Thursday, August 19, 2010

1/8/10 c-blog, WHAT BEGAN ON DEC 24 COMES TO AN END TOMORROW Incarn "..tomorrow night...what began on dec 24...comes to an end...Jesus is now 33 years old...not much about Jesus in between...they didn't think they would all die out...need to focus &

1/8/10  c-blog, WHAT BEGAN ON DEC 24 COMES TO AN END TOMORROW  Incarn "..tomorrow night...what began on dec 24...comes to an end...Jesus is now 33 years old...not much about Jesus in between...they didn't think they would all die out...need to focus & emphasize what's really important..Jesus is forgiving...healing...dying rising..that's what's really important..even though the baby Jesus & Carols & music ^ gifts is we have to grow up"

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