zedekiah...the city was penetrated"(v2)...[& the Chaldeans brought Zedekiah to Nebuchadnezzar who] "killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes"...& "he put out Zedekiah's eyes"(vv6-7)...but Nebuchadnezzar said re Jeremiah "Do him no harm"(v12).
JEREMIAH 38: [and the princes said to the king]"Let this man [Jeremiah] be put to death"(v4)...& they took Jeremiah & cast him into the dungeon of Malciah...&Jeremiah sank into the mire"(v6)...[but Ebed-melech, a eunuch, spoke up for Jeremiah, & the king ordered Jeremiah out of the dungeon, v11]...& Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, "If you surrender to the King of Babylon's princes, then your soul shall live, & this city shall not be burned with fire..."(v17)...& Jeremiah remained in prison until the day Jerusalem was taken"(v28)
JEREMIAH 37: [so Zedekiah reigned instead of Coniah, son of Jehoiakim] "but neither he nor his servants gave heed ...to the words...spoken by Jeremiah"(v2)...[&Jeremiah told Zedekiah that the Chaldeans shall take the city ]..."& burn it with fire"(v8)...then a guard "seized Jeremiah, saying 'You are defecting to the Chaldeans'(v13)...& Jeremiah said "False, I am not defecting..."[but they did not believe Jeremiah & put him in prison](v15)...[&Zedekiah secretly came to Jeremiah & asked if there was any word from the Lord, & Jeremiah said]"There is, you shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon"(v17)
JEREMIAH 36: [The Lord told Jeremiah] "Take a scroll of a book & write on it all the words I have spoken to you...that everyone may turn from his evil way"(vv2-3)...[& Jeremiah commanded Baruch]
"Go read from the scroll the words of the Lord"(v6)...when they [the princes] heard the words, they looked at each other with fear & said 'We will surely tell the king' (Jehoiachim)"(v16)...then the princes said to Baruch, 'Go & hide, you & Jeremiah"(v19)...[when Jehudi read from the scroll the king took the scroll] & "cast it into the fire..."(v23)[& the king commanded Baruch & Jeremiah to be seized but they were hidden]...[& God said to Jeremiah, Take another scroll & write the words that were on the first scroll](v28)...[& God said "I will punish [Jehoiakim], his family, & his servants"(v31)
JEREMIAH 35: [God told Jeremiah]"Go to the house of the Rechabites...give them wine to drink"(v2)...but they said 'Our father said we will drink no wine (v6)...but you shall dwell in tents'(v7)...thus we have obeyed"(v8)...[&God said]"Surely the sons of Jonadab, the son of Rechab, have obeyed the command of their father, but this people [Judah] has not obeyed Me"(v16)...
JEREMIAH 34: "says the Lord [to Zedekiah] 'I shall give this city into the hand of the King of Babylon & he shall burn it with fire"...[yet] you shall not die by the sword, you shall die in peace..."(v4-5)...the people heard that everyone should set free his male & female slaves [& they obeyed but later changed their minds] (v10-11). "Says the Lord,'You have not obeyed me in proc,aiming libery..."(v17)...I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without inhabitant." (V22)
JEREMIAH 33: "...[the Lord] came to Jeremiah a second time...[while he was still in prison](v1)...I will cause the captives of Judah & Isael to return"(v7)...I will pardon their iniquities"(v8)...then it shall be to Me a name of joy..."(v9)...I will cause to grow up to David a Branch of Righteousness..."(v15)
JEREMIAH 32: [when the king of Babylon besieged Jerusalem] "Jeremiah was shut up in... prison...in the king of Judah's house [Zedekiah]."(v2)...I bought the field from Hanamel, the son of my uncle"(v9)...I gave the purchase deed to Baruch...(v12)...[& said] "take these deeds & put them in an earthen vessel" (v14)...saysthe Lord ...houses...shall be possessed again in this land"(v15)...then I [Jeremiah] prayed...Lord there is nothing too hard for you (vv16-17)...& the Lord said 'Is there anything too hard for me'?(v27)...[but] because of all the evil [of Israel & Judah I will destroy this place]...(v32)...[then] I will. Bring them back to this place"(v37...
JEREMIAH 31: "Says the Lord, 'The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness"(v2)...you shall be rebuilt O virgin of Israel"...I will turn their mourning to joy"(v13)...there is hope in your future"(v17)...for the Lord has created a new thing in the earth, a woman shall encompass a man"(v22)...I will watch over them to build & to plant...they shall no more say 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, & the children's teeth are set on edge', every man shall die for his own inquity" (vv28-29)...this is the covenant I will make, I will put My law in their minds & write it on their hearts, & I will be their God & they shall be My people"(v33)....they shall all know Me from the least of them to the greatest"(v34)...
JEREMIAH 30: "says the Lord, 'I will bring back from captivity my people Israel & Judah..[has] a man ever [been] in labor with a child?...so why do I see every man with his hands on his loins"(v6)...do not fear...I will not make a complete end of you"(v11)...I will restore health to you"(v17)...
JEREMIAH 29: "says the Lord...to all who were carried away captive...build houses & dwell in them. Plant gardens & eat their fruit...(v5)...& seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be...pray to the Lord, in its peace you will have peace...(v7)...after 70 years I will visit you & cause you to return..."(v10)...then you will call upon me & pray & I will listen..."(v12)...because Shemaiah has caused you to trust in a lie...I will punish [him]...(v31-32)
JEREMIAH 28: "As for the prophet who prophecies peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, the prophet will be known as one whom the Lord truly sent"(v9)...[then said the Lord to Jeremiah]"Go & tell Hananiah, you have broken the yokes of wood, but you have made in their place yokes of iron"(v13)...Hear now Hananiah you make these people trust in a lie...this year you shall die...so Hananiah the prophet died"(v15-17)
JEREMIAH 27:"Says the Lord, 'Make yourselves bonds & yokes..."(v2)...."I have given all these lands into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar"(v6)...the nation... which will not put its neck under the yoke of the King of Babylon...I will punish"(v8)...
JEREMIAH 26: "Says the Lord, if you will not listen to me...I will make this house like Shiloh..."(vv4-6)...& the people said, 'This man [Jeremiah] deserves to die, for he has prophesied against this city'(v11)...& Jeremiah said 'Amend your ways...if you put me to death you will surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves"(vv13-15)...then the people said 'this man does not deserve to die, for he has spoken to us in the name of the Lord"(v16)...
JEREMIAH 25: "repent now everyone of his evil ways...do not go after other gods...yet you have not listened to me...because you have not heard My words...this whole land shall be a desolation....& these nations shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years..."(vv5-11)...says the Lord to me 'take this wine cup of fury'....& I took the cup & made all the nations drink...to make them a desolation, an astonishment, a hissing, & a curse..."[vv15-18]...says the Lord 'Drink, be drunk, & vomit, fall & rise no more'
[Jeremiah 1-24, sent to myreligious quotes & to ldem]
JEREMIAH 24: "there were 2 baskets of figs...one had very good figs...& the other basket had very bad figs"(vv1-2)...the Lord said "What do you see Jeremiah?"...& I said good figs, very good, & bad figs, very bad...Lord said, "Like the good figs, I will acknowledge the captives of Judah...sent out of this place for their own good into the land of the Chaldeans...(v5) "I will plant them & not pluck them up"(v6)...I will give them a heart to know me"(v7)...[likewise the bad figs]...I will give up Zedekiah...& the residue of Jerusalem & those who dwell in Egypt...."(v8)
JEREMIAH 23: "woe to the shepherds who destroy & scatter the sheep of my pasture"(v1)...the days are coming when I will raise to David a branch of righteousness...He will be called, 'the Lord our Righteousness'"(v6)...both prophet & priest are profane"(v11)...prophets saying 'i have dreamed,I have dreamed..."...they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart..."(vv25-26)...do not say 'the oracle of the Lord'"(v38)
JEREMIAH 22: "Says the Lord, 'Do no wrong & do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, or the widow, nor shed innocent blood..."(v3)...woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness.."(v13)...
JEREMIAH 21: "I will deliver Zedekiah king of Judah...& the people...into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon ...he shall not spare them"(v7)...I will punish you according to the fruit of your doings"(v14)
JEREMIAH 20: "then Pashhur struck Jeremiah & put him in the stocks"(v )...[Jeremiah says I was a ]reproach & a derision daily..I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name, but His word was in my heart like a burning fire...I was weary of holding it back & could not"(v9)...the Lord is with me as a mighty awesome One, therefore my persecutors will stumble"(v11)...cursed be the day on which I was born"(v14)...because He did not kill me from the womb that my mother might have been my grave...why did I come forth from the womb to see labor & sorrow"(vv17-18)
JEREMIAH 19: "says the Lord 'I will bring such a catastrophe on this place that whoever hears of it his ears will tingle"(v4)...this place shall be the valley of Slaughter"(v6)...I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons...& daughters"(v6)...I will break this city as one breaks a potter's vessel"(v11)...because they have stiffened their necks"(v15)
JEREMIAH 18: "Oh house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter ?" (v6)...[but they rejected God & said] "we will walk according to our own plans"(v12)...My people have forgotten Me"(v15)...[Jeremiah says]"They have dug a pit for my life..."(v20)...therefore pour out their blood by the force of the sword"(v21)...
JEREMIAH 17: "The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, with the point of a diamond it is engraved"(v1)...for you have kindled a fire in My anger which will burn forever"(v4)...cursed is the man who trusts in man & makes flesh his strength"(v5)...BLESSED is the man who trusts in the Lord...he shall be like a tree planted by the waters"(v8)...I the Lord search the heart, I test the mind..."(v10) [Jeremiah says]"Destroy them with double destruction"(v18)...if you will not heed Me to hallow the Sabbath day...then I will kindle a fire in its gates"(v27)
JEREMIAH 16: [to Jeremiah] "you shall not take a wife nor shall you have sons or daughters in this place"(v2)...[the people here] shall die gruesome deaths"(v4)...because your fathers have forsaken Me"(v11)...& they shall know that My name is the Lord"(v21)
JEREMIAH 15: Then the Lord said to me 'even if Moses Or Samuel stood before Me, My mind would not be favorable toward this people"(v1)...I will appoint...four forms of destruction...the sword to slay, the dogs to drag, the birds of the heavens & the beasts of the earth to devour & destroy..." [but to Jeremiah the Lord said] "I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked"(v21)...
