Z9/3/10 10am TRAVEL LOG (T-log, Tlog) : LATINO clerk @ AutoZone @ 2502 w. Burbank Blvd called me "boss" as I was buying oil & coolant, which is their sly way of mocking an Anglo as if to say "You're the boss, yeah right"...its all about the Mexican Latinos in LOS angeles trying to gain supremacy without going to college or playing by the rules...they just want it "just because."
BTW, if its not "boss" its some other label: "man", "dude", "guy"; also sometimes, but rarely, "sir" (& in such case, often with a little sarcasm), & also "buddy" seems to be a recent favorite. My POINT is JUST DO YOUR JOB, don't call me anything. I don't need the fake interaction. JUST DO YOUR JOB. Don't say anything other than "Thank you."
Don't say "Here you go", & don't even say, "Have a nice day" (UNLESS you Truly, honestly, mean it...if you TRULY care that the rest of my day goes well for me, otherwise save your breath). You have chosen to be a CLERK. Nobody made you become a clerk. Now its your job. So DO YOUR JOB & stop trying to be a SOCIAL ENGINEER. If you wanted to change society for the better you should have stayed in school. If you want to change society for self-serving reasons, DON'T DO IT TO ME. Leave me alone. I went to college. I paid my dues. Leave me alone. DO YOUR JOB.