BEST MOTION PICTURE: THE KING'S SPEECH (The Weinstein Co) A See-Saw Films and Bedlam Production Iain Canning, Emile Sherman and Gareth Unwin, Producers So strange that The King's Speech was used to introduce all 10 Best Picture nominees after its win was a forgone conclusion. Which it was. This is going to be a controversial move discussed for days, this having the winning film playing under the other nominated pics. What a stupid move. Hmm, I don't see Harvey Weinstein onstage -- and trust me, everyone would notice, even though Harvey Weinstein onstage -- and trust me, everyone would notice, even though the stage doesn't look big enough for all those slim British bodies. Then again, this is very much a UK film through and through. (See Deadline's Profile UK Financier Of 'The King's Speech') While in America, The Weinstein Co has received most of the PR bonanza for backing this year's Oscar-winner, it's really a British film financing company aptly named Prescience that first recognized the film's potential With an office in Beaconsfield, a quaint market town 20 miles outside of London, Prescience only set up in business 5 years ago -- which underscores how far this boutique film financier has come. Prescience has backed 25 films to date with a total production value of $400 million. It's run by managing director Tim Smith and his co-director Paul Brett who've both worked in the movie industry for more than 20 years at British outposts of Hollywood studios. Smith used to work for Fox, while Brett has worked for Miramax, Pathé and Paramount. Both come from a marketing background. The Weinstein Company and Prescience were the first financiers in after UK distributor Momentum. Iain Canning, co-producer of

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