JEREMIAH 14: "judah mourns...& the cry of Jerusalem has gone up..."(v2)...yet you Oh Lord are in our midst...do not leave us"(v9)...the Lord said to me 'do not pray for this people...I will not hear their cry"(v11-12)...by sword & famine those [false]prophets shall be consumed"(v15)...
JEREMIAH 13: "Go & get yourself a linen sash & tie it around your waist, but do not put it in water"(v1)...go to the Euphrates & hide it there in a hole in the rock"(v4)...after many days...the Lord said to me, 'Arise, go to the Euphrates & take from there the sash..."(v6)...then I went & dug & took the sash...& it was ruined, profitable for nothing"(v7)...[& the Lord said] "in this way I will ruin the pride of Judah &... Jerusalem (v9)...this evil people shall be just like this sash which is profitable for nothing..."(v10)...speak to them 'every bottle shall be filled with wine...'(v12)...thus says the Lord 'I will fill all the inhabitants...with drunkenness...& I will dash them one against the other...(v 13-14)...give glory to the Lord your God before He causes darkness"(v16)...what will you say when He punishes you" (v21)...can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopards his spots"(v23)...woe to you o Jerusalem"(v27)
JEREMIAH 12: "Why does the way of the wicked prosper ?' (V1)
JEREMIAH 11: "Thus says the Lord: 'Cursed is the man who does not obey the words of this covenant"(v3)...do not pray for this people or lift up a cry or prayer for them, for I will not hear them" (v14)...
"I was like a docile lamb brought to the slaughter, and I did not know that they had devised schemes against me, saying 'Let us destroy the tree with its fruit'(v19)...
JEREMIAH 10: " do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, nor can they do any good"(v5)....they are altogether dull-hearted & foolish, a wooden idol is a worthless doctrine" (v8)...but the Lord is the true God"(v10)...thus says the Lord 'woe is me for my hurt, my wound is severe"(v18-19)...
JEREMIAH 9: "oh that I might leave my people & go from them, for they are all adulterers...they proceed from evil to evil & do not know Me" (v3)...they have taught their tongue to speak lies" (v5)...I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins"(v11)...they have walked according to the dictates of their own hearts"(v14)...Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom...but let him who glories, glory in this, that He understands & knows Me"(vv23-24)...
JEREMIAH 8: "...then death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of those who remain of this evil family..." "No man repented of his wickedness saying 'What have I done?'(v6)...from the least even to the greatest everyone is given to covetousness"(v10)..."saying 'peace peace' when there is no peace"(v11)...is there no balm in gilead"(v22)...
JEREMIAH 7 [God said to Jeremiah] "Stand in the gate of the Lord's house & proclaim...all you of Judah...amend your ways & doings...if you do not oppress the stranger, the fatherless, & the widow...& do not shed innocent blood & walk after other gods...THEN I will cause you to dwell ...in this land that I gave to your fathers forever & ever...(vv1-7)...[see what I did to Israel in Shiloh b/c of their wickedness] ....[because] ...you did not hear...you did not answer (v130...[I will do to you as I did to Shiloh]...[b/c they worship the] "queen of heaven"(v18)...my anger & my fury will be poured out"(v20)...[Jeremiah, you shall say to them] "This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the Lord..."(v28)...the children of Judah have done evil"(v30)...
JEREMIAH 6: "Thus says the Lord,'They shall glean as a vine the remnant of Israel, as a grape gatherer put your hand back into the branches"(v9)....from the least even to the greatest everyone is given to covetousness"(v13)...they have also healexd the hurt of My people slightly saying 'peace peace when there is no peace'(v14)....nor did they know how to blush"(v15)...people will call them rejected silver because the Lord has rejected them"(v30)
JEREMIAH 5: "though they say 'as the Lord lives' surely they swear falsely"...they have made their faces harder than rock"(v3)...therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them"(v6)...like well-fed lusty stallions everyone neighed after his neighbor's wife"(v8)...they have lied about the Lord & said 'it is not He'(v12)...nevertheless says the Lord I will not make a complete end of you"...will you not tremble at My presence?" (v22)...the prophets prophesy falsely...and My people love to have it so, but what will you do in the end?"(v31)
JEREMIAH 4: You shall swear, "The Lord lives, in truth, in righteousness, & in judgment"(v2)...clothe yourself with sackcloth, lament & wail...o Jerusalem wash your heart from wickedness that you might be saved"(v14)...for My people are foolish, they have not known Me"(v22)...
JEREMIAH 3: "you have played the harlot with many lovers, yet return to Me"(v1)...therefore the showers have been withheld"(v3)...yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went & played the harlot also"(v8)...return o backsliding children, says the Lord, for I am married to you"(v14)...they will say no more 'the ark of the covenant of the Lord', it shall not come to mind" (v16)...
JEREMIAH 2: "Thus says the Lord, 'I remember you, the kindness of your youth"(v2)...Israel was holiness to the Lord"(v3)...I brought you into a bountiful country...but you defiled my land"(v7)....my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, & hewn themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water"(v13)...it is an evil & bitter thing that you have forsaken the Lord your God"(v19)...saying to a tree 'you are my father', and to a stone 'you gave birth to me' (v27)...
JEREMIAH 1: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I sanctified you"(v5)...and the Lord said, "Do not say that I am a youth, for you shall go to all whom I send you, and whatevet I command, you shall speak"(v7)....to root out & pull down, to destroy & to throw down, to build & to plant"(v10). "I see the branch of an almond tree (v11)...I see a boiling pot"(v13)...I will utter my judgments against them concerning all their wickedness"(v17)
ISAIAH 66: "On this one will I look, on him who is poor & of a contrite spirit and who trembles at My word"(v2)...hear the word of the Lord you who tremble at His word"(v5)....before she was in labor she gave birth, before her pain came she delivered a male child"(v7)...shall the earth be made to give birth in. One day? Or shall a nation be born at once?" (v8) "Behold I will extend peace to her like a river...."
ISAIAH 65: "I was sought by those who did not ask for Me. I was found by those who did not seek Me"(v1)...when I called you did not answer"(v12)...he who blesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth"(v16)...behold I create new heavens & a new earth"(v17)...my elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands"(v22)...the wolf & the lamb shall feed together"(v25)
ISAIAH 64: "As fire causes water to boil...that the nations may tremble at your presence"(v2)...you are indeed angry for we have sinned...and we need to be saved"(v5)...we are the clay and you are our potter"(v8)
ISAIAH 63: "I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord"(v7)...for He said, 'surely they are My people, so He became their Savior'(v8)...but they rebelled & grieved His Holy Spirit"(v10).
ISAIAH 62: "....FOR jerusalem's sake I will not rest until her righteousness goes forth as brightness"(v1)...the gentiles shall see your righteousness"(v2)...
you shall no longer be termed FORSAKEN"(v4)...you who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent"(v6)...and you shall be called SOUGHT OUT, a city NOT FORSAKEN" (v12)
ISAIAH 61: "The Spirit Of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted"(v1)...that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He may be glorified"(v3)...instead of your shame you shall have double honor"(v7)...for I the Lord love justice"(v8)
ISAIAH 60: "Arise, shine for your light has come (v1)...the Gentiles shall come to your light (v3)...the wealth of the gentiles shall come to you"(v5)...you shall drink the milk of the gentiles, and milk the breast of kings"(?)(v16)....the sun shall no longer be your light...but the Lord will be to you an everlasting light"(v17)...your sun shall no longer go down"(v20)
ISAIAH 59: "Your iniquities have separated you from your God"(v2)...your lips have spoken lies"(v3)...their feet run to evil"(v7)...the way of peace they have not know"(v8)...we look for light but there is darkness...we grope for the wall like the blind"(v9-10)...we look for justice but there is none"(v11)...our sins testify against us"(v12)...then the Lord saw it & it displeased Him"(v15)...and wondered that there was no intercessor"(v16)...the Redeemer shall come to Zion and to those who turn from transgression"(v20)
ISAIAH 58: "Is this not the fast I have chosen ? To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens? To let the oppressed go free?(v6)...is it not to share your bread with the hungry"(v7)....then your light shall break forth like the morning"(v8)...if you extend your soul to the hungry... then your light shall dawn in the darkness"(v10)....the Lord will guide you continually...like a watered garden"(v11)...you shall be called the Repairer Of the Breach"(v12)
ISAIAH 57: "the righteous perishes & no man takes it to heart"(v1) "you have uncovered yourself to those other than me...and made a covenant with them, you have loved their bed where you saw their nudity [hand?]"(v8) "He who puts his trust in Me shall possess the land"(v13) "I dwell with him who has a contrite & humble spirit"(v15)...[but] there is no peace, says my God, for the wicked"(v21)
ISAIAH 56: "says the Lord, 'Keep justice & do righteousness'...nor let the eunuch say, 'Here I am a dry tree'...to the eunuchs who hold fast my covenant...I will give them an everlasting name"(v3-5)
ISAIAH 55:"Ho! Everone who thirsts, come to the waters, & you who have no money, come buy & eat ! Yes come buy wine & milk without money & without price"(v1)....seek the Lord while He may be found"(v6)...My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways', says the Lord" (v8)....as the heavens are higher than the earth so are My ways higher than your ways"(v9)...as the rain comes down...[and] waters the earth....and makes it bring forth & bud, that it may give seed to the sower...so shall My word be that goes forth from my mouth"(v10-11)...and it shall be to the Lord for a name"(v13)
