Monday, August 22, 2011

*CALL 877-989-2255 to PROTEST A MOSQUE @ GROUND ZERO ! This is a build a mosque at ground zero..its a slap in the FACE ! Now they're talking about a 15 story mosque with a fundraising deadline of september 10 ..and claim the date is just

CALL 877-989-2255 to PROTEST A MOSQUE @ GROUND ZERO ! This is a build a mosque at ground zero..its a slap in the FACE ! Now they're talking about a 15 story mosque with a fundraising deadline of september 10 ..and claim the date is just a "coincidence" ! This is a mockery ! Add your name to a petition saying "NO" to a mosque at ground zero. They can build anywhere, why at ground zero ?!  I just called myself & added my name !

Posted via email from NEWSbyVANDER