Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8/5/11 cblog R U WILLING 2 DENY YOURSELF 4 the SAKE of the KINGDOM ?

8/5/11  cblog R U WILLING 2 DENY YOURSELF 4 the SAKE of the KINGDOM ?  church of visitation "U must deny self..difficult to hear Jesus say this...we have things we want to keep ..self..important..to check w/...but have to deny self..this is where I'm at my earth..my place..jesus came to tell us ..your place in kingdom..what kingdom do u live in ? Want? Deny self.do I need to be rich, beautiful .need Jesus..will u belong to kingdom now..pick up cross..self denial..how become righteous ? Self or blood of christ, who makes us children of god ? Do I want to be a child of god ...maybe I'm preaching to the choir.deny self..."