U SEE the pornography business takes POOR GIRLS & makes them feel instantly rich & "famous" & even loved or liked...& for what ? For "mechanically" going thru the motions of sex (something they like anyways,not so bad, they think)...
& it feels good (for a while)...but it becomes a trap & can't feel very edifying forever..its the initial feeling of financial freedom from poverty that lures them...in some ways there's a certain "honesty" about them...they are willing to say "this life [in poverty] sucks"...(which a lot of 9-to-5 clerks are trying to deny...& sometimes end up oppressing others...& denigrating people who have become successful as "born with a silver spoon..." or "advantaged"..etc...) & are honest enough to admit they want "out" of poverty; unfort. they want the quick way out, like winning the lotto.
..& the problem is that they still don't gain true freedom that comes from (good) education combined w/ faith living..after the initial thrill of financial independence & the attention they might get from being in the porn business wears off they have nothing else to fall back on..they are still STUCK... when I saw this gal I could sense she was coming to that realization...& wished I could have helped her...
...that's what initially drew me to public education...I saw so many poor Latinos & wanted to help them..but once inside the schools a lot of them lose their "hunger" for getting out of the status quo & to admit "this sucks." Here's a girl who is at least willing to be honest & say "poverty sucks", but is still taking a wrong-way turn...she's HALF-RIGHT...poverty does suck...& is doing as much as she knows how to right a wrong...
Whereas some of the kids I work with aren't willing to say POVERTY SUCKS...& will not push themselves to achieve academically, the only real way out. So they aren't even half-right & are suppressing all their feelings as well...but they may be half-right in knowing that doing porno isn't the way to right a wrong.