GIRL SCOUTS DIVIDED re ALLOWING GIRLIE BOY INTO GIRL SCOUTS: [story By Mike Krumboltz] Thu, December 22, 2011, 3:24 pm PST Two months ago, a story about Bobby Montoya, a 7-year-old boy from Denver, hit the Web. Bobby, who prefers playing with girl-oriented toys and, according to his mother, Felisha Archuleta, " identfies as a girl," wanted to join his local Girl Scout mother, Felisha Archuleta, " identfies as a girl," wanted to join his local Girl Scout Troop. Initially, this was met with resistance by a representative from the Girl Scouts, who said that Bobby couldn't join. The Girl Scouts of Colorado later released a statement saying that Bobby could join if he wanted. Rachelle Trujillo, vice president of communications at Girl Scouts of Colorado, told The Upshot: "Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization, and we accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child lives a life as a girl and the family brings the child to us ...
"....The driver, Roger Andersen, 46, lost control as he tried to brake while heading north near Logan, in Utah, in slippery conditions. His daughter, nine, and four-year-old son were trapped in the water along with a second nine-year-old girl. Ex-officer Chris Willden swung into action after Mr Andersen managed to escape but was unable to open the doors to free the children.:: More US stories, videos and pictures on our dedicated news page Mr Willden was walking by the river with his father when he saw the upside-down Honda Accord. The pair jumped in the water and, after struggling..."
(see pics of the car in river at the link) 1/3/12 EX-COP SAVES 3 KIDS FROM CAR IN ICY RIVER:
"....The driver, Roger Andersen, 46, lost control as he tried to brake while heading north near Logan, in Utah, in slippery conditions. His daughter, nine, and four-year-old son were trapped in the water along with a second nine-year-old girl. Ex-officer Chris Willden swung into action after Mr Andersen managed to escape but was unable to open the doors to free the children.:: More US stories, videos and pictures on our dedicated news page Mr Willden was walking by the river with his father when he saw the upside-down Honda Accord. The pair jumped in the water and, after struggling..."