ISAIAH 54: "Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed...you will forget the shame of your youth"(v4)...for your Maker is your husband"(v5)...the Lord has called you"(v6)...my kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall my covenant of peace be removed"(v10)...all your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children"(v13)
ISAIAH 53: "He is despised & rejected by men...He was despised & we did not esteem Him"(v3) "all we like sheep have gone astray"(v6)...He was led as a lamb to the slaughter...so He opened not His mouth"(v7)
ISAIAH 52: "Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion"(v1)...you have sold yourselves for nothing, you shall be redeemed without money"(v3) "My name is blasphemed continually, every day "(v5) "how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings Good News, who proclaims peace..."(v7)
ISAIAH 51: "Listen to me..."(v1,4,7) "law will proceed from Me"(v4) "the coastlands will wait upon Me"(v5) "My salvation will be forever"(v6)...you people in whose heart is My law, do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults"(v7)
ISAIAH 50: "with My rebuke I dry up the sea"(v2)...He [God] awakens Me morning by morning"(v4)...the Lord God will help Me"(v7,9)...all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with sparks, walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled, this you shall have from My hand: you shall lie down in torment"(v11)
ISAIAH 49: "Listen O coastlands to me...the Lord has called me from the womb"(v1)...God says 'is it too small a thing that you should be my servant?...I will give You as a light to the gentiles, that You should be my salvation to the ends of the earth"(v6)...but Zion said, 'the Lord has forsaken me'...can a woman forgrt her nursing child ?(v14-15)
ISAIAH 48: "Hear O Israel...who make mention of the God of Israel but not in truth or righteousness"(v1) "For my names sake I will defer my anger"(v9) "I am the first, I am also the last"(v12) "had you heeded my commandments your peace would have been like a river"(v18) "There is no peace'says the Lord 'for the wicked '"(v22)
ISAIAH 47: "your nakedness shall be uncovered, your shame will be seen"(v3) "hear this..., you who say... I am & there is no one else besides me"(v8, v10)....you have trusted in your wickedness... your wisdom & your knowledge have warped you"(v10)...the fire shall burn them, it shall not be a coal to be warmed by, nor a fire to sit before"(v14)
ISAIAH 46: "to whom will you liken Me & make Me equal?'(v5)...I am God & there is no other....there is none like Me"(v9)...I will place salvation in Zion"(v13)
ISAIAH 45: "I will make the crooked places straight"(v2)...I am the Lord & there is no other"(v4)...there is no God besides Me"(v5)...I am the Lord & there is no other"(v6,v22)...there is no other God"(v14,v21)
ISAIAH 44:"I will pour water on him who is thirsty...I will pour my Spirit"(v3)...I am the first & the last, besides Me there is no other God"...indeed there is no other Rock"(v8)...I am the Lord who makes all things"(v24)
ISAIAH 43: "Fear not for I have redeemed you"(v1)...when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned"(v2)...Before me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after me"(v10)..."you have burdened me with your sins"(v24)...your first father sinned"(v27)
ISAIAH 42: "I the Lord have called you in righteousness...and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners"(v6-7). "Sing to the Lord a new song..."(v10)...I will bring the blind...I will make darkness light, & crooked places straight"(v16)...hear you deaf & look you blind"(v18)
ISAIAH 41:"I the Lord am the first, and with the last I am He"(v4)...Fear not [o israel] for I am with you...I am your God"(v10)...those who war against you shall be as nothing"(v12)...the poor & needy seek water...I, the Lord, will hear them"(v17)...I will set in the desert the cypress & the box tree & the pine"(v19)...[let your idols] do good or evil...indeed you are nothing"(v23-24)...indeed they are all worthless"(v29)
ISAIAH 40: "the voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God'"(v3)...the crooked places shall be made straight"(v4)...the glory of the Lord shall be revealed"(v5)...He will feed His flock like a shepherd"(v11)...to whom shall I be equal, says the Holy One"(v25)...the Everlasting God...neither faints nor is weary"(v28)...those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles.they shall run & not be weary. They shall walk & not be faint"(v31)
ISAIAH 39: "they [the men from Babylon] have seen all that is in my house"(v4) [and Isaiah said] "the days are coming when all that is in your house shall be carried to Babylon"(v6)
ISAIAH 38: [Isaiah says to Hezekiah] "you shall die"(v1) "Hezekiah prayed...and wept bitterly"(v2-3) [And God relented saying]"I will add to your days fifteen years"(v5) [hezekiah said]"You have cast all my sins behind your back"(v17)
ISAIAH 37 "when King Hezekiah heard this he tore his clothes(v1)...and went to Isaiah and said 'Lift up your prayer for the remnant that is left"(v4) [and Isaiah said the Lord]"...will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land"(v7) [Hezekiah prays]"Oh Lord our God save us from his hand [re sennacharib, king of Assyria](v20). [And God said]"I will put my bridle in your lips & I will turn you back"(v29) "I will defend this city"(v35) [and an angel immediately killed 185,000 Assyrians]
ISAIAH 36: "you are trusting in the staff of this broken reed...so is pharaoah, king of Egypt, to all who trust in him"(v6)...give a pledge to my master, King of Assyria, & I will give you 2000 horses"(v8) "who will eat & drink their own waste with you"(v12b) "Beware, lest Hezekiah will betray you saying 'The Lord will deliver us'(v18)
ISAIAH 35: "Say to those who are fearful hearted: 'Be strong, do not fear" (v4)"the lame shall leap like a deer"(v6) "a highway ...shall be called the highway of holiness...whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray"(v8)
ISAIAH 34: "the indignation of the Lord is against all nations"(v1) "the sword of the Lord is filled with blood"(v6) "there also shall hawks be gathered, every one with her mate"(v15)
ISAIAH 33; "Woe to you who plunder, though you have not been plundered...when you cease plundering you shall be plundered"(v1) "the sinners in Zion are afraid"(v14)
ISAIAH 32: " a generous man devises generous things, and by generosity he shall stand"(v8) "Tremble, you women who are at ease. Be troubled you complacent ones"(v11) "until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high and thw wilderness becomes a fruitful field"(v15) "the work of righteousness will be peace"(v17)
ISAIAH 31: "Woe to those who trust in chariots... & horsemen...but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the Lord"(v1) "the Egyptians are men & not God, their horses are flesh, & not Spirit..."
ISAIAH 30: "woe to the rebellious children' says the Lord 'who take counsel, but not of me'"(v1). "The strength of pharaoh shall be your shame"(v3) "this is a rebellious people...who will not hear the law of the Lord"(v9)...who say to the prophets 'speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits'"(v10)
"And [God] shall break it like the breaking of a potter's vessel"(v14) "the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you (Israel)"(v18)
ISAIAH 29: "Woe to Ariel (Jerusalem)(v1)...you shall be brought down(v4)...you will be punished by the Lord of hosts"(v6) "you have things turned around, shall the potter be esteemed as the clay"(16) "those who erred in spirit will come to understanding"(v24)
ISAIAH 28: "The drunkards of Ephraim will be trampled underfoot..."(v3) "The priest & the prophet have erred through intoxicating drink"(v7) "all tables are full of vomit...whom will he teach"(v8-9) "for precept must be upon precept...line upon line...here a little there a little"
"Thus says the Lord...I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation
(v16)...I will make justice the measuring (v17)...your covenant with death will be annulled
ISAIAH 27: "In that day the Lord...will punish Leviathan..." (v1) "Israel shall blossom & bud & fill the face of the world with fruit..."(v6) "wooden images & incense altars shall not stand"(v9) "you will be gathered one by one you children of Israel" (v12) "and shall worship the Lord"(v13)
ISAIAH 26: "Trust in the Lord forever..."(v4) "the way of the just is uprightness"(v7) "with my soul I have desired you in the night"(v9) "let grace be shown to the wicked"(v10) "...they will see & be ashamed for their envy of people"(v11)
ISAIAH 25 "oh Lord you are my God, I will exalt you"v1...for You have made a city a ruin(v2)...the strong people will glorify You (v3)...He will swallow up death forever(v8)...God will wipe away tears from all faces...Moab shall be trampled down (v10)
ISAIAH 24: "the Lord makes the earth empty & makes it waste"(v1)...the land shall be entirely emptied & utterly plundered (v3)...the joy of the harp ceases (v8)...it shall be like the shaking of an olive tree (v13)...the earth is violently broken (v19)...the moon will be disgraced & the sun ashamed (v23)...
ISAIAH 23: "Wail you ships of Tarshish, for your strength is laid waste" v14 "at the end of 70 years the Lord will deal with Tyre. She will return to her hire & commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world on the face of the earth"v17
ISAIAH 22: "The Lord called for weeping..."[but you said] "Let us eat & drink for tomorrow we die" v12-13
ISAIAH 21: "Babylon is fallen, is fallen" v9 4/4/09 630 am
ISAIAH 20; "Go & remove the sackcloth from your body & take the sandals off your feet. And he did so, walking naked & barefoot." v2
ISAIAH 19:"I will set Egyptians against Egyptians (v2)...the spirit of Egypt will fail (v3)...I will give the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel master... (v4)....rivers will turn foul (v6) where are your wise men...now ? (v12) [Egypt will be like a] "drunk man who staggers in his vomit"(v14)....[after all that]...there will be "an altar to the Lord in the midst of Egypt(v19)...in that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing...(v24)"
ISAIAH 18: "woe to the land shadowed with buzzing wings..."(v1)[presumably Ethiopia]
ISAIAH 17: "damascus will cease from being a city(v1)...the glory of Jacob will wane (v4)...yet gleaning grapes will be left in it, like the shaking of an olive tree (v6)...in that day a man will have respect for [his Maker] the Holy One of Israel (v7)...he will not respect what his fingers have made...(v8)...there will be desolation because you have forgotten God (v10)...
