A LOT Of auto-repair jobs are as SIMPLE as CHANGING A LIGHTBULB, but take a few extra tools & time...& most of us feel uncomfortable around car engines...like its brain surgery ..& we also have better & more important things to do most of the time...but the mechanics who sit around all day working on cars work ONLY on cars...& the car engine becomes very "SIMPLE" To them..(the same way playing the piano seems so easy to those who master it but so amazing to those who don't know how; or how easy flying a plane seems to those who took pilot lessons but somewhat heroic to those of us who havent; or even how amazing a mother driving a car seems to a 5-year-old ...). We all have at least one or two talents or skills or simply a dedication to something that seem amazing to somebody, but most of us don't use that to profit unjustly off of others.
...yet when the so-called "average citizen" (mother, housewife, student, salesman, even a teacher or preacher) comes in with a problem...they think a LOT OF US ARE IDIOTS to be willing to pay so much for "changing a lightbulb'...
...& so they come up with FALSE NOTIONS of why we are so stupid (or lazy)..& proceed to justify over-charging us because we are stupid or lazy or whatever comes to their mind...U see CRIMINALS usually justify their crimes by first making their victim "deserve it" (in their mind...I.e. "he's so lazy...he's so stupid..deserves to pay double").