Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The GAY & LESBIAN COMMUNITY is into "domination" & "submission"..that's where a lot of this "posturing" comes into play when you walk into stores & encounter various clerks..they will try to 'test the waters" in the way they treat you (or mistreat you)...if they can call you "dude" in a condescending manner & get away with it they consider it a victory..so you have to KEEP CONFRONTING IT..

The problem is often compounded by the fact that there is a LINE behind you..& usually in the line are FELLOW GAYS who pick up on the CUES of the clerk who's trying to disrespect you for self-serving reasons..so you only have a FEW SECONDS usually to get in a pointed comment before the "crowd " turns on you (I.e. "we're all waiting behind you pal")  (altho you do have the option of making a phone call, or email or letter complaint later, but..if you can MAKE A POINTED COMMENT right on the spot..its better when confronting the gay community,

...but definitely difficult b/c they are quick on their feet.(no pun intended but it does fit).& you can't get too angry or violent because they are "clerks" protected by the law like little chickens who take potshots & then back off if you call their bluff..the problem being you don't want to always be "on your toes" for a random potshot..)...you want to be able to RELY on the civil code of society...

these are COWARDS who take cheap shots when you least expect it...often their co-workers don't like them either...

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