ISAIAH 16 "we have heard of the pride of Moab...(v6) ...gladness is taken away (v10)...[Moab] will come to his sanctuary to pray, but he will not prevail' (v12)...the glory of Moab will be despized"(v14)
ISAIAH 15 "...Moab will wail...their heads will be bald..."v2
ISAIAH 14 "...take this proverb against the king of Babylon (v4)...Hell from beneath is excited about you, to meet you at your coming. It stirs up the dead for you" v9 [comparison of the fall of the King of Babylon to the fall of Lucifer] "how you are fallen from heaven o Lucifer (v12)...is this the man who made the earth tremble...(v16)....who did not open the house of the prisoners(v17)...I will sweep [Babylon] with the broom of destruction...(v23)...I will break the Assyrian in my land...(v25)...wail...o city...all of Philistia you are dissolved (v31)
ISAIAH 13: "I will punish the world for its evil & the wicked for their iniquity" v11 "...their children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes.."v16 "...and Babylon will be as when God overthrew Sodom & Gomorrah" v19
ISAIAH 12: "in that day you will say...the Lord is my strength & song..." v1-2 "in that day you will say...praise the Lord...call upon His name..."v4
ISAIAH 11: "There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jessie, & a Branch shall grow out of his roots" v1
calf...lion...a little child shall lead them"v6 "child ..by the cobra's hole....child by the vipers den...they shall not hurt nor destroy...the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord" v8-9. "The Lord shall recover...the remnant of His people" v11
ISAIAH 10: (re assyria)"Shall the ax boast itself against him who chops with it"? (Re judah)important repeated verse "For all this His anger is not turned away. But His hand is stretched out still."(v4) "The remnant of Israel...will depend on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel in truth...the remnant will return to the Mighty God" v20-21
ISAIAH 9: "Unto us a child is born, a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."v6 "for all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still" v21
ISAIAH 8: "when they say to you 'seek those who are mediums & wizards, who whisper & mutter" should not people SEEK THEIR GOD ?" v19
ISAIAH 7 "The Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold the virgin shall conceive & bear a son & shall call His name Emmanuel. Curds & honey He shall eat that He may know to refuse the evil & choose the good" v14-15
ISAIAH 6: "keep on hearing but do not understand. Keep on seeing but do not perceive" v9 ; "until the cities are laid waste & without inhabitant"v11
ISAIAH 5: "My well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill' v1. The church or synagogue is the vineyard & God is tending to it ("He expected it to bring forth good grapes but it brought forth wild grapes"v2). Wild grapes are bad, corrupt, distasteful. They are NOT good fruit. Verses 8 & 9 may be a warning against materialism ("woe to those who join house to house"). Another woe: "woe to those who call evil good & good evil" v20
ISAIAH 4: "seven women shall take hold of one man" v1 may refer to the fact that so many men were slain that the women would all grab for any available man. 'Be called by your name to take away our reproach" (because they didn't have children, an embarrassment to Jewish women) "for over all the glory there will be a covering" v5(the glory of God is the "shekinah")
ISAIAH 3: JUDGMENT on Jerusalem
ISAIAH 2: "the idols he shall utterly abolish"(v18). Jamieson says the Israelites were prone to idolatry prior to the Babylonian Captivity, but not subsequent. "Whose breath is in his nostrils"(v22) --possibly a symbol of the fleeting nature of life.
Isaiah 1: God is angry because the Israelites have not been faithful ("they have rebelled against me", v1) "they have turned away backward" v4). God is tired of their meaningless sacrifices ("I have had enough of your burnt offerings...I do not delight in the blood of bulls"v11). And so God is no longer interested: "Even though you make many prayers I will not hear"(v15), unless they "cease to do evil" & "learn to do good"(v16-17).God is willing to forgive, yet again ("Though your sins aere like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow"v18) but if they refuse, they shall be "devoured"(v20)."Those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed"(v28).
3/30/09 above
SONGS 8 "oh that you were like my brother" (v1) suggests tenderness & affection that is gone because Jesus is resurrected (says Jamieson), hence not physically present anymore. "cup of spiced wine"(v2) (last supper?);"his left hand is under my head" (v3) is a repeat of ch 2.6. "We have a little sister who has no breasts"(v8) they say represents the jewish church w/ superior knowledge of God (at that time) speaking of the gentile church who is less informed (thus no breasts to feed their own young w/ the word of God). "I am a wall & my breasts like towers" (v10) suggests the person (the Jewish church) was made strong by Christ & that she says it to let the little sister (Gentile church) know that Christ can do the same for her.
Or, alternatively, this is the gentile church speaking as it might when it grows up & has breasts of consolation: faith & love. "Solomon had a vineyard" (v11) (solomon being a "type" of Christ & vineyard being the church) & of course the church will be given to those who "bear fruit", hence "my own vineyard" may suggest the transfer of the vineyard to Gentile keepers ."Make haste" (v14) is the final verse waiting for the visible return of Christ "on", not in" the "mountain of spices" (Jamieson says this is where Jesus' soul was for three days after the crucifixion).
SONGS 7 Jesus/God continues to complment the church: "How beautiful are your feet...the curves of your thighs...your navel..your waist...your 2 breasts...your neck...your eyes, your nose, your head..' (v1-5). "I am my beloved's & his desire is towards me" (v10). Jamieson says it is now both the bride & the daughters of Jerusalem speaking as new converts continually enter in & claim God's love. "Mandrakes" (v13) apparently are also called "love apples."
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SONGS 6 The daughters of Jerusalem want to know what happened to Jesus ("Where has your beloved gone ?" v1) & not only that but they also have become "seekers" ("that we may seek him"). Matthews says that "those that belong to Christ & who are bound for heaven shall be called Shulamites" . Jesus has gone into the garden (the church) to "feed his flock"(nurture the believers) . & Jesus is flattering or complimenting the faithful: ("beautiful as Tirzah" (v4)is the residence of the kings of Israel? (says Jamieson) ("your hair....your teeth" v5-6. "The one bride (or "dove" ?) is contrasted with the many wives of the eastern kings in violation of marriage law" (v9) (Jamieson)."Return o shulamite" v13: now Shulamite is Jesus (Prince of Peace?? Jmsn now says "Shulamite is the feminine of Solomon" . "Two armies" (church militant & church triumphant ?).
Above 3/26/09 Ch
SONGS 5 Christ/God calls the church "sister spouse" as a way of keeping the body imagery from seeming excessively carnal, but at the same time the church is more than just a sibling for whom Christ has brotherly or sisterly love. God's passion for us goes beyond brotherly love.
Christ is called "beloved" by the church in return. The incarnational Christ came into the garden (our heart) & "ate" & "drank" with us. Notice how God outdoes us all the time ? She invited God to eat fruits with her but He comes with MUCH MORE: myrrh, spice, honeycomb, wine, milk. The milk, some say, represents sustenance for the new believer & the wine for the older believer. Christ has Holy Communion With both young & old.
"I sleep but my heart is awake" (v2)is a perfect image of a person sort of ready for Christ, or sort of in Christ, but yet merely human in some ways (I.e."spirit willing flesh weak") & not wholeheartedly dedicated. & some speculate that this is about Solomon who started out so good, honest, & wise but was not perfect later on. "He knocks"--now it is God knocking for us. This seems to answer the question of whether we are "elect" or whether we must also "seek" or "ask" in terms of salvation. It seems to be both/and. "Head covered w/ dew" v2 may suggest Christ w/ a crown of thorns, & blood & sweat dripping down his face. The excuse is "I just took off my robe" v3. She is already in bed, now He expects her to jump up & open the door ? & she's already washed her feet--does He expect her to get them dirty by walking over to the door ? Trivial excuses are what keep a lot of people from growing in faith. Nonetheless, she gets to the door with myrrh on hand (v5) (perfume on hand is a symbol of love but myrrh also represents repentance, so they say), just as He is about to open it Himself ("put his hand by the latch" v4) but by the time she opens it God is gone (v6). God kept her awake for the moment. But why did she hesitate ? Will He return? She runs out the door & this time the "watchmen" (priests/ministers) are not so sympathetic or helpful ("they struck me" v7). Suddenly she is "lovesick" realizing how much she needs God. They ask why is her beloved more important than any other beloved ? (v8). She responds poetically with praiseworthy language beginning with "white" (v10) which represents truth & purity & "gold" (v11), "spices"(v13), & "myrrh" (v13) are mentioned. "Legs are pillars of marble" (v15) (see Psalm 75.3): some comment that Christ's legs were NOT broken on the cross as were the legs of the 2 thieves. She ends by saying that He is not only her beloved but also a "friend" (v16).
SONGS 4 Some say this is Jesus speaking of the beauty of His church ("You are fair my love"v1). Note that there are seven body parts mentioned: 7 considered the number of "perfection" in those days.
"Hill of frankincense" scholars say representsCalvary & the "mountain of myrrh" (v6) is the embalmment of Jesus. "Sister-spouse" (v9) I've read is to indicate the anatomy imagery is "not carnal" but respectful. "Better than wine" is the real presence of Christ. Even though we say "This is the Body of Christ" in eucharist (some do at least) we all have a longing for the actual incarnation of Christ & Christ longs for our presence in heaven someday. "Awake o north wind" (v16) or come Holy Spirit, come. An invitation to Christ/God to come into the garden.
SONGS 3 She longs for Jesus the Messiah ("I sought the one I love" v1) . Not finding God or Jesus in her bed or in prayer in her bed she realizes she MUST not wait for Him to come to her but that she MUST SEEK HIM ("go about the city"v2) and and almost immediately after the watchmen (ministers ?) find her she finds God & "she held him & would not let him go" v4. So excited to see God she wanted to let others know about Him, first of all her mother. But since nobody can truly contain God, suddenly, here comes God out "of the wilderness" (v16) "perfumed with frankincense & myrrh...", & gold(v10) supporting "Solomon's couch" upon which the King sits. & they refer back to Solomon in the final verse, thus you see the interplay between a story re a human (Solomon) versus an allegory re Jesus/God (535 am)
SONGS 2 "like a lily" some say 'like" or "as" is referring to the church whereas Christ Himself "is" the lily. The Church strives to be "like" Christ. "Among the daughters" refers to daughters (& sons, v2) of men, NOT the innocent virgins as mentioned in ch 1."Like an apple tree": we became lost souls because of original sin & the tree of the fruit of life in the garden & because Adam & Eve tasted of that fruit. We became FOUND b/c of Christ. CHRIST is the apple tree among ordinary & the lily among thorns. We are "like" Christ & like the lily & like the apple tree. As we find comfort in Christ, others should find comfort in us as Christians. Once we are saved by Christ we sit at God's banquet with a banner declaring "LOVE" over our head (v4). Jamieson says our "nationality" is thus love. & in fact IN CHRIST we become "lovesick" (no, not sick of love but a little dazed by the power of love as you may feel with the one you love the most here on earth so is the power of God's love, only MUCH MORE so). v7 is interesting re "does of the field" . Do not "stir them" until it pleases--possibly advice re evangelism. We can plant the seed, mention Christ, but we cannot make the seed grow until it is ready. So if a person does not respond to the call of Christ, don't force anything upon them. Like "does of the field" they will quickly run ("until it pleases" v7b) . When Christ comes the doe will not run & Christ will say "Rise up my love" (v10) & will take away sin &/or the "covenant of works" ("the winter is past" v11), & now it is time to rejoice ("flowers appear", "time of singing" v12) & "come away" (v13). When we are callled by Christ we must leave what we have at that moment & follow Him, as you notice His disciples left the nets & boats & other items. "The dove" is Christ to whom we cry out & want to see the face of our Lord whom we will not see fully until we reach heaven.. "the foxes" are the little sins that need to be driven away constantly, as the grape in the spring which the fox wants to eat. Come quickly JESUS ("like the gazelle"v17)
SONGS 1: "kiss me" says who ? A female. To whom ? God ? Why ? Maybe she (a believer ? Or the church ?) Wants to hear God directly & not via the prophets. Kiss me with your "mouth" she says (v2). Your "love is better than wine"--better than getting drunk as well as also better than communion (wine is blood of Jesus in the eucharist) God's love is the direct presence of Christ in us.Christ is God & God is Christ. Your "name is ointment" (v3) . Interesting that Jesus was "anointed" with expensive perfume in Mark 14.5 . "Brought into chambers" (v4) suggests intimacy between believer & God ."If you do not know...follow in the footsteps of the flock" (v8) suggests discipleship. If she has questions, follow & learn from the Shepherd, & then teach likewise to those who listen to her ("feed your little goats"). "Ornaments of gold" possibly a crown of some sort, & Jamieson says the Hebrew for "spouse" is a "crowned one" which would fit here as God makes the believer a spouse.
