Saturday, June 23, 2012

6/22/12 MY EXPERIENCE on the SET of LIZ & DICK

,so every now & thn I do a little bit of volunteer "extra" work 4 various film projects around hollywood-los angeles, & recently thy called us 4 some scenes on th Liz & Dick movie-show , began about a week ago when I received an email,asking us if we were available 2 participate,th requirements were 2 dress in black suits or tuxedos..4 a 1966 oscars scene .. at first thy said it would be from 11am 2 4pm ,but at th last minute it changed from 4pm until ,., well, it didn't have an end time..& thy played up th part about this being a "lindsay lohan" film, ha ha.. funny thing is I've been following lindsay lohan's endeavors 4 th last year or so.. as have many people, ..intentionally or othrwise.., including th paparazzi, .. as a Christian I've actually been praying 4 Lindsay hoping nothing seriously tragic happens 2 her.. I keep thinking of Marilyn Monroe .. & thn just last week suddenly thre was this car accident,& I was thinking OH NO.., & thn th next day or 2 later  thy said paramedics found her unconscious in her hotel room.. & I was alarmed again.. but it turned out 2 be a false call,she was just very tired.. by th way, I hear she's working on anothr film as well co-starring with a porn star in  a film directed by Paul Schrader . 2k me by surprise.. because Schrader has some association with my background & th calvinists of Gr& Rapids, Michigan,including Calvin College & Gr& Rapids Christian High. We already knew Schrader was a rebel (he dropped out of Calvin & came 2 hollywood & made movies like Taxi Driver & HardCore, both of which satired some aspects of Dutch-American Calvinist culture, among othr things,anyways, that's a whole 'nothr s2ry, but I was simply thinking I didn't think Schrader was so rebellious 2 start using porn stars in his films), ;, so back 2 Liz ^ Dick,I didn't know much about th movie or show but it is apparently a "biopic" , made-4-tv film on lifetime..not sure when it will be aired,& we're not really supposed 2 take pho2s or film videos on th set, so this is one of th few clips I 2k off th set as I walked 2 my car & back 2 th thatre-set yesterday (june 22) ..this is th back of th thatre (th orpheum in down2wn los angeles ..which is a very elegant old building,,,(wikipedia says this, in part, about it:", it was a popular venue 4 burlesque queen Sally R&, th Marx Brothrs, Will Rogers, Judy Garl& , Jack Benny, as well as jazz greats Lena Horne, Ella Fitzgerald & Duke Elling2n," I arrived at this iconic l&mark around 345pm & signed in, & was escorted in2 an outer room in th thatre where about 25 othrs, mostly men in black & women in various 60's outfits, were congregated, a few snacks & bottles of water on th counter 4 us..but not enough chairs at th I sat on some steps & listened 2 "old time radio" on my smartphone with headphones (I've been enjoying an old time radio app lately, including old westerns such as th six-shooter with Jimmy Stewart, as well as a few thr westerns such as Gunsmoke (Sheriff Matt Dillon)& Lightning Jim, among othrs; & also some old dramas such as "Bold Venture" starring Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall, as well as shows like "Fathr Knows Best" & "My Favorite Husb&" (Lucille Ball), et al) & yes, Jack Benny. .. th oldies seemed even more appropriate sitting inside th Orpheum.. & we sat & waited, 4 a while be4e anything happened, after a few hours thy did a wardrobe inspection..also a chicken dinner ..& we waited some more..finally around 9pm..thy 2ld us we were going in2 th thatre 4 a scene..we were escorted inside,..& after a short while placed in seats by th stage 4 a scene about th end of Hamlet..(thy apparently were doing a Hamlet starring Richard Bur2n (Bowler) scene here as well as th '66 oscars),& in this particular take, it was th end of th play..& Elizabeth (Lindsay) goes up on stage & kisses Bur2n as th cast bows 2 th applause of th audience.. ; so Lindsay comes in with jet-black hair & a bright red dress..& we do th scene 3 or 4 times,all th while Lindsay is cracking jokes. She's very down-2-earth..& definitely looking more at ease than she did when I saw her arriving at court during th past year (I would go thre & pray 4 her from time-2-time ).. ; as 4 Grant, I don't know much about him.  he has various film & tv credits..apparently a "kiwi-australian", thn thy did a few othr scenes..after which thy switched 2 an oscars scene,around 1am, & thy kept asking 4 th people 2 whom thy had provided specific costumes 2 get ready..apparently this did not include me so I assumed my role was complete..maybe I will be in th shadows of a scene,but u never know..maybe thy will cut me out..  did i buy  a black-suit 4 nothing (don't worry, i got it at goodwill ha ha !, feels pretty good on me 2., decent quality,so maybe I will use it 4 a funeral sometime..2 bad nobody wears suits  any othr time around southrn Cal, at least not where I roll, except sometimes at church, but even at some of th churches, this will cause eyes 2 roll as if its being pretentious; "dressing up" around here is wearing something better than jeans & maybe a jacket, but not a tie..i used 2 be a blue blazer-slacks kind of I don't even put on th blazer very often).. & that's my most recent "movie moment".. th people running this gig were pretty nice.. nobody screamed or glared at me or anybody else this time..that's always nice..thy seemed 2 appreciate our participation. & I hope & pray that Lindsay keeps making progress 2wards a return 2 "normal" celebrity life (ie no more near-death experiences or near-felony convictions, etc). I was googling names 4 this little s2ry I noticed thy said she smokes almost 2 packs per day on th set of Liz & ! That's dangerous. Take it easy Lindsay. We all care about u. & thanks 2 everybody else at Liz & Dick & th company that calls us. God bless u. Keep up th good work.


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