[Really, folks, does everything have to be on YouTube? The kicker had to relieve himself & couldn't run to the locker room if he was needed on the field at any moment. So give him some privacy for a moment as a fellow teammate screens him with a towel as he takes a pee. (Turn the camera off!) ]
CHARGERS KICKER, NICK NOVAK, PEEING ON SIDELINEShttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekjh0K7i7bE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
INFREQUENTLY UPDATED (mostly for historical purposes): This is ALL about the CHRISTIAN FAITH, with daily news & other items mixed in ! We cannot ignore what's happening in the world around us:the good, the bad, & the ugly, but we CAN try to respond to it thru the LENS of FAITH ! I keep running the race of faith in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit ! Join me