Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1/31/12 I ENCOURAGE U 2 BOYCOTT the NY TIMES FOR LACK OF JOURNALISTIC ETHICS & FAIRNESS: "Boycott The New York Times Petition; Whereas, The New York Times consistently and blatantly distorts the news to advance its leftist agenda. Whereas, The N

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From: vanderkok [via Pixelpipe] <>
Date: Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 2:30 AM
Subject: 1/31/12 I ENCOURAGE U 2 BOYCOTT the NY TIMES FOR LACK OF JOURNALISTIC ETHICS & FAIRNESS: "Boycott The New York Times Petition; Whereas, The New York Times consistently and blatantly distorts the news to advance its leftist agenda. Whereas, The New York Times promotes an anti-family, pro-big government, anti-faith, anti-American, politically-correct, isolationist ethic – in the guise of news coverage. news coverage Whereas The New York Times has spent decades maligning conservatives, misreporting campaign news (to favor the more liberal candidate), sneering at patriotism, denigrating America and undermining Judeo-Christian morality Whereas many of The New York Times “news” stories contain hidden assumptions, among them – the rich aren’t paying enough taxes, we need more government, abortion is a right, same-sex marriage is a matter of fairness, conservatives are heartless, man-made Global warming is an incontrovertible reality, gun-control is the most effective way to combat

BOYCOTT the NY TIMES FOR LACK OF JOURNALISTIC ETHICS & FAIRNESS: "Boycott The New York Times Petition; Whereas, The New York Times consistently and blatantly distorts the news to advance its leftist agenda. Whereas, The New York Times promotes an anti-family, pro-big government, anti-faith, anti-American, politically-correct, isolationist ethic – in the guise of news coverage. news coverage Whereas The New York Times has spent decades maligning conservatives, misreporting campaign news (to favor the more liberal candidate), sneering at patriotism, denigrating America and undermining Judeo-Christian morality Whereas many of The New York Times “news” stories contain hidden assumptions, among them – the rich aren’t paying enough taxes, we need more government, abortion is a right, same-sex marriage is a matter of fairness, conservatives are heartless, man-made Global warming is an incontrovertible reality, gun-control is the most effective way to combat crime, foreign terrorism suspects are entitled to all of the due-process rights of American citizens, and negotiations are the best way to confront terrorist states. Whereas the influence of The New York..."

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