Wednesday, August 31, 2011

7/15/11 cblog TO BE HUMAN is to BE DIVINE

7/15/11 cblog TO BE HUMAN is to BE DIVINE;
st. Raymond, fr india, m:"Three things..simple but very important..Jesus was going somewhere thru a field..disciples hungry..plucked grain..Jesus said nthing..but pharisees said its unlawful b/c it is "work" to pluck a they say "why they do this' Jesus "don't u remember what david did when hungry..they went to temple and ate bread of offering..only for priests"..disciples shut their mouth..three things: 1) be be human is to be divine..humaneness is the..of divine ..I cannot be human to you unless I have the divinity.. don't be human..we want to act as if "so godly" but no human in us ..even god chose to be human to others ..Jesus allowed the disciples to pluck grain...our god is a god who can feel with others ..understands the need of others ..lastly..david went to temple...bread of offering..this is the bread that can satiate my hungger..fill my stomach.mind & heart ..take eat..u shall have life ..keep in mind..: be human, fulnness of humaneness is the divine , 2) the bread, holy eucharist, ...