Sunday, July 25, 2010

*7/25/10 c-blog, LIVING THE LORD's PRAYER by sheila schuller at crystal cathedral,*

7/25/10 c-blog, LIVING THE LORD's PRAYER by sheila schuller at crystal cathedral,  Living the lords u have the spiritual core that will sustain you thru anything...good friend suzette caldwell..started praying..once a week..from texas..confernce call..lords I begin to pray the lords prayer..found it was changing me..spiritual core getting & referring back......I submit to You bc I know I can trust u w/ my very life....God I trust u..I give u permission to use praise & permission..& then petition.."give us this day..." need to ask..have not bc ask ASK..but my careful what u ask for..anniversary..couple clbrtng 30th anniv..sddnly..big light..voice of God..ask anything u want..wife asked for tickets round world..poof they were there..husband...asked for wife 30 years younger poof he turned into 9 year old man..ha careful what ask for..give us this day daily candy..what if he gave us candy..just candy..not very healthy..teeth rot..give us daily bread..can trust God will give us..who will give his kid a stone instead of bread? ..ask..for daily bread Jesus says..pan pita..tortilla..focacia..bread..first know prepared foods dates back to pre-historic times..bread best when fresh..fresh ..God wants u to have the best..ask boldly..not just bare provision..ask bravely...only God can provide bread..need seed sun soil rain..anybody who...also some of u need this kind of bread (money)...He wants u to have enough..remember your father is the king of kings..what does that make you? The prince of the princes...of the king of kings..He will provide..praise..give permission...petition...also do our part...matt ...knock...bread dsnt grow on trees..what if he said "daily orange"..he didn't..ingredients for bread...oil...sugar..salt..flour..old days gather wood..milk cow..make butter..etc..we have a part we have to will provide..dsnt want us to settle for day old bread...then trust..israelits when freed from egyptians..grmblng..starvng..God sent manna..daily condition..don't store it up..but some didn't trust & stored spoiled..full of maggots..therefore not worry abt what eat dad says trust for the crust...companion com pan...with bread..breaking bread..God knows we have social needs..ask for the bread of life..what r u hungry for ? Food? Finances..companionship? ...

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