Thursday, August 19, 2010

12/09 c-blog, HOW WOULD MARY & JOSEPH LIVE TODAY ? ST. JBAP COSTA MESA M: " would mary & joseph live today ..always accosted by media to buy...promotes selfishness..tend to be distracted by it..half of paper full of ads...promotion of materiali

12/09 c-blog, HOW WOULD MARY & JOSEPH LIVE TODAY ?  ST. JBAP COSTA MESA M: " would mary & joseph live today ..always accosted by media to buy...promotes selfishness..tend to be distracted by it..half of paper full of ads...promotion of materialism..imag. mary & jo react against for more imp ...both university jobs..give to 3rd world...avoid credit card use...simplicity..uncluttered...attitude to children...maybe homeschoolers...quality time for children..spiritual formation...prayer...mass on Sunday goes w/o saying...moral prayer..strong focus..high point of family life...father is like the priest of the family...don't forget mother as equal partner as leader teacher of prayer..parental fortitude...spiritual courage..face up to diff. Of mod world..polit sit...threats ag families...recent elections & against marriage...mothers & fathers sb leaders..inner fortitude..defend..vigilance against media..when I was a child..mother would say turn that off...nowadays...internet..handheld devices..children know more than we do re hese gadgets...passive internet..why should we settle ...creative minds & intelligence..encourage to be recreational in active way...nature, sports, prioritize..other forms of those can do...marital fidelity..controlling media...many adults part of job..internet temptation...quality time as couple.

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