Fwd: Intro to SONG of SOLOMON: Most scholars agree that Song of Solomon is an allegory re the "holy mystery of love" (see jamieson) & not just about human love & intimacy, & that Songs "furnishes the believer with the language of holy love" (ibid). S
Above 3/22/09
Eccles 12 Rember God not just during bad times ("before difficult days" v1) . Verse 2 suggests a time when there is a lot of light. If this chapter is referring to remembering God BEFORE one gets old (& have no choice but to remember God) then this verse may be a metaphor for days when a person is young & can see well (good eyes, things seem bright; "sun & light are not darkened" v2). In contrary, in old age life (& light) may seem dim & it may feel like clouds keep rolling over & covering the sun with one rain storm after another; but in youth "the clouds do not return after the rain". There is but one occassional bad moment, not recurring. . "When the almond tree blossoms" (v5) may be a metaphor for old gray hair amongst dark young hair."Desire fails" (v5) may be another reference to the condition of old age. "Silver cord is loosed"--perhaps spinal cord ? "Golden bowl", "pitcher", &"well" (v6) may be references to water which is no longer available. Water also represents life, & the maintenance of healthy living. "Words of the wise are like goads"(v11). A "goad" is a spear & so a good preacher pricks our conscience with pointed words. "Making many books" has various explanations by scholars. Some say that Solomon is expressing that if what he has written in Ecclesiastes is not enough to convince a person of the truths he expresses, nothing will do so. Others say "many books" refers to mere books of wisdom, yet uninspired, from which true wisdom will never be found & the writers (as well as readers) will weary of writing &/or reading. Thus, he too quickly comes to an end without belaboring his point any further. //402 am
Eccles 11 "Cast your bread upon the waters" may refer to the practice of throwing seed into the overflowing Nile river, which, once it recedes, will leave the seed in fertile ground, hence "you will find it" (v1). You never know when bad times, or evil, may come ("clouds are full") so make friends w/ those around you ("give serving to [not just]7, [but even] 8 [or presumably more]." v1-2.) 7 was considered a lucky or even holy number . Once we die we are either bound for heaven or hell (tree falls, there it lies, southward or northward, v3) & nothing can change it. "Sow your seed" with abundance ("do not withhold your hand" v6) would later become the source of a great parable by Jesus for telling the Good News (parable of the sower). There will come a time of judgment for the days of youth you spend "in the flesh" ( "ways of your heart...sight of your eyes" v9). Therefore repent ("remove sorrow" or better yet avoid such sorrows before it is too late or necessary to repent ("put away evil" v10). Evil in some cases refers to temporary sins, not a permanent designation of wicke character.
3/21/09 above
Eccles 10 "a little folly to one respected for wisdom & honor"
(v1) " a wise man's heart is at his right hand" (v2) with "right" perhaps symbolic for more proficient. Verses 6-8 seem to suggest a "reversal of fortune" ("servants on horses...princes walk") In v8 a man falls into a pit he dug for another. "He who splits wood may be endangered by it" (v9). Some think this means that if you violate a rule of wisdom (lack of good judgment), you will be hurt b/c of it. Also, a fool talks too much ("multiplies words" v14), & neither fool nor wise can forecast the future (not speaking of prophets). Princes "feast at the proper time...for strength" (v17). They eat or drink not just for self-indulgence. v18-19 suggests men failing to tend to practical matters of repairing a roof & partying instead ("b/c of laziness the bldg. decays", "house leaks" v18), while using bribe money to pay for extravagent parties ("money answers everything". "Do not curse...the king...or the rich" neither in "thought" nor in the "bedroom" (v20) . The "king" & the "rich" may refer to rulers & the "bird" in those days was considered "superhuman" but then knowing our thoughts is God's power & it is wise not to have any thought in mind that God would disapprove of. But what if the ruler is bad ?
Eccles 9 "a living dog better than a dead lion"(v4) some say refers to the hope of salvation & that an unconverted lion has no hope left while a living "dog"(often a term of contempt) still has hope. "Let your garments be white" (v8) may mean be innocent like the lilies of the field."Live joyfully with the wife whom you love" (v9). We can't predict much, & don't know when our time will come (v12). Some say the "great king" in v14 is the opposite of God, meaning Satan, & the "city" here is the church, while the despised poor wise man is Jesus, Himself, yet the poor man's words "are not heard" (v16)
Eccles 8 a "man's wisdom" (godly wisdom" makes his face shine (v1). The "king" is God ? (V4) ("where the word of a king is, there is power"). If we obey God we need not worry ("he who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful" v5) The "sinner" versus the "wicked." Verses 12-13 seems to distinguish between the two. We cannot figure everything out nor why some good persons experience bad things & vice-versa (v14) & so just take one day at a time (v15). I think of the poem, "It is not for us to reason why, but for us to do or die..." . We can't always figure out God's reasons or ways of doing things & we should not try to ("though a wise man attempts to know it, he will not be able to find it" v17) 521 am
Eccles 7 Why is the day of one's death better than the day of one's birth ? Only if one has a good name, it will be. Perhaps a "house of mourning" (v2) has more value b/c it makes us reflect on life, or more importantly, what comes after this life. Likewise, "sorrow is better than laughter" in terms of making one "reflective". They say the wicked are often compared to "thorns" (v6) & thorns burn relatively fast. "Do not be overly righteous" may mean "self-righteous" (v16) . He who "fears God" (v18) will escape all extremes (presumably). As we have been cursed, we also have cursed others (v 21-22). We are all sinners (v20). Solomon had 300 wives & 700 concubines but quantity is not a substitute for quality (v28) "an [honest] woman among all these I have not found..." , & only "one man" among 1000, in general (presumably). Or perhaps a figure of speech for how rare honesty is, & a foreshadowing to Christ.
Eccles 6 a man to whom "God has given riches"(v2) apparently distinguishes such a man from a rich oppressor. Yet this man for some reason cannot enjoy his wealth (cannot "eat of it" v2). & for a person ("soul") not satisfied with goodness all is "vanity" And a long life without "goodness" (or virtue) is meaningless ("even if he lives 1000 years twice" v6) . & it is more meaningful to be content with what one has than to covet ("better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of desire" v7). Good or bad, we cannot call into question GOD's way of doing things ("cannot contend w/ Him" v10) //238 am
Eccles 5 BE REVERENT in worship seems to be the beginning of ch 5 ("Walk prudently when you go to the house of God" v1). Is he saying "talk is cheap" in verse 3 ? ("A fools voice is known by his many words") whereas a vision is fulfilled by action ?
( "a dream comes through much activity"). Is bureacracy, by nature, corrupt ? Don't be surprised or waste time worrying about it (v8). Honest work allows us to sleep good (v 12) & hoarding money makes things worse for the rich man ("riches kept for their owner to his hurt" v13). All of us,poor or rich, come into life naked & with nothing & leave this life likewise (v 15-16). Take one day at a time & enjoy a good day because it is a gift from God (a "present"), whether a day laborer or a wealthy man (v 18-19). If you are doing something worthwhile & honest you will have "joy in your heart" (v20)
Eccles 4 "All the oppression" begins Solomon, confirming that some of his harsh judgments concern the oppressors. But even the oppressed have "no comforter" (v1) according to Solomon (at this point) .Its a very cynical tone ("better than both is he who never existed" v3) , Later. "Consumes his own flesh" apparently is to be contrasted with "quietness", the former being dishonest gain & the latter being honest work (v 5-6). The writer also believes it is better to have somebody with you in this life "two are better than one" & "woe to him who is alone when he falls" (v10) & "if two lie down together they will keep warm" (v11)suggests Solomon's embrace of marriage as being part of God's intention & it could also refer to Christians (or believers in God at that time before Christ) needing to support each other ("a three-fold cord is not quickly broken" v12) . He mentions a person coming "out of prison" to be "king" (v 14). Could this be Joseph ? & then does he also reflect on his own kingdom & believe that after he is gone he will be quickly forgotten ? Perhaps he thinks. It is better to be a youth still wise than to be an old king like himself (v13) ? How do we apply this chapter to our lives as Christians ? More questions than answers. Maybe that's the answer. Its just for reflection & each person can gain something from it in prayerful meditation with God.
Eccles 3 Perhaps the most read passage of Eccles is 3.1-8. A "time" for everything including a "time to be born" & "a time to die" & the writer (Solomon ?) may be suggesting that some of these are determined by God. Verse 15 says, in part, "and what is to be has already been" suggesting God has already "played" it out in advance ? But yet in the same verse it says "God requires an account of what is past" suggesting we also have free will & will be held accountable for how we use it. & later says God tests us (v22) & if our works are no better than a random beast we are no better. "A man should rejoice in his own works, for that is his heritage" (v22) suggests that we have free will to use for better or for worse or not at all. Others say the cynicism is simply the writer reflecting what the "oppressors" think about the "oppressed" ("man has no advantage over animals. All is vanity [(futile)]" v 19 . This chapter also seems to corroborate that "original sin" corrupts everything (even "in the place of righteousness iniquity was there" v16 ).
