[note: there was no choir today, not sure the volunteer choir idea is taking off, or aren't they doing it in the summer? the paid music team was present. harold shaw was in the back. also, pray for sheila schuller, r.h schuller, harold shaw, jim penner et. al. last week I sent letters encouraging the crystal cathedral to work with the catholic diocese of orange in a possible buyout plan by the diocese. I think this is the best way out of the financial crisis, and it has potential historic significance if some sort of unity can happen between catholics & protestants with the crystal cathedral as the catalyst, talk about letting the light in...]
7/24/11 cblog WALKING IN the LIGHT, Crystal Cathedral: rhs, sheila, penner, guests: julie & jay kent-ferraro (if the entire message is not shown here, go to http://cblogs.posterous.com/72411-re-gods-light-a-message-by-sheila-schul ; m: "....in prep for sheila's message , music "he is light of world". M: " dad always said, if u have good enough music you don't have to worry abt the message....I can go home now..the "I am's" of Jesus..dad launched it last week ..I continue.."I am the light of the world" ..john 8.12 message titled "enlightened"., each "I am" begins w 3 letters..go back ..the reference Jesus is making.. "I am who I am" ..how god intro'd to moses.."I am who I am" ..he's making a huge claim..walking talk...bold staterment "I am god incarnate" ..first part "I am"..2nd part darkness..."I am the light of the world"..I was borrowing car..christopher..an old beat up used car..it was twilight..my car auto headlights..but my son's car doesn't do that..headlights not on...couldn't find headlights..as much trouble as I was having seeing..people couldn't see me ..hope my husband doesn't see me..but he saw me ..pulled up w/o headlights..I couldn't see & couldn't be seen..metaphor ..for walking in darkness..lost hopless helpless..some marriages ..no way out feel hopeless..others have bills..no money..no solution..dark..some so depressed...some want to pull covers over head & don't want to get up..darkness is blindness..can't see way out..some r blind re rshp w god..don't know there's a god who loves u..u may have a strained rshp w god..dark place..walking w.o a loving living rshp is darkness..started back in ggarden..blame adam eve.god planted tree of knowledge....eat of any tree & fruit...But not this one..eve first succumbed..she wanted to be equal w god..she wanted to take god's place..I know just as much as god..she took a bite.& boom darkness..b/c we succumbed to wanting to be equal w god ..some think can run own life ..if in dark place..how's it working 4 u..god doesn't want u to walk in darkness..but there is a solution..we have light..the darker the dark..the brighter the bright..u know I lie my show&tells..vintage suitcase..filled w darkness ...open..did u feel it..cathedral filed w darkness now.not..why light is stronger than darkness always [applause]..darkness is merely the absence of light., open up heart..darkness is dispelled..darkness is just the absence of light..so imp..can't see w/o light...light has to hit the retina..absence of light creates a pic..if no light in eyes u r blind..when Jesus talks abt being the light..multiple places..hey Jesus why is this guy blind..as if cause effect..Jesus said no no ..not because anything he did..so glory of god revealed..jesus said I am the light of world..spit on ground..made mud..wash in siloam..I can see see see ..whn in darkness blind groping..the light of Jesus gives us sight..w/o we r blind..diff kinds of objects..luminous v illuminated..luminous have own light source, but moon is illuminated..it reflects light of sun..Jesus is luminous..we r illuminated..when he shines on us we can be illuminated..some will try to attract u to wrong or false light..knowledge itself..be careful..perilous waters..my dad told this story..captain on bridge..saw lights..collission course..veer to south..message back..no u veer to the north..captain responds "I am the captain..u must veer" .."no I am seaman 3rd class jones..veer to the north" captain bellowed "I am a battleship" "I am a lighthouse" ..god could have given up on us..but he didn't..gave son Jesus..our light..prayer: thank u for loviing us so much..u came, walked talked w us..loving healing forgiving god incarn..b/c ..we don't worry don't walk in darkness we have life light..."

INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me