7/31/11 cblog JESUS is the DOOR that WILL NOT SHUT; CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL rhs not in pulpit today, sheila, penner, guests kevin sorbo & walt kallesta(?) ----? Reg music group ...walt kallesta ..on board @ cc..pastor in glendale, ca..reading fr ephesians..he's "back on the board"..."new board"..hmm...who is on this board ?..amazing grace ..by the tall african-american ..(black shirt, white tie) (no choir) ..sheila: u may be seated..didn't think i'd survive these challenging days..but when we filed for bankruptcy..made annnouncement in front of reporters,,,one of the darkest days...god assured me..I have turned eyes of world on crystal..tough on u too..thru the fire..make announcement.to ...walt says 120 days to raise $50 mil ..
For the KEVIN SORBO (Hercules, OC, Andromeda, Soul Surfer, WHAT IF) INTERVIEW, GO TO
http://cblogs.posterous.com/73111-kevin-sorbo-hercules-soul-surfer-oc-and ) [penner says prayer for kevin sorbo] "I'm going to do something the director might not usually do..lord jesus this man has anointing..lord use him behind the camera to change lives, love people.."what if" ..on dvd (netflix.amazon.com)..
[Music: sara the miracle daughter singing say "yes lord" ] SHEILA SCHULLER, MORNING MESSAGE: reading scr "thief comes to steal..I come so they may have life..I am good shep..father loves me, I lay down life..I lay it down..I am good shep..am door, interwoven..shepherds door..providers..as door for sheep..to protect u..to be your provision..jesus is there..so u can have life abundantly..[a wooden door is next to the pulpit as a visual aid] like to bang on closed doors..thought I found the right man..door closed..wanted to go to med school..door stayed closed..when time is right god will open door, walk on in..now is the time, now enter..if I had opened door at wrong time..Jesus is the shepherd..the door...when we dis god..don't know if teens still say that today ..means disobey, disrespect...god says if u bring gift & leave it at door..then we can have a rship, but then they ran away & disobeyed..the door to god opening & shutting...so finally god sends Jesus..and Jesus says he is the door..revelation "door that will not shut"..door remains open..Jesus laid down life..shepherds..opening, no gate, no door..what kept sheep in ? The shepherd literally laid down at the opening,,curl & sleep there..nothing could get by..jesus says "I have come.." will give life, laid down life, he wants to restore our life..he said it "abundant living" ..when Jesu was crucified, placed in tomb..mary & martha said 'who will open the door of the tomb"..Jesus will..it was open..in rev 3.19-21 says "here I am".here I am.I stand & knock..if anyone opens.I will come in & give u life. Abundantly..it cost christ his life for us..for all eternity..our lives were lost..my children are facing death sentence..but Jesus came down hung from cross, said "over my dead body"..maybe u feel life is hopeless..but jesus says "over my dead body'....u might think no life possible..Jesus says "no, over my resurrected body"..let us pray "ljc u have knocked, we say yes lord,"
Care & prayer: steve bowers, dorothy cady, stan cochran, muju gandapermana, joanne greenwood, jay johnson, carol lovit, judy pinkham,