3/18/09 Above
Eccles 2 Having concluded that wisdom & knowledge (or "worldly wisdom") is meaningless, solomon tests "pleasure" ("how to gratify my flesh with wine" v3). He built "houses & vineyards"v4. He acquired servants (v5) & whatever his "heart desired" v10 , incomplete // 435 am
Eccles 1 the writer (presumably solomon, son of david) repeats "vanity, vanity..." meaning "futility" on a periodic basis. "No remembrance" v11; (when they say"king over israel in jerusalem"(v12) it apparently indicates king over israel & judah simultaneously); solomon had more wisdom & knowledge than any other person & yet he says it is meaningless too. Is he speaking rhetorically for an intended outcome ? Or is he speaking exactly what he truly feels ?
3/17/09 above
JOB 42: JOB finally humbles himself & says to God "I know you can do everything" v2 & adds "I uttered what I did not understand..."v3. & adds "Now my eye sees you...therefore I abhore myself...& REPENT" (v5-6) . Finally JOB repents which is what God wanted all along. & God tells the three friends that they have "not spoken...what is right" & tells them to go to Job & ask him to pray for them (v7-8). And the LORD blessed Job more than even before (v12) & Job lived happily ever after.
JOB 41: God mentions "leviathan" & Bible scholars debate whether this is a whale or crocodile but agree that it is meant to symbolize a fearsome creature of the sea or river. And so GOD continues, asking Job "Can you play with a [leviathan] as you would with a bird, like He can ?" v5. Supporting The notion that the creature us a crocodile in v7 God asks the rhetorical question re whether JOB can harpoon a crocodile & "fill his skin with harpoons" or "his head with spears"? The answer being NO if it is a crocodile, BUT GOD CAN. The chapter is meant to highlight how MUCH MORE POWER GOD has than man. As you continue to read you might think God is speaking of a fabled dragon ("out of his mouth....shoots fire...smoke out of his nostrils" v19-20). Whatever it is, ONLY GOD could create such a beast & ONLY GOD can control it, the point hammered home that JOB also is created by God & for God & is at God's command.// 230 am
JOB 40 GOD says to Job, "He who rebukes God, let him answer" v2. & JOB is essentially speechless ("put my hand over my mouth" v4)
JOB 39 GOD continues to humble JOB with rhetorical questions: "Do you know when the deer gives birth?" v1 ; "Who has given the horse its strength?" v19; "Does the hawk fly by your wisdom?"v26 ; "Does the eagle mount at your command?" v27
JOB 38 SUDDENLY GOD HIMSELF appears to JOB & says who is this man who speaks "without knowledge" v2. He tells JOB to act like a man & answer Him. God says, sarcastically, since you know everything Job, tell me what are the measurements of the earth or who determined them (v5) & WHO gave limits for the sea ("shut in the seas with doors" v8). He asks JOB are you so wise because you think you are so old ? ("Because the number of your days is great?"v21). God humbles JOB with questions intended to highlight WHO has the power ("Can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs" v32, presumably in reference to ursa major or the "big dipper" aka the Great Bear) or can you "send out lightning" ? v35.
JOB 37 ELIHU proclaims God's majesty & sovereignty over all the earth ('He does great things which we cannot comprehend" v5 "He tells the snow to fall" v6 "By the breath of God, ice is given" v10) He asks if JOB can understand God's plan ("do you know how the clouds are balanced" v16). Elihu reminds Job that God shows "no partiality to those who are wise of heart" v24 //12:49 am
JOB 36 ELIHU reiterates that God is just & rewards goodness & punishes wickedness ("does not preserve the life of the wicked but gives justice to the oppressed" v6 and in fact says "the righteous are seated forever" v7 but when the righteous do something wrong, God tells them ("He tells them...they have acted defiantly" v9) & teaches them ("opens their ear to instruction" v 10) but for those who do not listen to God there will be judgment ("but if they do not obey, they shall perish by the sword" v12)
3/15/09 above
JOB 35 ELIHU continues to speak against Job's sense of self-righteousness & defends God as just. He contradicts Job by saying God is NOT dependent upon man being righteous or unrighteous. He says God is TOO FAR ABOVE all of man's ways to be dependent upon man ("If you sin what do you accomplish against him?"v6 "If you are righteous what do you give him?" v7 ) & reminds JOB to "wait on God" v14 // 317 am
JOB 34 Elihu continues to speak & scolds JOB for some of what he has previously stated or implied. Elihu does NOT like Job's protest of himself being righteous & God questionable in His ways ("Job has said I am righteous but God has taken away my justice" v5 "Job's answers are like those of wicked men" v21) . I did not get the feeling, however, that JOB had truly gone so far as to say God is not just. I wonder if Elihu is misapplying Job's sentiments. Anyways, Elihu takes advantage of the moment to say that God is always just & fair ( "far be it from God to do wickedness" v10 "God repays man according to his work" v11; "God's eyes are on the ways of man" v21) //317
JOB 33 Elihu implies he is like an angel sent by God (v4) , yet also acknowledges he is human, flesh & blood & "formed out of clay" (v6) just like JOB & the three "friends". He wants to make sure JOB does not "fear" him as if he were God, Himself (v7) & then goes on to REBUKE JOB for defending his own personal integrity as if he were greater than God ("God is greater than man, ...why do you contend with him?" v12-13) & he begins to give the answer as to WHY sometimes "good" men must suffer in this life. Namely to prevent them from becoming overly proud or arrogant ("conceal pride from man" v17) God afflicts them ("man is chastened with pain" v19) & brings them (their soul) to the edge of the pit, v22) & it is at THIS POINT as the afflicted man is about to be thrown into the pit or killed
by the executioner that the afflicted man must HOPE for a "mediator" or "messenger" to deliver him (v 23). This messenger must make the man realize it is GOD ALONE who is righteous & then the messenger pays the ransom for the afflicted one, delivering him the brink of eternal doom. It seems to be a CLEAR REFERENCE or foreshadowing of CHRIST to come ! Only at this point is man delivered & suddenly man will be rejuvenated ("young like a child" v25) & will truly honor God ("will pray" & will see His face with joy" v26) and will acknowledge his sinfulness ("perverted what was right"v27). Elihu says this descent to the edge of the pit & deliverance may be necessary more than once to teach the man wisdom ("twice [or even] three times" v29) //12:40 am
JOB 32 suddenly a new person, Elihu (meaning "God is Jehovah")appears & he is the son of Barachel (meaning"God blesses"). Elihu is apparently a little upset that JOB attempts to defend his own integrity ("JOB justified himself rather than God" v2) & also that the 3 friends have no response but still condemn him (v3) & says even though he is young that God can still inspire him ("breath of the Almighty gives him understanding" v8 ; "the spirit within compels me" v18) & that he's not there to "flatter" anybody (v 22)
JOB 31: JOB defends his integrity saying he has NOT lusted after women ("why should I look upon a young woman" v 1) because he made a covenant "with his eyes" (perhaps a metaphor for God being in his line of vision rather than anything else.) JOB says "let me be weighed" (v6) as another reference to honesty (honest scales of memasure); nor has he coveted his neighbor's wife (v9) but if he has done so then the "fire" which can refine gold can also consume an object to its destruction (v 12). JOB proceeds to mention a laundry list of sins, which, had he committed he would be worthy of judgment ("deserving of judgment" v 28, but makes clear he has NOT, b done so by beginning many sentences with "if" & saying if there was a book of judgment listing sins he would wear it proudly ("bind it on me like a crown" v 36) ( // 529 am)
JOB 30: JOB compares his former status with his current status ("now they mock me" v1; "I am their taunting song" v9; "they...spit in my face" v10) & once again he speaks almost as if angry with God ("...You have become cruel to me" v 21) but it sounds to me like he is speaking prophetically of his situation & reverting back to the refining of gold metaphor he used earlier . Now he is being cast into the "mire" & is like "ashes" or "dust" v19 and like a rough metal being refined he feels the heat ("my bones burn with fever" v30)
JOB 29: JOB continues to make a defense for himself & God & thinks wistfully of the times when God did walk with him (v5) & watch over him (v2). He remembers when things were so good ("steps bathed with cream" v6) & how he also was good to others ("delivered the poor" v 12) & people appreciated him ("caused the widow's heart to sing for joy" v13) & he did not tolerate evil ("broke the fangs of the wicked" v17)
3/13/09 above
JOB 28 Job has answered the question of the plight of a wicked man on earth but has not yet fully resolved why a good man must suffer. & now in ch 28 he begins my making reference to "gold" as well other precious metals (silver, iron, copper) & the process of turning the raw element into something of value "refine" & "smelt" (v 1-2). It seems as if Job is saying that a good man is like gold or other precious metals which begins as a rough chunk who or which also needs to be refined by God thru fire (tough times) but if a good man can endure the tough times he becomes like a refined precious metal or actually much greater than gold because man is given "wisdom" ("neither gold or crystal can equal it" v17). Only man has a conscience which can "fear the Lord" or otherwise & this is the beginning of "wisdom" & likewise "understanding" ("to depart from evil" v28)
JOB 27 JOB continues to maintain his integrity ("my lips will not speak wickedness" v4; "my righteousness I hold fast"v6; ) & reverses the blame condemning those who speak against him ("may my enemy be like the wicked" v7) & says in fact, he, himself, JOB, will teach them a few things ("I will teach YOU about the hand of God" v 11) essentially saying you KNOW NOTHING !
