frankly, as much as the demolition derby is a little brief thrill..its is exactly only that: very TEMPORAL (short-lasting)...& so as I sat there waiting for the demo derby to begin I began to think about the crowd, perhaps many of whom know nothing or little about anything more meaningful in life than temporal satisfactions...which need to keep being re+filled...without any everlasting peace....& my ultimate purpose in life is to TELL PEOPLE about more important things in life, namely Jesus Christ who gives everlasting peace & fulfillment...but yet go try & tell an average joe about Jesus & you might get a middle finger in your face or I usually do windshield evangelism, but I also pray...& one of my mottos is "prayer requires presence"...(so the closer you can feasibly get to the person or persons you are praying for, the better...Why? because it brings you closer to their situation in life & makes u less judgmental & more essence "incarnational" as Jesus was when He walked as a human on earth...