Thursday, August 19, 2010

1/14/10 C-blog, SOMETIMES THE ENEMY IS YOURSELF, HOLY FAM(artesia 630p) M "Our first reading speaks of a war ..a battle..cinfirmation process is a preparation for battlewar..we become soldiers of Christ, defenders of the faith, just like military cam

1/14/10 C-blog, SOMETIMES THE ENEMY IS YOURSELF, HOLY FAM(artesia 630p) M "Our first reading speaks of a war ..a battle..cinfirmation process is a preparation for battlewar..we become soldiers of Christ, defenders of the faith, just like military campl, that's what confirmation is about. Its the battle against sin, the most difficult war. Why? Because its so subtle. Manytimes not aware of the enemy, sometimes not far away, sometimes the enemy is yourself, inside you. Battle between us..our good self v bad self...experience paul..'Lord what is going on ? That which I want to do, I don't do. What I don't want to do, I do. " This is the battle..mmy dear friends..big battle ahead..confirmation will prepare uou...depending on your personal response...can onlu win if you follow die to selfishness,,pride, bad habits...cross is a symbol..victory over death..we will win by being diligent like win with...struggle..remember the enemy is smarter than you...knows better..the devil will attack your weakness..if money, if pride., if sex...devil will offer opps KNOW THYSELF...knowledge is power...knowledge..Jesus is the winner..gave self to others so thaat others may live & give life...knowing self..don't be afraid..know the tactics of the boxers watch previous fights of the the devil & previous games..big task..our team is prepared to equip you..we have sacrments..teachers, most of all JESUS..."

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