Yes, that's one of those "where were you when..." events..I remember being in Beets dormitory at calvin college frshman year when the first shuttle exploded..I was about to go to lunch..or just came back...then when columbia exploded I happened to be at fuller seminary..the campus was empty & I was walking lola..& checked the "top stories" on my phone.@ .1-800-555-8355 (they give periodic updates & other info., voice activated)...& they said something "happened" to the shuttle...but didn't give any details...I kept checking for the next hour or so & they didn't update the recording..but little by little I got the rest of the news..very sad..
INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me