Tuesday, August 30, 2011


8/30/11 BEWARE OF WESTMINSTER POLICE (CALIFORNIA) ...ever since two off-duty westminster cops were arrested for raping a woman, the rest of the westminster pd has been trying to take the spotlight off of themselves by hyper-vigilance in nit-picking (such as seatbelt citations) or even falsifying eye-brow raising reports...I can attest to the above personally & observed in court myself an over-abundance of "nit-pick" cases (which are also useful as a "cash cow") .

...in one case an officer mccarthy approached my car around 11pm. I was inside, about to audio-record a new chapter of audio Bible. I have already audio- recorded the entire English Bible, much of which I did  while inside my car. However, I had just driven from Bellflower where I had self-washed my car & my pants were wet (by the way, I was plannng on hanging out  in Westminster all night long so that I could pay my seatbelt citation the next morning..imagine that..I come to westminster to take care of a citation & end up getting a new one...the frivolous seatbelt citation is a whole different story) ...

...so I pulled a sleeping bag over me & was in the process of changing my pants. I also took a few seconds to apply, according to doctor's orders, some cream on my scrotum due to an irritation. This is something that is done best while lying supine.

...as I was pulling my pants up, I heard a knock & a bright light thru my back window. A voice yelled, "Come out of your car." I finished pulling up my pants & exited the car. The first thing McCarthy said was "I saw your naked butt." I said, "So what!" And wanted to add, "You pervert" but restrained myself.

...he was already writing a ticket for "camping in a car" without even bothering to ask any clarifying questions. Of course I contested it and won, but was upset to see in the "officer's notes" that he wrote "I observed him sleeping naked..."

What the ---??! You observed no such thing, you liar. I even have a receipt showing I was in Bellflower 30 minutes prior. You're saying I drove from bellflower to westminster and took off my clothes and fell sound asleep all withing 30 minutes ?

By the way, I also have plenty of old tubes of cream (called anti-itch cream, also hydro-cortisone) for my scrotum as evidence as well as my entire english Bible recorded at www.HEARINGtheWORD.posterous.com among other audio Bibles in other languages).

I tell you this as a warning. When police are embarrassed about something (ie the rape arrest of fellow cops) they don't normally back-off & apologize & act humbly. Instead they over-compensate in the other direction and try to find people to arrest or give citations for small or no reasons, among other things. And even though the citation was dismissed, I could tell that it still was circulated as eyebrow raising gossip material b/c of the suggestive notes added by mccarthy. This is the way some sleazy establishments operate. Beware.

Posted via email from NEWSbyVANDER