JOB 26 JOB responds by shaming his friends ("how have you helped him who is wwithout power?" v2; "have you declared sound advice to many?" v3) and then he proceeds to out-do Bildad in poetic praise of God ("he stretches out the north...he binds up the water..."v 7-8). Job wants to show that he loves God all the more than Bildad // 621 am
JOB 25 Bildad makes a very short response in ch 25 & does not even bother to try to refute Job's discourse from ch 24 about how sometimes wicked men succeed in this worldly life. Instead, Bildad focuses on "original sin" & how nobody is good or righteous ("how then can man be righteous before God?" v4; "man ...is a maggot" v6)
3/12/09 above
JOB 24: Then JOB goes on a diatribe against violence & crime, in general, not to be outdone by Eliphaz ("take the widows ox"v3 ; "push needy off the road" v4 "cause the poor to go naked" v 10) & says sometimes they succeed in life ("they are exalted for a little while" v24) but it is shortlasting ("then they are gone"v24) /422 am
JOB 23 & the careful reader will notice that Job seems to be growing fonder towards God as time goes by which is often showed by the "fear" of God ("I am afraid of Him" v 15; "Almighty terrifies me" v 16), & in this chapter you notice Job is focusing less on his own calamities, even though he still mentions them by & by ("my complaint is bitter" & "my groaning" v 2). Towards the end of this chapter you almost begin to think that Job is thanking God for his afflictions
JOB 22 the only one being wicked in ch. 22 is Eliphaz as he concocts false charges against Job, saying "you have taken pledges from your brother for no reason" (v.6) & even taken clothes from the homeless ("stripped naked of clothing" v. 6b) and goes ON & ON. This chpter speaks LOUD & CLEAR re wrongly assuming that God is always the source of the fall of a good man.
JOB 21 Job retorts that in fact some wicked people do live long lives & prosper "yet they say to God depart from us" v. 14 & "who is the Almighty that we should serve Him" v. 15 & even wonder how they can "profit" by praying to God, assuming they cannot. Job tells his "friends" that their words are "false" (v 34)
JOB 20 Zophar launches a long diatribe about the wicked "he has oppressed & forsaken the poor" v.19; "no quietness in his heart" v. 20; "this is the heritage appointed [to the wicked man] by God" v. 29
JOB 19: Job goes so far as to actually blame God for his predicament ("God has wronged me" v.6; "set darkness in my path" v.8;) He also laments the loss of friends & is even a little angry at them ("my close friends have forgotten me" v.14) . Job cries aloud feeling all but forgotten or hated by both young & old("even young children despise me" v.18) but YET he does NOT curse God nor lose all hope in redemption & may even foreshadow the coming of Jesus ("I know that my redeemer lives" v.25) & he still firmly believes that he will see God (v.26)
Job 18 515 am Bildad is tired of Job's speech (when"...put an end to words" v.2) & reiterates his belief that Job has done something wrong ("light of the wicked indeed goes out" v.7) & that God punishes those already here on earth b/c of their disbelief ("the place of him who does not know God" v.21)
Job 17 Job doesn't feel as if this life is worth living anymore ("grave is ready for me" v.1 "eye dim b/c of sorrow" v.7)
Job 16 508 am JOB can NOT believe his "friends" keep mocking him ("scorn me" v.20). He maintains his innocence ("prayer is pure" v.17). He is depressed & in a state of shock or grief ("shattered" v. 12). He wonders why his "friends" think silence would be better ? ("If remain silent, how am I eased ?" v.6)
JOB 15 Eliphaz says that JOB has lost the fear of God ("cast off fear ...& restrain prayer") & that Job, essentially, is wicked & a liar ("iniquity","tongue of crafty" v.5) & may be saying also "we are all sinners" due to orig. sin (v. 14-16) but that Job must confess & repent
JOB 14 330 am Is JOB intentionally showing he is familiar with the doctrine of "original sin" ("born of woman...full of trouble" v.1; "clean thing ...out of unclean ?" v. 4 ) as well as "resurrection" ? ("if man dies shall he live again" v.14 ;"like a a tree cut down can sprout again" v.7 )
JOB 13 the interesting thing is that JOB refuses to acquiesce to a total lack of communication with God ("you would be silent & that's your wisdom..." v 5) . Job refuses to say that God will arbitrarily do as He pleases whether we like it or not. And that's the TURNING POINT ! Those who GIVE UP on God will be given up by God. Job, despite being miserable & taunted by "friends" refuses to give up on God & desires to "speak" & "reason" with Him (v. 3) and ULTIMATELY this is what we call "PRAYER", I.E conversation with God
JOB 12 JOB refuses to be intimidated by Zophar ("I am not inferior to you" v.3) & JOB re-affirms His absolute faith in the STRENGTH of God, making a point of going MUCH FURTHER than Zophar in giving examples of what God can do if He so pleases ("makes fools of judges...loosens the bonds of kings...leads princes away..."17-19) GOD does whatever He so chooses. JOB makes sure his friends understand he knows this very well.
JOB 11 then ZOPHAR responds to JOB not impressed with Job's rhetoric ("your empty talk" v.3) ZOPHAR says that God punishes us LESS than we deserve ("less than your iniquity deserves" v.6) implying again that JOB must have done something really bad & exhorts JOB to truly confess & repent ("prepare your heart" v.13) & says if Job was innocent he would forget his misery (v.16) & says that the wicked's only hope is loss of life (v.20)
3/10/09 above
JOB 10 328 am JOB realizes that he cannot make a defense for himself before God as do 2 men in court before a human judge "I will give free course to my complaint...will speak bitterly" v.1) He will simply COMPLAIN & LAMENT, not try to give judicial evidence for his innocence, all the while maintaining his innocence ("You know that I am not wicked" v.7) Job realizes the difference between being a common sinner versus total wickedness & depravity; & may be speaking aloud for his "friends" hoping to teach them the difference. JOB indicates that we are ALL at the MERCY of God ("even if I am righteous I cannot lift up my head" v.15) & becomes a little morbid toward the end with the theme of Sheoul becoming apparent ("before I go...to the land of darkness...shadow of death"v.21)
JOB 9 JOB responds by 1st acknowledging the GREATNESS of God ("God is wise in heart & mighty in strength" v.4) & also HUMBLES himself ("for though I were righteous I could not answer Jim" v. 15) & says even if he is blameless he is unable to comprehend such or answer God intelligibly in defense of his own innocence (v.20-21); & JOB adds it doesn't matter anyways "for God destroys both the blameless & the wicked" v.22) & JOB becomes a little rhetorical towards the end wondering why try to do anything if we are all condemned ? (v.29) but does NOT go so far to curse God ; & acknowledges the limitations of man before God "as if God is a man....that we should go to court together"v.32)
JOB 8 Bildad thinks Job should repent (v.6 "if you were pure & upright He would awake for you"; v.20 "God will not cast away the blameless")
JOB 7 Job continues to suffer & continues to think that death would be better than this miserable existence on earth; he can't sleep at night (v.4 "tossing 'til dawn") & his days are meaningless (v.6 "spent without hope"). He even tries asking for forgiveness in general(v.21 "pardon my transgression") even tho he's already told his friends he's done nothing wrong.
JOB 6, Job justifies his complaint (if "my grief were fully weighed" v.2) & he repeats his wish for death("that it would please God to crush me" v.9) & he rebukes his friends for tormening him ("to him who is afflicted kindness should be shown by his friend" v.14)
JOB 5 ELIPHAZ continues to taunt Job as if he were to blame for his misfortunes ("affliction does not come from the dust")(v.6) & tells Job to "seek God."(v.8)
JOB 4 Eliphaz assumes Job must have sinned "whoever perished being innocent. Where were the upright ever cut off?" (v. 7) 135 am
JOB 3 Job curses his day of birth but does NOT curse God
JOB 2 640 am then Satan afflicts Job with painful boils & when eliphaz, bildad, & zophar come to visit they don't even recognize him.
JOB 1: Job had 7 sons & 3 daughters. God allows Satan to see if Job will curse God. Satan causes JOB to lose oxen, donkeys, sheep, camels & servants all in one day but does NOT curse God.
3/8/09 above
ESTHER 9 & on the day the Jews are attacked they defend themselves & kill their adversaries; furthermore, Esther is allowed to hang the 10 sons of Haman ; & all the Jews defeat all their enemies "but do not lay a hand on the plunder." Furthermore, the king decides that he himself & his 2 sons should be held accountable for Haman's plot to kill the Jews & that he & his 2 sons should be hanged as well. & the days to commemorate the victory of the Jews was decreed by Esther to be called "purim"
ESTHER 8: Esther gives the house of Haman to Mordecai & a decree is sent to all the Jewish people to allow them to defend themselves when they are attacked
ESTHER 7: the next day things get even worse for Haman; he shows up at the banquet & Esther's one wish is for her people to be spared & the king asks who plotted against them & Haman is named, & he is hanged in the gallows built for Mordecai
3/7/09 above
ESTHER 6: meanwhile, the king couldn't sleep & suddenly realizes Mordecai had never been honored for revealing the plot to kill the king; & it just so happened at the same moment Haman had arrived to suggest to the king that Mordecai be hung. Instead, however b/f Haman could suggest such, the king is telling Haman to honor Mordecai ; & so it happens & mordecai returns home in disgrace 544 am
ESTHER 5: so Esther appears before the king & he puts out the golden scepter for her & asks her what her wish may be up to half the kingdom; & she asks for Haman to be also present the next day & she would tell the king. Meanwhile, Haman sees Mordecai again & is angry & his wife suggests he ask the king to hang Mordecai the next day
ESTHER 4: when Mordecai heard that about the decree to kill the Jews he contacted Esther who told him & the other Jews to fast for 3 days & she would go before the king at the risk of her life 536 am
Esther 3 later the King promotes Haman to position of high prince but Mordecai being Jewish refuses to bow down to Haman & the king is upset & at the further encouragement of Haman an order is issued for the death of all the jewish people of Mordecai's clan
ESTHER 2: so the kings eunuchs & officers search the land for all the beautiful young virgins that might please the king & they are brought to the king, including esther, daughter of mordecai, a jewish man of the benjamites. & of all the virgin women King A. chose Esther to be queen. & outside the palace her father Mordecai heard of a plot by 2 of the kings eunuchs to kill the king & he reveals it to queen Esther & she tells the King & the 2 eunuchs are hanged. 525 am
Esther 1 king ahasueras & queen vashti have wine parties but when king A. calls for the queen to come to him she refuses; therefore the kings advisors tell him to dethrone the queen & choose a new one, lest all women throughout the land begin to disobey & disrespect their husbands
NEHEM 13 /508 am the REFORMS OF NEHEMIAH? Nehemiah rebukes his people for violating the sabbath or allowing others to sell on the sabbath & reminds the people of the danger of marrying pagan women
Nehem 12 , nehemiah dedicates the WALL
Nehem 11 priests & levitrs; dedicating the wall/452 am
Nehem 10 sealing of the covenant
nehem 9 434 am--an incredible prayer of thanksgiving & praise to God, recounting the history of Israel
Nehem 8
3/5/09 above
Nehemiah 7 nehem. Recounts who returned to Jrslm
Nehemiah 6 the wall is rebuilt in 52 days. The enemy continues to try to frighten nehem. But he refuses to budge
Nehemiah 5 some of the people complain about how muxh it nas cost them to participate in rebuilding & ezra demands restitution
NEHEMIAH 4 as they build the wall the adversaries threaten & mock nehem; but they continue & guard themselves as they buils
Nehemiah 3 147 am
Nehemiah 2 NEHEMIAH asks King Artaxerxes permission to go to Jerusalem & rebuild the temple; & Artaxerxes provides protection for Nehemiah
Nehemiah 1 Nehemiah inquires re jerusalem & prays & weeps when he hears that the wall is still burning /130 Am
Ezra 10 ezra ends with more confession & repentance re pagan wives
3/3/09 above
Ezra 9 , ezra is UPSET about israel intermarrying with pagans & pleads for mercy from God //423
EZRA 8 ezra returns to Jerusalem w/ his people, & there is no ambush on the way y
Ezra 7 // 407 am KING ARTAXERXES (465 bc to 424 bc ?) is now friendly towards Ezra & is supportive of the cause of Jerusalem
EZRA 6 //340 am KING DARIUS searches the archives for the original proclamation of CYRUS & finds it; & so DARIUS ALLOWS the temple to be rebuilt & it is completed under King Darius & during the time of the prophets Haggai & Zechariah ; & passover is celebrated
ABOVE 2/28/09
Ezra 5/ 344 am nonetheless, zerubbbabel resumes construction of the temple; haggai & zechariah are mentioned as advocates of the temple; & again adversaries protest
ezra 4 adversaries of the temple builders (israel/judah) first asked to join w/ them in re-building, but the people of God said No, & so they tried to stop the temple. & they wrote to artaxerxes king of persia & he agreed.& so they stopped
Ezra 3 shouts of joy & weeping as the foundation of the temple is laid at the command of CYRUS king of persia
Above: 2/27/09
Ezra 2//919 pm who & what returned to Jerusalem w/ Zerubbabel
Ezra 1 //535 am CYRUS declares he will allow Israel to re-build a temple in Jerusalem & they take what Nebuchadnezzar had from the fallen temple & begin to rebuild (approx 537 bc ?)
