5/1/11 ROBERT SCHULLER INTERVIEWS CHILEAN MINER, CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL [r.h. schuller interviewing jose henriquez, chilean miner, with interpreter] .
"...wonderful guest..many here to see the chilean miner .."we only had food for a few days..tuna ...cookies..we started praying..god blessed our attitude..I believe we touched god's heart..situation..he takes care of it..did u know people alive upstairs were praying 4 u...we hoped..let me tell u god is alive..always with us down there..has ears..was with us down there.. were all of u believers ? No..not all, some different..but they knew I was christian..so they asked me to pray..so I accepted... that's it..did any of them come to believe?..22 came to believe..said yes I accept jesus christ as savcior..did u ever lose hope..didn't have time for that..when did u first find out..u would be rescued ? We all know that we r in god's hands..when I accept jesus..god put mark..sons..gave holy spirit..when I say yes, want to follow u know u..god answred..before ..that god teaches..what he was going to do..so we were happy & relaxed down there..2000 feet below ? When realize the rescue was coming..after first penetration, ..communication, food, assistance, ..we had communication, ...33 of us below... were u all christians ? [Schuller asked same question again] at the time we called a pastor, asked him to call from above, to call, for them to accept jesus christ, so they, I know that Jesus..at noon, Sunday, before get out, all together, pastor from above & we sing to the lord, pastor asked "who wants to receive Jesus" 22 accepted...r u still a miner ? Free of all that. [End interview]
INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me