Above 2/26/09
2 chron 36 jehoahz bc king & reigns for three months, then King of Egypt makes brother of jehoahaz king, Eliakim, & changes his name to Jehoiakim & he is evil & Nebuchadnezzar takes him captive; Jehoiachin b/c king @ age 8 for 3 months & did evil & King Neb removes him & makes Zedekiah king; ZEDEKIAH rebels & finally JERUSALEM falls ! The temple is destroyed ("burned the house of God" v. 19) , people killed or taken captive, & the land lay desolate (approx 586 bc); then along comes Cyrus King of Persia
2 chron 35/545 am JOSIAH restores true worship & keeps the Passover; but ignores God when He tells a prophet NOT to fight against Necho, king of Egypt; & Josiah is killed by archers of Necho
2 chron 34 king JOSIAH is good & humble & restores true worship & tears down the high places & the incense altars; Hilkiah the priest finds the book of the Law & God says his wrath will be upon many but NOT on Josiah bc he is good & humble
Above 2/25/09
2 chronicles 33/515 am
manasseh becomes king & is evil & rebuilds the high places & worships carved images. So God afflicts him & he repents & finally believe that God is the only true God. When Manasseh dies, Amon b/c king & he is evil & does not humble himself & his own servants kill him.
2 chronicles 32 sennacherib attacks hezekiah but GOD DELIVERS hezkiah; later hzkiah dies
2 chronicles 31/ 459 am hezekiah is a reformer
2 chronicles 30:hezekiah keeps the passover
Above 2/24/09
2 CHRONICLES 28: KING AHAZ BURNED HIS OWN CHILDREN IN THE FIRE; ahaz is evil. When he dies, hezekiah bc king
2 chron 27 Jotham was a good king, & reigned 16 years //
150 am
2 chron 26 UZZIAH was a good king until the day he decided to enter the temple himself to burn incense; & UZZIAH becomes a leper & outcast
2 chron 25 amaziah becomes king & he executes the servants who killed his father joash ; AMAZIAH attacks the people of Seir in the Valley of Salt & throws 10,000 off the cliff to die. Nonetheless, Amaziah steals their idols & worships them & amaziah shuns Gods prophet
2 chron 24 JOASH REPAIRS the temple & after Jehoiada dies the people stop worshiping God & turn to idols ; & so zechariah son of jehoida warns the people & joash but they stone zechariah (zech says "may the lord repay..." as he dies). & Joash is ultimately killed by his own servants after he is wounded in battle.. his servants disapproved of the killing of zechariah . Then amaziah bc king / 1258
2 chron 23 JOASH is crowned king a few years later & on that same day athaliah is killed
2 chron 22 the previous chap says that jehoahz was the only son left of jehoram but now they say ahaziah was the only son remaining (presumably of jehoram) & ahaziah became king (?) ; ahaziah is killed in battle, his mother athaliah proceeds to kill all the royal heirs but jehoshabeath hid one of the sons (joash)of ahaziah & kept him hidden while athaliah reigned
2/23/09 above
2 chron 21 Jehoram becomes king & he kills all his brothers.
Bc of jehoram's evil ways, God vowed to end his life slowly w/ a disease of the intestines.also he was invaded by the philstines & arabians who took everything xcpt his youngest son jehoahaz /540 am
2 chron 20 jehosophat wins a great battle v moab & the ammonites bc they called upon the Lord & the enemy was left dead & j-phats people spent 3 days pulling jewelry off the dead bodies. Jphat was good but did not dstroy yhe high places. Then jphat allied hmself w a wicked king of israel, ahaziah, & so the Lord destroyed the ships to tarshish
Above 2/22/09
2 chron 19// it appears that God was not very pleased w jehosophat going to batttle w ahab ("wrath of G", nonetheless jehoshophat is still in the grace of God and is a "reformer" for the time being 650 am
2 chron 18 ahab of israel & jehosophat of judah consult prophets re attacking syria & the lying prophets tell ahab he will prevail but micaiah says ahab will not live; so ahab throws micaiah in jail & disguises himself & goes into battle w j-phat. J-phat is protected by God but ahab dies in battle as predicted
2 chron 17 jehosophat removed the high places & prospered 630 am
2 chron 16 KING asa makes treaty w syria to attack israel (king baasha) but hanani the seer tells asa that bc he relied on syria & not God there will be problems ; & asa had a foot disease & consulted doctors rather than God & so he died ( also incred verse 16.9 re the "eyes of the Lord"
Above 2/21/09
2 chron 15 asa destroyes more idols & obscene things but NOT the high places; nonetheless his heart was good
2 chron 14 abijah dies & asa bc king of Judah & at this point he is good & trusts God & removes some of the idols & God helps asa defeat the large ethiopian army
2 chron 13 abijah confirms that GOD is their God in contrast to Jeroboam & when Jeroboam attacks Abijah, Jeroboam is struck down 422 am
2 chron 12 egypt attacks judah bc rehoboam had been unfaithful to God ; when Rehoboam repents God spares Judah
2 chron 11 REHOBOAM reigns in Judah & honors God & God does not allow him to attack jeroboam at the time. 405 am
2 chron 10 Jeroboam Asks new king rehoboam (son of solomon) to lighten the yolk placed on him by solomon but rehoboam rejects the advice of the elders & instead listebs to his peers & tell jeroboam he will NOT lighten the load, but increase it.. apprntly in fulfilment of something previous but Israel rebels against rehoboam & he flees (v.15)
2 chron 9
2 chron 8 solomons other accomplishments
2 chron 7
2 chron 6 , solomons incredible prayer of dedication
2/19/09 ABOVE
2 chron 4 & 5 //531 am
2 chron 3 temple being built 522 am
2 chron 2 temple begins
2 chron 1 solomon requests wisdom /509 am
2/17/01 above ///
1 chron 29, solomon anointed king 1107 pm
1 chron 28 solomon directly instructed to build the temple
1 chron 27. 24 "wrath came upon israel b/c of the census"/1053 am
1 chron 26 the gatekeepers
1 chron 25, the musicians /1037
1 chron 24 david continues to prepare for solomon to build the temple
1 chron 23 SOLOMON b/c king / 1026 pm
1 chron 22 david prepares for solomon to build a temple
1 chron 21 davids census is sinful ? Of satan ? /445 am
1 chron 20 davids conquests continue
1 chron 19 david tries to show kindness to the people of ammon after nahash dies, but they cut holes in the buttocks of the pants of davids men & declare war. The syrians take ammons side but for both it is a losing battle v israel. Syria deserts ammon. /430 am
1 chron 18 david reigns & continues to conquer kingdoms
1 chron 17 God tells david that davids son will build the temple /418 am
1 chron 16- ark placed in tabernacle; /410 am
1 chron 15 bringing the ark to israel (special handling); michal despizes david 1103 pm
1 chron 14 when u hear [God] marching thru the mulberry trees" 1041 pm
1 chron 13 ,. 815 pm
1 chron 12
1 chron 11david is king ! David won't drink water begotten at risk of his mens lives 804 pm
1 chron 10 philistines put sauls head in the temple of dagon
1 chron 9 749 pm
1 chron 8
1 chron 7 / 726pm (another figure with 2 sons of the same name, v.20)
1 chron 6 /711 pm
1 chron 5 /705 pm
1 chron 4 /507 pm
1 chron 3 /
1 chron 2/157 pm
1 chron 1/ 150 pm
2 kings 26
2 kings 25 JEHOIAKIN is released from prison by evil-merodach
2 kings 24 /1208
Jehoiakin takes jehoiakims place; MATTaniah bc king after jehoiakin. He is the uncle of jehoiakin & he is re-named zedekiah, & he also is evil
2 kings 23 /12 noon JOSIAH restores true worship & is good
2 kings 22 /1150 am
2 kings 21 /1145 am
2 kings 20;
2/15/09 above: starting to re-read from 2 kings 20 with gabcast upgrade